New Wagang

Chapter 867 The Great Migration

Chapter 867 The Great Migration

"This Daman still has absolute control over the Western Turkic soldiers and horses!" Chai Shao, who had been watching the show from the sidelines, finally said something.

Yuwenba glanced at Chai Shao upon hearing this, and nodded slightly.

As a later generation, Yuwenba knows the importance of Daman to the Turks. It can be said that he is the most influential Turkic khan among the top five, and his ability and leadership are extraordinary!
"According to the original deployment, Huyou County, Huozuoluo County, and Wushen County do not need to send permanent troops to the northeast, but only two teams of cruising soldiers and horses to patrol the edge of the three counties." Yu Wenba looked at Master Sheng Yan said:

"The specific personnel arrangements are all in the hands of General Sheng. In addition, some soldiers and horses will be dispatched to the edge of Ningxia to meet the migrating people sent by General Lu Mingxing's fleet. It is necessary to ensure the safety of the people's lives and family affairs. This long-distance migration is also suffering. They're gone."

Lu Mingxing knew everything about this plan. When he learned that Xue Huaming's [-] troops were completely restrained in Huyou County and that Sheng Yan's division had penetrated into the hinterland of Western Turks, Lu Mingxing knew that the final direction of this war would definitely be with his brother. It was as expected, so after making proper arrangements, they returned to Wagang and Xu Shiji began to mobilize some families of the soldiers in the cottage.

Then immediately post a notice in the city. The third step is to quickly spread the message to the people in the cities of Daxin Kingdom, and promise that as long as the family moves there, each family will cultivate ten acres of land and give a sheep. , a horse, every three households can share one farm ox, and the house has been repaired, and each household can directly get it without any money or goods to replace it.

Moreover, there are many mines, workshops, and schools in Huyou County. During the slack season, you can work to earn some money. Anyone who is willing to study can enter the school without any fee.

As soon as these conditions came out, there was a sensation in every place under the jurisdiction of the entire Daxin Kingdom. Almost everyone was discussing this matter all day long, discussing in twos and threes to see if they would go or not.

As for these promises that are close to the Arabian Nights, none of the people would doubt them. Although the people of the Sui Dynasty don’t talk about houses, land, cattle, sheep and horses, they are blessed by God if they don’t starve to death. The people of Xinguo just believe it, and there is no other reason, but Daxinguo has long been adhering to the principle that words must be followed!
Some local people in Daxin Kingdom, or those who migrated from other places earlier, are unwilling to abandon their current life. After all, what they are guarding now is already a life that many people envy, so there is no need to toss about it.

And those people from other places who have just arrived under the jurisdiction of Daxin Kingdom have not settled down for a while, and because there have been people from other places migrating to the area of ​​​​Daxin Kingdom for a long time, especially Wagang Jindiwei City and Xingyang County City There are so many people in the area that it is almost impossible to get involved. Therefore, these later common people will have other ideas.

Ever since, relocating to Huyou County became the best choice for these people, especially when they heard that King Xin was waiting for everyone to go in Huyou County, everyone was extremely excited.

In order to better promote the migration of the people, Xu Shiji persuaded his parents to go to Huyou County to settle down, and Xu Shiji's approach immediately attracted many generals to follow suit. As a result, the families of many generals of Daxin Kingdom also started Migration path.

In this way, the common people no longer have any doubts. After all, the family members of the Daxin generals will move there, and even the great military divisions will go there.

As a result, many people who didn't want to go before have changed their decision and planned to migrate there, and some merchants who are good at capturing business opportunities have spotted such a huge business opportunity, and started the layout early, and quickly began to supply various daily necessities. Purchase transportation, batch by batch to Huyou County.

The route, of course, is to enter the territory of Ningxia by water, and then from Tianzhi Village to Huyou County, Huozuoluo County and Wushen County. Because there are too many people migrating, all the troop transport ships and Haisha are used There are only [-] people transported at a time.

Because most of the people still carry their families with them or even carry a lot of items, the space for personnel transportation is further compressed, and the maximum number of [-] at a time can no longer be added.

Lu Mingxing made a rough estimate that it would take at least four round trips to transport all the people who were going to migrate there.

Looking at the extremely busy subordinates and the chaotic people in front of him, Lu Mingxing was both happy and a little sad. He was happy that such a big migration plan went so smoothly, but his worry was that the enthusiasm of the people was too high. , One by one clamored to go there earlier.

They all thought that those who passed earlier would definitely get good land and good houses, so Lu Mingxing could only send a large number of soldiers to discuss with the people in detail, regardless of the houses and land allocated to the people who passed by before and after. It's the same, because the houses are built in the same style and size, and as for the land, there is no need to worry, because the three counties have a vast geographical area, and even if more than half of the migrants come to the land, they will not be able to divide the land. .

"The rear area." Xu Shiji stood in front of the Windwatching Pavilion on Wagang Mountain and looked at the people in the city who were moving. He also let out a long breath.

"Yeah, I never thought that the Northwest, which has always been uninhabited, would be made into the future rear area of ​​my Daxin Kingdom by my brother." Wang Qing walked up quietly and first said a word, which attracted Xu Shiji to turn around. Wang Qingcai He bowed his hands to Xu Shiji in salute.

Wang Qing was a veteran on the mountain before Xu Shiji. Therefore, the two of them were already familiar with each other, and many rules were simplified in private. Xu Shiji looked at Wang Qing with a smile and nodded.

"Go into the pavilion and sit down." Xu Shiji pointed to the pavilion.

The two entered the pavilion and sat down, Wang Qing took a deep breath like Xu Shiji before and said again: "Brother has always had a vicious eye on people, this time General Sheng is also like this, my good boy , Surprisingly, like Huo Qubing in ancient times, he unexpectedly attacked the Turkic royal court and captured many troops, and my brother directly took the three counties as the territory of our Daxin Kingdom, which shocked the whole world!"

When Wang Qing spoke, his eyebrows were beaming, and his excitement was beyond words. Since the news of the signing of the third-line treaty between Daxin Kingdom and Western Turks reached Wagang, all the generals who stayed on the mountain were excited. cheers for its strength.

After all, this is a complete victory over the Turks!

"And General Luo Cheng Luo is really amazing!" After Wang Qing finished speaking, he let out a long breath, as if he was deeply relieved by Luo Cheng's display of skills.

(End of this chapter)

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