New Wagang

Chapter 868

Chapter 868
"In the past, General Na Luo acted calmly, but he always gave people a feeling of being unreliable. I didn't expect that this time he cooperated with his brother inside and outside very tacitly. He was in a battalion alone and sent [-] Turkic soldiers to the army. A large part of it is involved, and the Turkic soldiers and horses can't chase and break it, and they can't even drive it away, and it is also a brave general!"

"General Luo has gone through the baptism of this war, and when he returns, he will definitely be reborn!" Xu Shiji also gave Luo Cheng great affirmation:
"In the future, I will definitely be a great minister of Daxin!"

Wang Qing heard that although Xu Shiji seemed to give Luo Cheng a high opinion, he also felt that it might be possible. After all, being able to get his brother's personal command to fight will definitely benefit him a lot in the future. nodded.

In fact, compared with other generals, Wang Qing did not reject Luo Cheng as much as Luo Cheng. First, Luo Cheng's success would not create competition with Wang Qing. Wang Qing was a veteran of the Daxin Kingdom, and It is also in charge of logistics, which originally had no direct contact.

What's more, Wang Qingben started as a copycat leader with an unknown identity, but those generals are different, they have status, status and reputation, and Luo Ben himself is a little cold and arrogant in dealing with others, so Luo Cheng and Everyone felt a little bit isolated.

"Then Shang Huaizhu and the leader Shang are also very human." Wang Qing suddenly thought of Shang Huaizhu, and he shook his head self-consciously and said, "Brother's eyesight for knowing people is so accurate, how can you judge a person?" Then he knows his ability, just like that god!"

Perhaps, Wang Qing's movement of shaking his head was because he thought about why he and Duan Da didn't see that his brother had such ability before.

"Shangtouling will become an indispensable person in Daxin Kingdom in the future." Xu Shiji's eyes were also shining brightly, and he said, "Although the firecrackers and honeycomb wheel artillery were all designed by my brother, only Shangtou can assist them." Let my brother complete it, and I think my brother also intends to teach the leader Shang."

"The fact of refining black gunpowder is dangerous. My brother will completely hand it over to Chief Shang." Wang Qing also said something earnestly.

"By the way, is there a message from Ling Junshi's side? When will he be able to return to the mountain?" Xu Shiji suddenly remembered that Ling Jing came all the way.

A few days ago, I got the news that Jingzhou had also won the squadron and returned without bloodshed. Now more than a month has passed, and it is almost the same.

"Look at my brain." Wang Qing patted himself on the forehead suddenly, chuckled, and said: "Mr. Ling sent a letter back earlier, saying that he will return to the mountain in three days."

"En." Xu Shiji nodded, and said: "Let Zhang Jin make preparations earlier, and have enough food and drink. Didn't you say why you didn't celebrate after learning about the victory of your brother in Huyou County? Just wait until Junshi Ling comes back three days later, Double Happiness is coming to the door, let's all celebrate together!"

"Follow the order of the army division!" Wang Qing stood up and respectfully issued a letter of command to Xu Shiji. Xu Shiji felt a little surprised, and was amused to see Wang Qing seeming to be talking and laughing. He stretched out his hand and pushed Wang Qing, and said with a smile: " As ordered, don't hurry up."



At this moment, both of them couldn't help laughing out loud at the same time.

a few days later.

Gao Shilian went to Wagang.

Xu Shiji received him personally, and of course Wang Bodang was behind him.

After all, this matter had not been widely spread, so Xu Shiji did not invite more generals or officials to greet him this time.

Xu Shiji, who was Gao Shilian's status as a military advisor in Italy, was very clear about Gao Shilian, and Wang Bodang had already informed Xu Shiji of the marriage between the two families.

In front of the gate of Juyi Mansion in the city, Gao Shilian appeared in simple and plain clothes, behind him stood a young boy, about fifteen or sixteen years old, but he looked very old.

In addition, there is a servant who is carrying two burdens and pretends to be a man.

"Gao Gong!" Wang Bodang, as an acquaintance of Gao Shilian, took a step forward to greet Gao Shilian, and then introduced Xu Shiji to Gao Shilian.

"Village man from the mountains, I have seen the Great Army Advisor of the Daxin Kingdom." Gao Shilian stepped forward and bowed to Xu Shiji first, which caught Xu Shiji a little by surprise.

Originally, Xu Shiji was planning to meet the ceremony first, because after Uncle Wang took two steps first, Xu Shiji had to take two or three steps forward to meet the ceremony, otherwise it would feel inappropriate to stand beside Uncle Wang.

Unexpectedly, just as Xu Shiji took a step and raised his hand, the corner of his mouth cracked but before he could utter a word, Gao Shilian spoke first.

My brother had said earlier that Gao Shilian was always a low-key and big-hearted person, and it was true at this point of view, so Xu Shiji had no choice but to return the salute hastily.

"How can the old man, He De, dare to bother the military adviser and General Wang to come down the mountain to greet them in person." Gao Shilian once again bowed slightly to the two of them, looking at the young man behind him, and said:

"Wuji, don't hesitate to come forward and thank the military advisor and General Wang."

Xu Shiji frowned slightly, thinking that this Gao Shilian deliberately pushed out the young man behind him, thinking that the two sides' identities were too different and the young man was not qualified to introduce him directly, so he said that on purpose.

It seems that this young man is quite valued by Gao Shilian.

Both Xu Shiji and Wang Bodang couldn't help looking at Changsun Wuji, only to see Changsun Wuji take two steps generously, toss his sleeves and bow respectfully to Xu Shiji and Wang Bodang, and then said loudly Thank you both with a bow.

After Changsun Wuji's words fell, Gao Shilian then introduced his eldest grandson Wuji. Xu Shiji and Wang Bodang were a little surprised when they heard that this young man was the brother of the Changsun family, and couldn't help but take a second look .

The two raised their hands to indicate that there was no need to be too polite, and Changsun Wuji straightened up neither humble nor overbearing, but the respectful expression towards the two of them was still evident on his face.

In fact, it is better for Uncle Wang to be the eldest grandson Wuji, and Xu Shiji is definitely an existence that the eldest grandson Wuji respects. Not to mention his great achievements, his status as a great talent in Dongjun earlier is enough to make Zhangsun Wuji admire him.

You must know that this is a great talent praised by the whole county, which is indeed very different from a county or a state.

The four of them went straight up the mountain under the leadership of a small group of sergeants. When they arrived at the Juyi Hall, You Niu had already heard the news and brought tea.

After a brief greeting to each other, both parties drank a sip of tea, and then got to the point.

As Xu Shiji and Wang Bodang expected, Gao Shilian came here this time to discuss matters concerning the Chang Sun family.

(End of this chapter)

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