Hilarious ruffian: God, please tease!

Chapter 86 Going to Heavenly Sword Sect 3

Chapter 86 Going to Heavenly Sword Sect 3
Sometimes fortune and misfortune depend on each other, and the five-member team led by Jin Meng has gained a lot.Killed three seventh-level monsters, eight fifth-level and sixth-level monsters, and picked a lot of top-grade spiritual herbs.

Only half of the spiritual herbs they picked would be handed over to the sect, or all of them could be handed over and exchanged for sect points.The fur, sharp claws, and inner alchemy of high-level monsters can all be exchanged for spirit stones for their cultivation, especially the monsters left over from ancient times are more valuable.

In just a few hours, it is more than what they have gained in a year of hard work outside.

Every time a secret realm is opened, chance and death coexist. Many great powers stand out from the crowd later because they obtained secret methods or treasures left over from ancient times in the secret realm when they were young.

But now Jin Meng and the others were in trouble. They pushed all the way east and saw a field of spiritual grass, and they were all rare spiritual grass outside.

When things go wrong, there must be demons. Jin Meng was not blinded by the benefits in front of him, but let them go.

But it was already too late, when they stepped into this territory, they already alarmed the peak monster beast of level nine - Qingjiao.

High-level monsters are conscious, and the higher the level, the more they are like monks.The IQ of king-level monsters is no different from that of ordinary people, and they can transform into human bodies when they reach the emperor level.

With a ferocious head, terrifying eyes full of murderous aura, and a mouth wide open, a huge body several hundred meters long rushed towards them.

"Run away!"

Jin Meng immediately drank, threw a high-level winding trap behind him, and urged his long sword to escape!

The high-level entanglement trap made the huge body of the evil dragon only pause in the blink of an eye, and then broke through.

The five people holding the flying swords are like a few grasshoppers in Qingjiao's eyes, as long as they breathe a few times, they can tear them up and swallow them all!
Cultivators and monsters absorb the spiritual power of heaven and earth and transform it into cultivation bases. Cultivators can take demon pills to improve their cultivation bases. On the contrary, monsters can also eat monks to increase their cultivation bases.

Jin Meng had already crushed the distress talisman, and looking at the evil dragon who was pulling into the distance with them in the breath, he knew that they would all die here if they could not wait for the elder's rescue!
Rather nostalgic, he looked up at Zhang Danchen who was flying beside his shoulder. Junior brother Zhang was very talented, with a single spiritual root and a spiritual body.It's just that he loves to play too much, otherwise his cultivation base would have been higher than him. I hope he will work hard in the future.

With a resolute look on his face, he stopped, "Junior Brothers, go first, I'll finish off!"

He is the second senior brother of Tianjianzong, and he should protect their safety.Escaped in this way, they were quickly overtaken by the evil dragons, and he could stop the evil dragons for a while by staying, giving them greater hope of surviving.

After finishing speaking, Fei Jian turned a corner and rushed towards the evil dragon.

"Second Senior Brother!"

Zhang Danchen shouted, turned around and followed him.He was grabbed by the shoulders by the other three senior brothers and dragged him away forcefully, with a sad tone, "Little junior brother, don't let the wish of the second senior brother live up to you!"

As early as when Jin Meng said that sentence, he sent voice transmission to the other three juniors, even if Zhang Danchen was knocked out, they must let them take him away.

If you face the evil dragon alone, you will surely die!

A small black dot flew not far away, and Qingjiao opened its bloody mouth wide, it knew that someone had come to kill him on his own initiative.Among human beings, there are too many such fools who always think that personal sacrifice can save other people's lives.

As he approached Qingjiao, the long sword under his feet buzzed, the sound was too mournful.

Since the disciples of Tianjianzong worshiped in Tianjianzong, they have been nurturing their own swords and never leave their bodies day and night.Although he didn't produce spiritual consciousness, he cooperated with his master in a tacit understanding. This is why there are so many sects who use swords in the entire cultivation world, but the sword of Tianjianzong is the strongest.

Each sword will only have one owner in its lifetime, until it dies following the owner.

Now feeling the master's determination to die, it couldn't help but scream.

(End of this chapter)

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