Chapter 481 Rongli
The efficiency of Alcatraz was quite fast. Within a few days, the owner of Alcatraz brought all the groups of Alcatraz to Jubao Pavilion, a total of 11 people.

They don't develop power, so naturally they don't have low-level and middle-level monks.

Among the 11 people, the master of the island has the highest cultivation level, and he is the Sanxian Sanxian.Then there are five people who cross the catastrophe, and five people from the Mahayana.

It was also the first time for Su Qing, who went out to greet him personally, to see all the members of Alcatraz, and it was very rare to be able to get them all together.

Unrestrained, where the fun and chaos run.Even if it was their own family gathering, they hardly got together.

"Master, we meet again."

Xiaoxiao bounced over, holding in her arms a stick of candied haws taller than her, filled with candied haws.

Su Qing bent down and pinched her pink face, and said with a smile: "Yes, we are destined to meet again."

"Yeah, it's fate."

Xiao Xiao nodded her head, expressing her approval.

Then he pointed to the stick of candied haws she was holding in her arms, "Since Xiaoxiao also said that it is destined, can you give me a stick of candied haws?"

It was obvious that the words were coaxing children, and the other people on Alcatraz Island were a little stunned.

The little master of the dignified Jubao Pavilion actually went to coax children into candied haws? !
What made them even more dumbfounded was that the little ancestor who was so good at protecting food actually gave it to them.

Without any hesitation, Xiao Xiao stretched out her little hand, took it off the stick and handed it to Su Qing, "Here, give me two sticks, master."

Su Qing patted her head, and the child-abducting smile deepened on her face, "You are so good, I will bring you some spirit fruit later."

The island owner, who was wearing a green robe with curly cloud patterns embroidered with gold and black silk thread, looked suspiciously at Sanniang Jinjun and the four of them.

Is this how you have been taking Xiao Xiao out?

The four of them forced awkward smiles, because Alcatraz Island and Jubao Pavilion are a cooperative relationship, and they don't need to call Su Qing the master.And Xiaoxiao is the little ancestor in Alcatraz Island, no one dares to provoke her, but she just likes to call Su Qing master, and she will take one bite at a time.

They are also very helpless, it is useless to persuade them, and the little ancestor will not listen to them.Only Jin Jun could barely listen to what she said, but she was still like this.

"Everyone, please."

Su Qing still managed to follow the etiquette, and his eyes met the owner of Alcatraz Island.

In her impression, she thought he would be an old man with snow-white hair, a long white beard, a kind face, and a master of Taoism.

Unexpectedly, she looks quite young. Judging from her appearance, she is 40 years old, and her skin is well maintained, even tenderer than hers.It's just that there are some fine lines at the corners of the eyes, and there is also a strand of white hair on the sideburns, which reveals his age.

Su Qing didn't go to the spiritual power to find out his specific spiritual age, because it was very impolite, he was a partner after all.As far as the history of the establishment of Alcatraz is concerned, it is at least a thousand years old.

When I came to her gravity room, fortunately she had opened up enough, there was still room for ten people from Alcatraz Island.

Why not eleven, the island owner is already a Sanjie Sanxian, and his physical body and cultivation have come to an end, and there is no way to increase it.

What awaits him is the catastrophe every thousand years. If he can't get over it, he will die in harmony. If he gets through the next thousand years, he won't have to worry about falling abnormally.

Arranging them to enter the training first, Su Qing found that the island owner was not here, swept his consciousness a little, and his body appeared next to him in the next second.

"Master Su Qing, can I enter your space?"

He stood beside the ancient spirit gathering array, pointing to the space where the blue diamond materialized in the center.

"It's enough for the island owner to call me Su Qing."

At this time, she was still very polite, and it was a bit ostentatious for the island owner to call her that.

Then he said: "Since the island owner is interested, you can enter this space."

"Fellow Daoist Su Qing is so forthright, just call me Rongli."

He smiled like a breeze, like an elder who easily mingled with the younger generation, without any airs.

As for age, Su Qing didn't pay much attention to it.Because she herself can't figure out how old she is. Hearing God said that her body seems to be tens of thousands of years old, it's scary to think about it.

But she felt that she was uncivilized at that time and had no concept of time, so how could it be considered so big?So age, don't mind too much.

Since the start of training, Su Qing has no time to go in.Going in this time is considered a surprise inspection, and most of them are practicing hard.

The crow, who was playing with the soil to plant a small tree branch, suddenly felt a cold wind coming from behind him. He shivered, touched his neck, and then continued to pat the soil with both hands, covering the roots of the small tree branch tightly.

The airflow changes slightly, even they can feel it during cultivation.After running this week, everyone opened their eyes to see who came in.

When they saw Su Qing standing behind the crow with a dark face, they all covered their mouths and started laughing.

This crow has no time to spare, what a treasure.

The white dove and the crow were so close that he could feel the cold wind blowing beside him.He opened his eyes to see that it was the master, and then looked to the side, feeling a headache and rubbing his forehead.

He said why they were so quiet, turned his eyes, and held back their laughter.

He stretched out his arm to touch the crow, and he looked up in confusion, "What's wrong?"

The white pigeon lowered its head to avoid the master's cold gaze, and poked him again, even more forcefully.

fool!You should turn your head and look behind you!
The crow dodged his continued attacks, feeling aggrieved, "It hurts so much, why don't you practice hard, why did you suddenly go epileptic?"

"So you still know how to cultivate well?"

Suddenly a cold and gloomy voice came from behind, he jumped up in fright, and ran to hide behind the white pigeon.

The white dove standing in front of it felt dumbfounded by the blizzard-like eyes of its master, and pulled out the crow hiding behind it.

He first bowed his head to help the crow confess his guilt, saying: "The crow is not sensible, please forgive me, master."

The crow looked up and saw that it was the master, smiled innocently, and took out a spiritual fruit from his bosom, "Master, you are here. I just picked a fruit, but it is fresh, I will eat it for you."

The white pigeon with its head bowed really wanted to kill the pig teammate next to it.

Su Qing looked at his dirty bird claws, knelt down to take them, and said with a smile, "Xiao Hei, do you think it's boring inside?"

The crow thought about it, and replied solemnly: "It's okay, I have many friends to accompany me. Sometimes I plant trees, help them pick spirit fruits, and then water the spirit grass. It would be great if there were spirit butterflies, I want to jump Butterfly, still want to—”

A lot of ideas behind were stopped by Su Qing, "Well, I see that you are really busy. Follow me out tomorrow, and I will guide you one-on-one. This is a rare opportunity."

No matter how stupid the crow is, he still knows that his master is angry. The special training a few years ago has already shed its skin again.Now one-on-one, it must be more painful.

Pointing to the side, "White Pigeon sent a message saying that it will live and die with me, and that it will be with me."

The white dove, who hadn't spoken at all, was thrown into the water in an instant, staring at the crow who was lying and didn't blink.

There is a sentence that I don't know when to say it or not!

Even though he's a brother, it's really good to trick him like this!

will break!It will be emotionally broken!

(End of this chapter)

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