Chapter 457

The top defensive Taoist weapon on his body was broken in an instant, his body stepped back a few steps, and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

There was no way to hide that sword, and after the defensive weapon was broken, he had no choice but to avoid the vital point and received the sword sideways.

There was a deep bloody mouth on his left shoulder, the bone was visible deep, and it was emitting black light. It was the morality of death corroding the flesh and blood.

The sinister eyes stared at Su Qing who came out of the space, "What a despicable ant!"

She deliberately seduced him with her avatar, and her real avatar was hidden in the space to sneak attack.

After the avatar was shattered, Su Qing, who was holding the broken sword in his left hand and the Qingling sword in his right, smiled instead of anger, "Thank you for the compliment, I always treat despicable people in the opposite way."

Wutian Yaodi, who is deep in space morality, plays very wretchedly. He can tear up space at any time to avoid hiding and evade other moral forces.If you don't lure and ambush like this, how can you hit him with one blow and defeat him in the shortest time.

"court death!"

After she opened her mouth, Wutian Yaodi has been silently holding the forbidden spell behind her back, and it takes time to cast it.

Now that the words have come to an end, the eyes he stared at Su Qing were like poisoned arrows, wishing that Su Qing's arrows would pierce through his heart.

The surrounding space was blocked into a field, and countless invisible wind blades emerged. They were broken space wind blades, which were cut to the direct body and scattered in different spaces, making the possibility of instant healing disappear.

"Wutian, don't forget, I am also proficient in this way!"

Su Qing's comprehension of the morality of space has greatly increased after his cultivation base has been improved, coupled with the exquisite mirror with seven apertures that can detect the trajectory of Taoism, it is easy to break through.

The rune of Daoyi in the exclusive space under her eyes enlarged and rotated, she jumped up and rushed towards him again using the green lotus step.Every time the point where the toes stopped was just before the space shattered, the speed was very fast, and she was walking on the ground as if she was clearly in danger.

It is normal to be able to predict the trajectory in advance, dodge left and right, and never get hit by the wind blade of the broken space, let alone step into the node of the broken space.

"How is it possible! Who are you!"

His field of space morality is unmatched in the outer domain, how could he be broken by a junior today!

He abruptly raised his head to look at Su Qing who came over in an instant, his face full of disbelief, and he even wanted to know how she did it!

He is a Void Beast, and his innate supernatural power is space morality. He is like a fish in water for space morality, and he can travel freely as he pleases.

This time, his every move seemed to be predicted in advance, blocking his retreat and ultimate moves!
"You shouldn't provoke someone!"

Su Qing rushed straight up, threw the broken sword, and finally trapped his body in the death domain mixed with evil spirit.

Once the black sticky sap is stained, it is difficult to get rid of, it will corrode the body, including the power of morality.

With a roar, the Wutian Demon Emperor directly transformed into the main body, the Void Beast.Void beasts are on the verge of extinction in Outland. It is rumored that they used to be at the level of divine beasts, only a little lower than phoenixes, unicorns, and four-clawed golden dragons.

Adult Void Beasts can travel freely among the six realms, which alone is against the sky.Somehow later, the habitat of the Void Beast clan was destroyed, and many adult Void Beasts died, leaving only juvenile Void Beasts with their blood blocked. Beasts are difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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