Hilarious ruffian: God, please tease!

Chapter 85 Going to Heavenly Sword Sect 2

Chapter 85 Going to Heavenly Sword Sect 2
The blood-red broken sword swung triumphantly and hummed, as if it was very receptive to her compliments.So it stuck directly to Su Qing's back and asked her to take it out.

As soon as the Broken Sword was on his body, Su Qing, who was already overwhelmed, wanted to vomit blood.Why is this broken sword so heavy!
He raised his leg and wanted to step out, but he didn't.After several attempts, I still stayed where I was, but I was so tired that I was out of breath.

There was a forced smile on the corner of his mouth, "Excalibur, you are too heavy, I can't move it."

The broken sword immediately flew down from her back, the blade shook her head at her, and made a gesture that you can't do.

She was actually despised by a sword!Still a broken sword!
The inner cavity was burning with fire, but it just held back and didn't explode.

The broken sword lowered and landed at her feet.Su Qing's eyes lit up and stepped up.


The coercion left by the ancient road has no effect on it at all, and the speed is extremely fast!But it was hard for her, the coercion over her didn't decrease at all, and it increased a lot, so she could only lie on the sword face.He held on tightly to its hilt, for fear that it would fall if he was not careful.

After a short time, he had already left the range of the ancient road, and even flew a long way.

Su Qing, who was able to use the immortal energy, suddenly felt comfortable all over. With a little tiptoe, he flew into the air, grabbed the uncontrolled broken sword, and then fell down.

The broken sword in his hand kept struggling, and the ten thousand years of captivity made him yearn for freedom, and flying for a short distance could not satisfy him at all.


The sword trembled, as if very angry at her actions.

Su Qing chuckled, grabbed the hilt of its sword with one hand, and punched it with a fist.


Her body was tempered like the top metal in the cultivation world, sparks splashed when the two collided, and Broken Sword trembled all over.

But later, it circled the tip of the sword very provocatively, mocking that her strength was not enough to hurt it.

Su Qing didn't care about this result.This broken sword is at least a Dao weapon, and it cannot be destroyed by the current her.

She just tested the extent of her physical strength.Smashing monsters was too bloody, and she was afraid of hurting herself by smashing boulders, so it was still safe.

Broken Sword hadn't shaken a few times, strands of immortal energy enveloped its whole body, and before it could react, she put it into the ring.

"Xiaoyin, take me to find someone from the Heavenly Sword Sect."

After such a long time, people from the six major factions must have entered the ancient forest early.She wants to go back with the people of Tianjianzong to find her master Da Da, hahaha.

The slender little silver snake on the wrist vomited out the red letter, thinking that its noble status was used to find someone.

It didn't dare to refuse, and told Su Qing the whereabouts of the nearest Heavenly Sword Sect disciple very obediently.

Even the Immortal Venerable dared to fight against it, it really surrendered to her now.Now she doesn't trust it, just let it find people easily, and when its bloodline advances in the future, she will know its power.

As soon as the disciples of the six major sects entered the ancient forest, they scattered in all directions.Loose cultivators have been eliminated. In order to minimize the losses of the elite disciples among the six factions, the disciples of each faction are instructed not to do anything.

In the golden core stage, you can deal with seven or eight-level monsters, and at the peak of the golden core, you can fight with nine-level monsters.But in the secret territory, it is not bad for a person to be able to kill a sixth-level monster, but it is more important to escape when encountering a seventh-level monster.

So basically a team of five or six forms a small team, as long as they don't encounter monsters above level nine, they can still save their lives.

(End of this chapter)

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