New Wagang

Chapter 828 Meet Wang Ruxin

Chapter 828 Meet Wang Ruxin
Besides, even if Yuwenba deliberately did this, Chai Shao could only be a dumb man eating Coptis chinensis and swallowing it himself.

"Since this matter has already happened, let's tell the county horse about something that he may not necessarily know, but he doesn't know that the county horse can't hear it." As soon as Yuwenba's words came out, Chai Shao didn't care at first, but the second half of the sentence didn't matter. Chai Shao attracted his attention and looked over.

Hearing Yuwenba's tone, he must be talking about the Li family, but for Chai Shao, how could there be something he didn't know?
If someone else said that, Chai Shao would really laugh it off, but when Yuwenba said that, Chai Shao didn't dare to take it lightly, especially when he said this with such a heavy tone, the eyes that looked at Yuwenba showed a little The color of panic seemed to be that he couldn't be sure that Yuwenba would tell a big event that he didn't know about.

Looking into those eyes, Yu Wenba really couldn't bear it at this moment.

It can be said that Chai Shao's devotion to the Li family has been devoted all his life, but the Li family has nothing but a daughter for Chai Shao, and the reason why Chai Shao is so willing is because he was tortured at Yongfu Temple. Li Yuan's discerning eyes only know people.

In fact, Chai Shao's kindness towards Li Yuan is very similar to that of Wang Bodang's towards Li Mi.

Yuwenba looked at Chai Shao and took a deep breath, and slowly told Li Shimin and Jinyang Palace Supervisor Pei Ji that they had conspired to make Li Yuan fall into Jinyang Palace, Zhang Yin and the second concubine, and Chai Shao seemed to be caught again. It's like a critical strike, and I'm dumbfounded!

Chai Shao devoted himself wholeheartedly to the Li family. In addition to Li Yuan's appreciation for himself, there is also Chai Shao's respect for Li Yuan and appreciation for Li Shimin's young talents. He is willing to assist the father and son to achieve great things. !
But what Yuwenba said, Chai Shao even felt that it was more unacceptable than the previous one. The person who has been worshiped and respected for so many years is secretly so dirty!
Moreover, the image of Mr. Pianpian, the righteous and broad-minded second son even conspired with others to cheat his own father with such despicable means! !

This is disloyal to the emperor, disfilial to the parents, and even more disrespectful to morality! ! !
Chai Shao didn't have the slightest doubt about Yuwenba's words, and there was no suspicion in the eyes that had been staring at Yuwenba all this time except shock!
"" Yuwenba seemed to want to comfort Chai Shao, but he couldn't find anything to say for a while. Finally, he stretched out his hand and patted Chai Shao's shoulder lightly, then turned around and walked out of the cabin.

At the cabin door, Yuwenba called You Niu, and said: "Don't bother the county horse. If the county horse comes out of the cabin, tell him to stay here and you don't need to change the ship. Come with me to see Wang Ruxin."

Yuwenba said the second half of the sentence to the Lei brothers, so You Niu stayed outside the cabin and waited for Chai Shao. Yuwenba took Lei Boss and Lei Laosan off the boat and went to the next boat behind.

When Wang Ruxin was thrown into a small storage room, he was relieved. After all, he was lucky not to be wiped off with a knife like Xie Laosan.

After calming down a little, although Wang Ruxin wasn't sure what would happen to him next, he still had a little bit of confidence in his heart, that is, he might not die.

If the king of Xin wanted to kill himself, he would kill him because Mao didn't follow Xie Laosan together before, which would save trouble.

After thoroughly figuring this out, Wang Ruxin couldn't help but relax his whole body, and then he felt the injury on his body carefully. His hands were still tied behind his back. Therefore, Wang Ruxin could only see his lower abdomen and the pain on his legs. The situation, fortunately, didn't seem to be a serious problem, but there was a little pain in the back, and it seemed to be hit somewhere, but these were nothing compared to my own butt.

"That black charcoal head" Wang Ruxin was terrified when he thought of Cheng Yaojin.

You said that such a wise man as Xinwang would marry such a rough man because Mao would be sworn brothers, or Heitan's head is ugly, the key is that Cheng Yaojin didn't hear about any status and family.

Thinking about it, Wang Ruxin instinctively sat down on the ground. As soon as his butt fell to the ground, he opened his mouth and wanted to scream, but he hurriedly held back.

Who knows if that Heitantou was guarding outside? It would be miserable if he heard him and then came in to kick his ass. Wang Ruxin got up from the ground after a lot of effort, and found a place to lie on his stomach. After getting off, tossing for more than half of the night, I was really tired.

However, due to the pain in his body and the worry about the unknown, Wang Ruxin still couldn't sleep. Although his life seemed to be worry-free now, there was already a relationship between himself and Wang Xin.

I don't know if I want to torture myself slowly if I don't kill myself.

Just when Wang Ruxin was thinking about it alone in a daze of fear, suddenly footsteps came from outside, then the hut was opened, a torch light came in, and a figure was elongated and thrown in front of him.

Wang Ruxin stood up with great effort and looked back, seeing that it was Yuwenba, he was startled at the moment, knelt down on his knees in a hurry, and threw himself on Yuwenba.

Perhaps it was because of the fact that his hands were tied behind his back and he knelt down too fast and he couldn't control it. So, it seemed that Wang Ruxin just threw himself on the ground, and his nose bleeds profusely, and his mouth was knocked. It was broken, but at this time Wang Ruxin didn't care about it anymore, he bowed desperately to let himself kneel in front of Yuwenba, and then kowtowed desperately.

Wang Ruxin was really scared, thinking of the grievances he had with Xiaodangshan before, Wang Ru's confidence was numb.

At this time, a person walked in from behind Yuwenba. Wang Ruxin could see clearly that this person seemed to be the leader of the fleet. Then, I heard the man growl:

"Don't move, let me untie you!"

These words were definitely the most comforting words that Wang Ruxin heard at the moment, as if he had been ordered by God, he stood there motionless and let this person toss himself back and forth.

When the ropes for both hands were untied, Wang Ruxin threw himself on the ground and kowtowed to Yuwenba, and even kowtowed twice to Chaolu Xingxing.

"Why do you kowtow like this?" Yuwenba looked at Wang Ruxin with a smile, walked to an object and sat down, while Lu Mingxing turned around and closed the door of the hut, then walked back to stand beside Yuwenba.

Apparently, Lu Mingxing was still worried that Wang Ruxin would do something unfavorable to Yuwenba. Although Wang Ruxin was a literati, after all, he was in this business for a living. Who knew if he had some ruthless methods in his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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