Hilarious ruffian: God, please tease!

Chapter 458 2 Dushatian Demon Formation

Chapter 458

The whole body is pure white, not stained with a trace of filth.There is a horn on the top of the head, which looks like a unicorn, or a unicorn with wings.

The moment his snow-white wings spread, Su Qing's eyes dimmed, she was so beautiful.

Well, she decided, she didn't kill him, she wanted him to be her mount.

At this moment, the snow-white Void Beast's four legs were trapped by the black juice, and its outstretched snow-white wings desperately tried to break free.

"Wutian, you submit to me."

Wutian, who was struggling with the morality of death and was about to escape, heard this sentence, and almost suspected that he was hearing hallucinations in his ears.

What?This ants actually wanted to subdue him! ?
Then look at the obviously wrong eyes that she looked at him, just now she was full of anger, wanting to kill him, the look of inconsistency, how did she become like this in a blink of an eye?

"Impossible, don't even think about it, you ant!"

Although his bloodline was sealed, the memory that can be passed down in the bloodline still exists, but he has the bloodline of a beast, so it is impossible for him to submit to a yellow-haired girl!His dignity and identity would not allow it, not even death.

"Don't refuse so quickly. Let me tell you the truth, I came down from the Immortal Realm and will definitely return to the Immortal Realm soon. Don't you want to find out why your clan was exterminated and driven to Outland?"

"And I have a higher understanding of the morality of space here, and I can help you break through the blood shackles and seals on your body."

Su Qing followed the strange sorghum who was holding a lollipop to seduce the child, and secretly transmitted the voice.

Nothing is absolutely impossible, it's just that the chips are not enough to tempt the other party.

After finishing speaking, in order to show sincerity, I burned part of the runes about space morality in the Qiqiao Linglong Mirror into the jade slip, and threw it to him, "This is only a small part, and it will be given to you when you become my contracted beast." .”

For her words, Wutian began to be dubious, if it was really what she said, it was impossible.

After all, in terms of space morality, he is very confident that no one in Outland can surpass him.It would be a different matter if she came down from the fairy world to experience calamities.

After receiving the jade slips, he probed into his spiritual sense, his mind was shocked, and his half-believing attitude became more certain.

The part she gave was exactly the same as the one in his inheritance memory, but the subsequent space rune, because the blood was sealed, he couldn't see it at all, and he didn't expect her to have it.

Restoring glory and returning to the habitat of the void clan is the lifelong wish of every void beast.His cultivation base has already crossed the peak of tribulation but he has not ascended to the immortal world for a long time. It's not because he doesn't want to, but he still can't.

The induction between their Void Clan and the upper realm seemed to be cut off and blinded, and they couldn't get the summon from somewhere.

He folded his snow-white wings, "Okay, I'm willing to be your contract beast, but it's just a contract of equality. If you can't fulfill your promise, I will cancel the contract and leave."

For an equal contract, if one party wants to forcibly terminate it, it is also possible, but it will be backlashed and seriously injured.

Since he agreed to the contract, if he hadn't reached a certain level, he wouldn't have reached that level.

Su Qing readily agreed, "Yes."

This is exactly what she wants, and she doesn't want to forcefully tie those who don't want to be by her side. One day her fall will cause them to fall together.Therefore, the contracts she signed with them were equal contracts, and she did not sign a more binding master-servant contract.

The quickness of her promise made him more at ease.From this point of view, what she just said did not deceive him.

Stepping into the realm of death, biting your fingers, chanting words.Wutian lowered his head, and Su Qing flicked the drop of blood from his finger into the center of his brow, a red light flashed, and the contract rune was formed under the feet of the two, and the contract was successful.

Tianran looked at the corners of his mouth twitching from the side, and he couldn't understand why Su Qing suddenly changed his attention because he valued Wutian's body.

However, even though Wutian Yaodi has just been trapped in the realm of death, as the top power of the Yaozu, it is impossible that he has no back-up.That's good too, so as not to hurt both sides.

As soon as the contract was completed, Su Qing excitedly climbed onto his back, sat on it, and stroked one independent horn.

Wutian: "..."

He was about to throw her off when a piece of jade slip was pasted between his brows, which was the follow-up point of the space rune.

Well, let her sit for a while.

"Tianran, come here, let's ride Wutian away."

Su Qing beckoned, the void beast's ability to travel through space is much stronger than her.Being able to defeat and suppress him was just a trick of hers.After all, he is proficient in counting and has a seven-orifice exquisite mirror.If we only talk about the morality of space, Su Qing still can't control the space as he likes like Wu Tian.

Tianran jumped up, although Wutian was dissatisfied, he still didn't throw him down.

With a leap of the front foot, the four hooves stepped into the air in an instant, and the space crack opened.

At this moment, there was a sudden voice, "Oh, Void Beast, it's really rare to see. If it wasn't for the bloodline being blocked, it would be a great achievement to bring it back."

"Some rich and powerful VIPs will want the bloodline sealed. Since they all hit our brother's hands, we will naturally bring them back to the Demon Realm together."

Once they sang, drank, and made two voices, they didn't care about the reaction below. This was a kind of contemptuous confidence, confident that they couldn't escape their palms.

Just from Shengda, Wutian was keenly aware of the terror of the two of them, and even heard those two words, Demon Realm!
When did the Demon Sect have two people who came down from the Demon Realm, and now the people from the Upper Realm are all Chinese cabbage, so worthless.

The sense of mortal danger made him frantically want to escape.Escaping into the space node, wanting to shuttle through the Demon Sect directly.

"Su Qing, you are too fateful, the devil world will send people down to arrest you!"

The first reaction was to think so, after all, he had experienced Su Qing's ability to cause trouble.

He is also very unlucky. You must know that there are these two in the Demon Realm, and they will never come here. Now that they are on the thief ship, it is difficult to think about it. Listening to the conversation between those two, he will definitely not let him go.

Tianran's eyes were heavy, and he said, "They are here to arrest me, and have nothing to do with Su Qing."

There was a strange aura emanating from him, which always made Wutian feel uncomfortable.

Come on, you are all troublemakers, he can't afford it.

"Jie Jie, I wanted to escape, but it was too late."

They have set up formations around them. This formation is not only the ground, but the space is also blocked.

"The Twelve Capitals Demonic Formation! Get up for me!"

The twelve pitch-black pillars were originally very short, but they grew wildly in an instant, towering between the sky and the earth, and the entire space and underground were filled with a force.

Wutian, who wanted to escape through the air, bumped into a pitch-black pillar in the space crack, which was the reflection of the main body, and was ejected.

Coming out of the space, Su Qing stared at the twelve pitch-black pillars around him. The golems with familiar hideous faces on them were exactly the same as the twelve Heavenly Demon pillars in Yunmeng Wonderland.

It's just that these are magic weapons, which can be blocked and have great lethality.

(End of this chapter)

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