Chapter 423 Anlin Baili 2
After Su Qing finished tempering the two Taoist artifacts and turned them into high-grade spiritual treasures, he slowly got up.Stretching for a long time, the soul was too absorbed for a long time, and I had a headache for a while. After running for a few weeks, the discomfort all over my body disappeared, and my mental strength increased a little.

As soon as they left the room, they were all sitting cross-legged, with two fat birds with sparse feathers in the center.A group of people gathered there, what are they talking about?
Su Qing stretched her waist, and asked slowly: "Where did these two little fat birds come from, are they going to be roasted and eaten?"

She happened to be in seclusion for too long and needed meat to fill her hungry stomach.

The white pigeon and the crow, whom she called two little fat birds, stared blankly at their master as if they had been immobilized for a moment.

Then all the spirits looked at her with eyes that looked like they were mentally retarded. This is a monster that you have spent so much time and energy cultivating!

Su Qing rubbed her head, she seemed to have forgotten something.

"Master, you actually want to eat me."

With a familiar voice and accent, even a little fat bird can see the grievance in his small eyes.

Su Qing froze for a moment, then thought of the white dove and crow thrown out by her, and laughed awkwardly, "It turned out to be Xiaobai and Xiaohei, look at my memory, you have changed your appearance, and you were too hungry just after leaving the customs Yes, I didn’t recognize it at once, but I saw the meat.”

The two of them still can't see what it will look like in the future. There are only a few thin and short feathers, and there is really only meat left.

Everyone: "."

Is this the reason why you don't know your own monster, but you still plan to eat it?
Time passed by, and more than three months passed in a flash, and they also came to Anlin.

Because the climate here is comfortable, and it is the place where the main line of the Baili family lives, it is very rich.People who come and go are all dressed in brocade clothes, even if they are worst dressed in common clothes.

As soon as they came in, the eyes of the busy people moved towards them.It's really too eye-catching, the three monsters are too beautiful, Bo Rui is like a noble prince in the comics, Xi Ting's cool and handsome face, coupled with those blue eyes and warm temperament, Xiao Can is confident and flamboyant Her face and fiery red dress made her look extraordinarily eye-catching.

Such handsome men and beautiful women are very eye-catching when they walk together, not to mention Su Qing, who was originally pretty and lovely. After such a comparison, her face has become very ordinary, and the most eye-catching thing is that there are two faces on her shoulders. Each squatted a fat bird, and it was still an ugly fat bird.

The feathers on the two fat birds, one black and one white, are uneven, one part grows out and the other one doesn't, which is very ugly.

"Master, why are they all looking at us?"

The crow squatted on Su Qing's left shoulder, even if he was very nervous, he felt that there were too many eyes focused on them, and there were many bad eyes.

"Blame you for being too beautiful, making them look at you involuntarily."

Su Qing handed him and Baige a spiritual fruit each, and then ate it himself, talking vaguely.

The crow that took the spirit fruit nodded, without doubting the authenticity of the master's words at all, and then began to gnaw heartlessly.

Bai Ge could only smile wryly and didn't speak, he didn't dare to look in the mirror for fear that he wouldn't be able to bear the blow.

His once plump and soft feathers were all gone.

The three of Bo Rui are very conscious of keeping a distance from Su Qing, they want to save face, thank you.

"My God, those two birds are so fat, and they are given spiritual fruit."

A young monk complained directly, because the whole body of the white pigeon and the crow was full of flesh, and their stomachs were very big, and they doubted whether they could fly in the future.


As soon as he finished speaking, he cried out in pain.

Su Qing directly threw the gnawed fruit core on his head, her beast, she can raise it however she likes.

Soon a group of people hurried over from the city, eight big men were in the front, the luxurious sedan was driven by dragon horses, and there were several similar carriages behind.

"With such a big scene, which one from the Baili family came out?"

"See, it is embroidered with Buddha Ling flowers, and it is the direct descendant of Baili's family."

The people on both sides felt very self-conscious to get out of the way so that the Baili family's carriage could go all the way without stopping.

"Hey, outsider, hurry up and get out of the way, don't collide with Baili's carriage."

Seeing that Su Qing and his group were not moving, someone spoke.

But they still didn't move, standing in the middle of the road, without moving a bit.

Even though more and more people asked them to get out of the way, Su Qing just stood there, as if he didn't hear what they said.

"These people are looking for trouble on purpose."

"If they deliberately seek trouble, the Baili family will not let them go easily. Let's see what tricks they can play."

Most people started to get angry, thinking that Su Qing and the others were just looking for trouble deliberately, blocking the middle of the road and refusing to move.

The carriage came galloping quickly, and the eight big men who cleared the way stopped, and just before everyone thought they would come forward, they pinched Su Qing and the others away by force, and a member of the Baili family walked out of the carriage.

With a delicate face, he looked to be only in his thirties, but the petals of Buddha Ling on his body showed that he was an elder of the Baili family with a high status.

With a smile on his face, he slowly walked towards Su Qing, "I'm late, please don't blame Su Qing."

That polite and humble attitude simply caught the melon-eaters around him by surprise.His eyes flicked to Su Qing, who is this little girl?To make the elders of the Baili family treat each other like this.

After Su Qing arrived in Anlin, she sent a teleportation message to Bailixi. After all, the only acquaintances in Baili's family besides her brother were him, but she still wanted to surprise him.

"It's okay, let's go back quickly." She didn't want to stay here and be scrutinized by many people.

"Yes, yes, please get on the carriage."

Bailixi had a very good attitude, arranged Su Qing and his party into the carriage, and directed eight coachmen to turn around and go back to the house.

The carriage is covered with a layer of soft thick blankets, a small table is placed on it, and an exquisite and small triangular incense burner is placed in the middle. The fireworks are curling up, and the fragrance is tangy. Smell makes people calm down and become very spiritual. Relax.There are some snacks and tea around.

Su Qing and Baili Xi sat in a carriage because they wanted to ask him something.

She leaned back there, closing her eyes and meditating.But Bailixi was inexplicably nervous, holding the teacup with his fingers rubbing against the tea handle, his eyes glanced at Su Qing from time to time.And every time he sweeps over, he will meet the eyes of the two fat birds on his upper shoulders.

Why did he feel that these two ugly fat birds looked familiar?I'm very confused, it's not possible.

She suddenly opened her eyes, and her sharp and cold gaze directly met him, causing his heart to collapse instantly.

"You said last time that brother Lang is getting married soon? What's going on?"

His hand holding the teacup was trembling, a lot of tea spilled out, and then he put the teacup on the small table.

Sitting upright, swallowing his saliva, he forgot all the words he had typed.

(End of this chapter)

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