Hilarious ruffian: God, please tease!

Chapter 8 Once upon a time there was a grass 8

Chapter 8 Once upon a time there was a grass 8
I'm in a bad mood, and my spirits are not good. When I look at this place, except for her, there is a big tree not far away.

Looking up, there are lush tree crowns and thick trunks, about tens of meters high.

Back then, she was much bigger than it.

The two leaves hold the bud's head, swinging left and right, venting the anger in my heart.

She is really angry, she can't walk around here, thinking that her good life will be wasted by this fairy world.

Turning the leaves, he said in a muffled voice: "Big tree, move your canopy over there, I am under your shadow, and cannot carry out photosynthesis."

The only answer to her was the "rustling" sound of the breeze blowing through the leaves, as if mocking her invisible.

If Su Qing could use that power now, he would definitely make his own leaves bigger and blow away this big tree with no winks.

But she can only stand here, there is no one to talk to her, and the only big tree is still dumb.Sure enough, not all plants are as smart as her.

She has spent an unknown number of years in the black hole, so she is quite adaptable to this environment.

Taking a deep breath, the strong immortal energy permeated the whole body.The body has become smaller, but the speed of absorbing immortal energy has increased.

She has two big leaves, a little bud, and two legs.This introduction is so strange--

The lavender mysterious energy absorbed in the black hole was sealed in her buds by ice cubes, so the fairy energy she absorbed now was stored on two large leaves by her.

To be able to cultivate, there are sunny days, and the leaves are shaking happily, rippling in the breeze.

Light up her wonderful singing voice: "La la la ~ I am a hardworking god grass. Hoo hoo ~ let me become a beauty."


A loud sound made her stop singing, and the half of the crown of the big tree near her broke off, and then, the thick branches turned into the shape of hands.

Under her surprised gaze, she pulled up her own roots and ran away, with countless roots trailing behind, but the speed was as fast as lightning.

"Shua Shua" disappeared after two clicks, leaving only a huge tree pit beside her.

God!The speed of this flight is comparable to that of modern aircraft.

"Hahaha, hahaha——"

Su Qing's brows were wrinkled by the too devilish laughter, no, it should be said that the surface of the tender buds wrinkled.

"Hahaha, hahaha——"

The visitor had no intention of stopping at all, and she shouted angrily, "What are you laughing at! You are sneaky, you dare not show your face."

As soon as she finished shouting, a little boy suddenly appeared less than one meter away from her, clutching her stomach and turning over and over on the ground, laughing non-stop.

"Little kid, stop laughing."

Su Qing couldn't stand him laughing all the time, because her instinct told her that he was laughing at her.

He finally stopped laughing, and tears came from the corners of his eyes.Wiping away the tears from the corners of his eyes, he ran to her with a smile.

She suddenly had an ominous premonition. This little kid was about four or five years old. He was sculpted in pink and jade. His hair was tied with two buns with red strings. He was wearing a red bellyband and gold rings on his hands and feet.It looks very much like the little hero in the cartoons I often watched when I was a child-Nezha.

He poked her leaves with his chubby little hands, and said with a smile: "You sing really badly, even Jieshu can't stand you. But you can talk, come back and play with me."

She tried hard to slap his hand off, and she hurt from being poked.Which family's brat is this, I don't know that you can't touch others casually, it's very impolite.

"I won't go back with you, let me go."

She swayed, but couldn't escape his clutches.This little kid looks small, but he has great strength.

"Hee hee, come back with me, I have a treasure at home that can make you transform quickly."

He's seducing her, it's talking, it's conscious, it must want to change form, since she just sang.

"Don't go!"

There will be no pies in the sky, she still works hard to practice.

"Ah! Someone is stealing grass, please save me ice cube."

Before she could finish her screams, she was uprooted by the brat and held in his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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