New Wagang

Chapter 829 Choice

Chapter 829 Choice
"The villain thanks King Xin for his grace of not killing, of course he must kowtow!" Originally, Wang Ruxin wasn't quite sure whether Yuwenba would kill him, but now seeing Yuwenba's questioning and Lu Mingxing's move to close the hut, Then you know you must be alive.

The two people in front of me have something to say to themselves, no matter what they say, as long as they can live anything.

"You're a cunning thief." Lu Mingxing snorted at Wang Ruxin, while Yu Wenba chuckled. The reaction of the two made Wang Ru's confidence reassured again.

Well, I really survived.

However, after Wang Ruxin confirmed this point, even he was a little confused. What's the matter, he didn't kill himself because of his grievances with Daxin Kingdom?

Could it be that he is not ashamed to kill himself?

When the words "not to be ashamed" popped up in Wang Ruxin's mind, Wang Ruxin himself had the urge to punch himself in the head. Damn, when did I, Wang Ruxin, despise myself so much?

However, having said that, it seems that there is indeed a bright moon in the sky between me and King Xin, and I am a firefly in the grass.

"You guessed it right." Lu Mingxing kicked a wooden stake to one side, and said, "Get up, brother has something to tell you."

"General Xie Lu, thank you King Xin!" Wang Ruxin didn't know the name of Lu Xingxing, but he also knew it after hearing Yuwenba call General Lu before.

At that moment, Wang Ruxin hurriedly got up and was about to sit down when he suddenly remembered that his butt hurts. He instinctively raised his eyelids and glanced at the two of them. on a stake.

But the things in this small storage room are all discarded, and the wooden stake is also uneven in cut, so the buttocks that are already hurting are trembling all over after being pierced, but you have to pretend that nothing happened With a grateful appearance, he bowed to the two of them to thank each other.

"Haha." Yuwenba laughed twice, waved his hand, and said, "Change something, sit down and ask me a question."

"Yes! Yes!" Wang Ruxin wiped the sweat stains from his forehead, propped himself up and moved the wooden stake aside, searched around and moved a broken wooden barrel upside down on the deck, and then slowly put his butt on it, This is a sigh of relief.

"You first tell me everything that happened after you left from Jindiwai until tonight." Yuwenba said very plainly, and there was no such thing as threatening to tell the truth, but what Wang Ruxin heard was true. Very nervous.

At that moment, the pair of small eyes turned straight, and in an instant, he had thought about Yuwenba's general purpose of asking this sentence, but in the end he still couldn't think through it thoroughly, and in the end he didn't dare to speak nonsense. Shi's general told everything about Jin Di's experience after he was let go by Yuwenba, and he dared not hide anything, and even made up some forgotten parts.

It wasn't until the mouth was dry at last that he looked at Yuwenba eagerly, with a very nervous expression.

I think Wang Ruxin, a stranger or acquaintance, can guess his thoughts with just a glance, but this Xinwang is the only one who can't get a glimpse of his thoughts even after asking the words, and I don't know how this Xinwang can do this. So young and so steady.

"You are really troublesome." After hearing this, Lu Mingxing couldn't help giving Wang Ruxin a thumbs up. This person is almost half of the anti-king forces in the territory of the Sui Dynasty. Dial several times.

"Hey." Wang Ruxin couldn't help laughing twice when he heard Lu Mingxing's words, thinking that he was humiliated by Yu Wenba and others who were still Xiaodangshan forces at the time under the Jindi, and he took out the king of Qi Zhang Jin to save his life, so the king of Xin let it go Myself, but at this time, Zhang Jincheng has been dead for many years, and Xiaodangshan has become the current Daxin Kingdom.

Presumably he was not the king of Juqi at the beginning, but just didn't compete with himself for a while.

How could the king of Xin have such a forbearing and indifferent heart.

At this moment, Wang Ruxin had no choice but to be impressed by Yuwenba's great mind!
"Do you know why this king didn't kill you?" Yuwenba finally spoke about the topic that Wang Ru was thinking about in confidence.

Wang Ruxin raised his head and just met Yuwenba's eyes, he hurriedly lowered his head again, sitting respectfully, I don't know if it was because of fear or the pain in his buttocks, only a little bit fell on the wooden barrel board, that look looks like Just like an angry little daughter-in-law.

Although his expression was depressed, Wang Ruxin didn't dare not answer Yuwenba's words, and hurriedly said: "Please tell me that no matter what kind of villain you want, you are willing to go through fire and water for King Xin, and die for Daxin Kingdom!"

"That's right, there is really something that may kill you." Wang Ruxin froze immediately after Yuwenba's words came out. He raised his eyelids to look at Yuwenba, but saw Yuwenba was staring at him, busy He lowered his gaze, and was about to express his loyalty, Yu Wenba seemed to have seen through Wang Ruxin's thoughts, waved his hand lightly, and said:
"Listen to me first, this king is not killing innocent people indiscriminately, so Xie Laosan only killed him because he wanted to cheat his sister-in-law two times and three times. Although you have grievances with Daxin Kingdom, but It was also an old event several years ago, and it did not cause indelible consequences to Xiaodangshan at that time, so if you refuse now, this king will not kill you, so I will let you off the boat and leave on your own."

Wang Ruxin's eyes lit up immediately, and he opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but he stopped talking suddenly, and the propped up body sat back on the wooden bucket board little by little, his small eyes turned straight, Obviously, at this moment, Wang Ruxin was evaluating what choice he should make.

As for what Yuwenba said about letting him go off the ship, Wang Ruxin has no doubts. When he made such a big incident in Xiaodang Mountain, he went down the mountain safely, and then he confronted him again when Xiaodang Mountain broke Weicheng. Even if he was caught, he didn't kill himself. This time he hijacked the ship, it could be regarded as a misunderstanding. Thinking about it, he really wouldn't kill himself, and he believed that Wang Sulai would do what he said!
However, if you agree, it will be a shortcut to Daxin Kingdom. Such an opportunity is not easy to come across. The former Xiaodang Mountain was fine, but now it is the majestic Daxin Kingdom. !

Wang Ruxin was weighing the pros and cons quickly, and Yuwenba didn't bother him, he just stood up and looked out at the sky from the small window of the hut. At this time, the night had gradually been replaced by dawn, and the faint mist on the river was also covered by the morning breeze. With a little bit of blowing, it seems that the anchor can be lifted and pulled out in about an hour.

Lu Mingxing was not very clear about the grievances between Wang Ruxin and Xiaodangshan in the past, and no one mentioned it to him. He also heard something in the conversation between Yuwenba and Wang Ruxin. At this time, he also stared at Wang Ruxin fiercely, like that It seemed like he didn't want to see Wang Ruxin agree.

(End of this chapter)

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