Hilarious ruffian: God, please tease!

Chapter 480 Adding 1 Member

Chapter 480

When I opened the wooden box, I wanted to go underground to escape when I saw the khaki light "whoosh".

Su Qing smiled, and with a movement of his mind, countless sharp golden blades aimed at it.

The khaki-colored ball of light suddenly turned into the appearance of a young man, and those golden blades poked at him densely, almost puncturing his skin.

It doesn't look noble like Bo Rui, and it doesn't look gentle like Xi Ting.Bronze skin, delicate but with a sense of loyalty.

He turned around, and the golden blades turned with him.Putting away the wings on the back, staring at her with unfriendly eyes.

Su Qing is already used to it. Every innate monster is full of hostility to the monks who want to subdue it, not to mention that she has already subdued three of them, and has figured out some tricks.

Sanniang is really good. It turned out that the congenital earth spirit lost from the black bear spirit is on Alcatraz Island.At this time, the congenital earth essence was sent, which saved a lot of effort and increased her progress.

"Relax, I'm sure you're a smart guy, let's talk."

With a gentle smile on Su Qing's face and kind eyes in his eyes, the golden blades surrounding him disappeared in an instant.

Wooden vines grew beneath his feet, which soon became a chair.

He frowned, just stood there straight, his eyes kept looking around.

"Don't think about running away, do you think you can escape with your strength?"

She always speaks in a calm manner, but she can hear unquestionable pressure.

"You monks are already so strong, why do you want to catch us spirits?"

Su Qing felt a strong sense of oppression, and he knew that he had no power to fight back, but such a monk had long since stopped using external forces.

"Pfft, you are so cute. Monks are all greedy, who would dislike their wealth!?"

She couldn't help laughing out loud, Bo Rui and the three of them had no such problems after being subdued by her, this child is really innocent and innocent.

Just like modern people will never dislike their money is a truth.

She then cut to the point, "I will sign an equal contract with you, and when I transform my spiritual root into a chaotic spiritual root, you can leave as you please, and I won't stop you. If you don't leave, I have a lot of elixir and medicine here." The spiritual fruit is enough to feed you spirits."

Now her cultivation and strength can be completely crushed, and she can forcibly conclude a contract, but she doesn't like strong ones.


He grasped the important words at once and asked in doubt.How many innate spirits does she have?
Su Qing blinked, looking a little innocent, "Well, not many, you are the fourth one."

In other words, Bo Rui can leave if he wants to.But he seemed to have no idea about it.

The corners of the mouth twitched, there were only five innate monsters in total, not much to say!
Be Chinese cabbage, I'll get you a basket.

Just looking at her eyes, she knew that she was determined to win, and she would not let him escape.The Xiantian Earth Spirit sighed and came over to sign the contract obediently.

It seems that she wants to gather the five elements of innate spirits, and it seems that no monk has gathered them for five or six thousand years.

The heaven and earth dropped the contract rune, and the contract was successfully concluded.

A new power surged through her body, and she sat cross-legged and began to channel.

Looking up at his knife-like face, "What's your name?"

"Gu Kun."

Su Qing muttered in his mouth, and then said: "I'll take you into the space, there are many friends of yours, I think you will get familiar with this big family soon."

He was a little dazed, before he had time to ask anything, he was in a new environment in a blink of an eye.

She needed to refine this power as soon as possible, so naturally she didn't have time to explain too much to him.

As soon as he entered, the rich spiritual power opened up the acupuncture points all over his body, greedily absorbing it.Because of the signing of the contract, he was a little weak, and he who was originally at the peak of crossing the catastrophe became the middle stage of crossing the catastrophe.

"Eat fruit?"

The sudden childish voice startled him, and when he lowered his head, he saw a young girl in a fiery red dress, a delicate and bright face, and a body that hadn't fully grown yet.

For a while, she blushed to the ears, took the Lingguo and replied blankly: "Thank you."

Seeing that the new congenital earth spirit was a boy again, Bo Rui was very upset, and said to the girl: "Xiao Can, if you don't practice quickly, you will be the lowest."

Bo Rui and Xi Ting have recovered to the middle stage of crossing the tribulation, and Xiaocan is still in the early stage of crossing the tribulation.

"Oh, I know."

She pouted and had no choice but to run back to practice.

Grabbing the spiritual fruit, Gu Kun's eyes collided with Bo Rui who was lying on the fruit tree not far away. He could see that they were all innate spirits. He couldn't figure out why Jin Jing had such a bad attitude towards him?

"You also come to practice, we have to hurry up, there is still a tough battle to fight."

Xi Ting is still very gentle and treats everyone equally.

Gu Kun walked over, and suddenly his eyes were attracted by the Nangong jade in Lingxi.

His soul is not complete?Why is it still here.

Consciously, I didn't ask any more questions and moved on.

Xi Ting pointed behind him, "You find a fruit forest with earth spirit power, and those spirit fruits can be eaten without restraint."

Gu Kun looked at the fruit forests and the medicine fields a little bit shocked.He also felt that the Xuanchang here was a bit different, as if the growth rate of the spirit grass and fruit was much faster here than outside.

Many small caves are not so outrageous, and the spiritual power is so thick that it turns into a fog.The spiritual mist is lingering here, just like coming to a fairyland.

The range of planting land in the space was expanded once when Su Qing became Mahayana, and expanded again when he became Dujie, which formed the scene of Linhai in his eyes.

"Wow, here comes a new friend."

As soon as a group of people who had finished their physical training outside came in, Crow saw Gu Kun very keenly.

These days, Qi Liuyun and Shui Muhan have become familiar with these contracted beasts, and they never thought that another one would come so soon.

They remembered that Su Qing hadn't been out before, and they contracted a congenital monster from somewhere.

It took a lot of time to get to know each other again.

Where the nine monks are sitting, because of their strong spiritual power, they can absorb the movement of mind with a little guidance, but the speed is not very fast.

As soon as the crow opened its mouth, it didn't want to stop, "Oh, Baige, you said it's great that the boss is here, and he's not here when it's so lively."

Boss?Most are dumbfounded.

Except for Bai Ge and Bo Rui who knew who he was talking about, no one else knew.

They were very curious, and their eyes were all on the white dove.The crow always speaks out of tune, Bo Rui don't think about it.

The white pigeon said slowly: "The crow is talking about the master's first contracted beast, Mr. Yin, who is an eight-winged thunder dragon, and has been following the master for more than ten years. Because the master's advancement is too terrifying and powerful, I feel that it is holding me back. A few years ago, the Hui people accepted the inheritance."

As soon as the last sentence came out, no matter whether it was a human cultivator or a spirit monster, they all nodded like chickens eating rice.

"How old is master?"

Gu Kun felt that they might be exaggerating too much, so he asked silently.

Bo Rui said, "She will be thirty in two months."

Gu Kun, who was still doubting, felt an arrow in his heart.

The crow went on to say: "The master is amazing, it seems that without her she would not be able to deal with morality. However, the three basic morality and spatial morality are relatively top-notch. When it comes to the heart, the rest are also at the level of profoundness."

"Pfft!" Another arrow.

Shi Shi also added, "The physical body is the fourth level of perfection, in fact, the master can ascend to the fairy world, but she wants to cultivate to the peak of crossing the catastrophe."

Gu Kun felt that he had never suffered so many blows in tens of thousands of years, so he was not human at all.It must have become a beast!

Why did he ask too much.

In their eyes, it seems that there is really no Su Qing who can't do it.He also knows a lot about formations, refining tools, and elixir.

It's really incomparable, incomparable.

(End of this chapter)

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