Hilarious ruffian: God, please tease!

Chapter 7 Once upon a time there was a grass 7

Chapter 7 Once upon a time there was a grass 7

A howl broke the silence of the entire No.30 triple heaven.

Su Qing, who had just recovered her consciousness, opened her eyes and found that the house she worked so hard to build was gone.

Hastily pulled out his two thick and short legs from the soil, and rushed to the ruins.Two huge leaves picked up the fragments and wailed in distress.



The magic sound pierced his ears, and Yan Jinye, who was not in samadhi, frowned, thinking that the grass was going crazy again.

Standing up, as soon as he stepped on his feet, he saw a certain grass crying bitterly holding a piece of ruins.It's so sad to have a runny nose and tears, crying and shouting!
He stood silently behind her. The ruins looked familiar, as if he had left them yesterday.

After Su Qing finished crying, she turned around and grabbed a piece of cloth, wiped her tears, blew her nose, and stared blankly at the soft cloth in her hand.

The pattern on it seems a little familiar, he raised his head blankly, the handsome man is picturesque, with a pretty face, but his complexion is very bad, his eyes are so cold that he is about to freeze her into scum.

Subconsciously, he quickly loosened the fabric, wrapped his head tightly with huge leaves, and tried to reduce his sense of existence, wishing to become transparent.

It was quiet outside, and no sound could be heard.His head was covered, and he couldn't see the outside, but the uneasiness in his heart gradually magnified.

Damn, you can't be so cowardly, she opened her two big leaves in one go.

Then, immediately, immediately, hugged his long legs.

Yan Jinye was a little dazed for a moment, but she still hadn't reacted.

Hearing a certain leaf burst into tears again, the tender leaf on the head did not forget to rub against his leg, "God, the house I built so hard was destroyed by someone yesterday. Boom ~ You have to make the decision for me! "

She was still crying when her body was lifted, and a warm force penetrated into it.Then, she realized that she had become very small, and she was still clenched in the palm of a certain ice cube.

He swallowed unconsciously, afraid that he would accidentally pinch her to death.

Ingratiatingly said: "God, the greatest god, you have a lot, don't be as knowledgeable as I am."

As he spoke, he began to secretly move his fingers away, trying to sneak out.

She became so small, only about ten centimeters tall, and wanted to see his face and observe his demeanor.But apart from seeing his tall nose bridge and thin lips that are too tender, there is nothing else to see.

After finally moving a crack, and preparing to fly out, the palm suddenly tightened.

It was pitch black, and she yelled strangely, "God, don't be impulsive. I'm not Monkey King, and I don't need Wuzhishan."

Monkey King and Wuzhishan, where did this grass come from to hear such a mess.With a wave of Yan Jinye's hand, a certain plant of grass fell straight into the soil like a shooting star.

Looking at the place that is still the same as the ruins, I hold the painting floating in the air in my hand and throw it into the sky.

The whole land changed in an instant, and it was exactly the same as the scene in the painting, except that when Su Qing opened up that land, there were more fairy grasses.She stayed away from the thickened fairy herb she took care of, and dared not approach it.

Su Qing who fell down was dizzy, and then realized that he was buried in the soil again.But this time, the handsome ice cube boy had a bit of a conscience, so he didn't reverse her.

She fluttered her leaves lazily, her burly body was turned into a small one by him, and he also sealed up the power in her body, it was too much!
(End of this chapter)

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