New Wagang

Chapter 871 Undercurrent

Chapter 871 Undercurrent
After Qi Shanxing finished speaking, he couldn't help but rolled his eyelids and glanced at Dou Jiande. He almost mentioned Dou Xianniang's name before. You must know that the matter of Dou Xianniang secretly looking for Yuwenba is the most taboo of King Xia to mention it. of it.

"Well, what Duke Qi said is very satisfying to me." Dou Jiande nodded to Qi Shanxing very satisfied, and then said: "Please choose an auspicious time tomorrow, Duke Qi, to go to Wagang, the Great Xin Kingdom, to meet the King of Xin. After the banquet, my wife and brother went to prepare generous gifts, and sent troops to protect everything completely."

After the news of the conclusion of the three-county treaty was spread all over the world, the anti-kings of various families reacted differently, but there was one thing they all had in common, that is, they were all extremely shocked!
It was the Li family in Taiyuan Prefecture who suffered the most direct feelings and the most worrying. After all, the troops of the two sides are now confronting each other outside the city of Huizhou. Besides, the three parties have their own losses and their own gains, and I have to admit that Li Shimin has the ability to lead the army in battle, so he was not repelled half a step by Wang Junkuo and Hao Yuan, but Li Shimin also failed to see it. The opportunity to enter Huizhou City has come, and the three parties have fallen into a stalemate. If there is no accident, it will be a matter of time before Li Shimin retreats. After the establishment of the third-line treaty, his control in the northwest direction was greatly weakened. Li Shimin was worried that the Daxin Kingdom would attack Lingzhou by surprise and cut off his retreat. Therefore, Li Shimin did not dare to fight the two armies for a long time. A Lingzhou cannot be defended.

Outside of the Li family, Xiaoliang Wang Xiaoxian and Dingyang Wang Liu Wuzhou are also closely following the development of the situation. The big move is also a lot worse, and the two who think that they will definitely fight with Daxin in the future are naturally more concerned.

Apart from the above four big forces, those small forces are only shocked and not worried at all. Originally, the idea of ​​these small forces was the same as that of Gao Tan Shenggeqian and others. It is enough for the big forces to be backed by the mountain, so which one to belong to will be discussed later.

But among these small powers, apart from being shocked, there is one family that is also entangled to death, especially regretful, and that is Lu Wang Xu Yuanlang!
At the beginning, when Qin Qiong was still in Siming Mountain, the Lu Army tent who came personally to Xu Yuanlang asked Xu Yuanlang for Master Sheng Yan, and offered such a generous replacement condition. Xu Yuanlang agreed without even thinking about it. Always secretly happy.

But when I learned that Master Sheng Yan had done such an almost shocking thing, I almost regretted it. My good boy, brother Sheng, brother Sheng, why didn't you see your ability when you were under my command? Why did you explode with such a shocking ability when you arrived in Daxin Kingdom?
Actually, like Huo Qubing, he led a group of soldiers and horses and went deep into the grassland to wash out and kill. Not to mention, he even killed the royal court of the Western Turks, and captured countless tribal elders. If you say that Yuwenba forced The signing of the third-line treaty by Western Turks is almost entirely due to your credit!
Xu Yuanlang regretted it every day and sighed from time to time, but in the end he could only slap his mouth. Also, when Master Sheng Yan was in his army, he only gave him the position of centurion, but Yu Wenba gave him the position of centurion. It is indeed a full [-] soldiers and horses!

"Xin Wang, Xin Wang, how did you judge that Master Sheng Yan possessed such a heroic ability? Could it be that you are really a half-immortal?" Xu Yuanlang walked to the window and pushed it away. Looking out of the window at the clear sky outside, several breaths of foul air came out in a row.


After Yang Guang's indulgence in Siming Mountain, Jiangdu found himself a little weak when he arrived, and took this opportunity to think about it carefully, so he has been deliberately paying attention to this aspect in the past month or so. In other words, apart from Empress Xiao's bedtime, there are only a few beauties in Zhu Gui'er, Yuan Bao'er, Xue Ye'er, Mrs. Xia's love, and they have gradually recovered a lot.

After his health gradually improved, Yang Guang was also very concerned about the current situation in the world, and he issued an order to let the backer king come to Jiangdu. According to the accompanying officials, everything seems to have to wait until the backer king arrives before discussing matters.

Ever since, the situation in Jiangdu was calm for a while, which made one person very nervous: Yu Wenhuaji!

After experiencing Siming Mountain, Yu Wenhuaji saw the decline of the Great Sui Dynasty. If we say that there were many anti-kings before, but most of them were small troubles, especially the whole world. Once.

Although it is said that in the previous Battle of Danyang City and the Battle of Lizhen, there were similar situations in which the anti-kings joined forces to fight against the imperial court, but it was different from this. Take the initiative to unite, which means that people all over the world are really going to overthrow the current court, not just because they can't survive to become bandits and rebels. There is a decisive difference between the two. Factors are causal.

Ever since, Yu Wenhuaji has been secretly working to recruit a group of confidantes to prepare for future actions, and soon after Taiyuan Mansion Li Yuan's flag was touched again, which also promoted the bold idea in Yu Wenhuaji's heart: to seize power!
Yes, what Yu Wenhuaji wanted was not to run out to pull the flag, but to directly seize the emperor's power. Now the king of the mountain, Siming Mountain, has returned to Dengzhou to take care of his rear, and Lai Huer, who holds a heavy army, is also in Chang'an City Fighting with Li Yuan is inseparable, if he suddenly causes trouble in this Jiangdu, it will be an excellent opportunity to make things happen in one fell swoop!

At that time, relying on my secret deployment in Chang'an City, as long as I kill the emperor here in Jiangdu and seize power and send troops back to Chang'an, I can form a pincer attack on Li Yuan with Lai Huer, or I can also make a secret alliance with Li Yuan to conquer Chang'an City together Divide the world evenly, you can advance or retreat!

Yu Wenhua and secretly observed the situation of Jiangdu soldiers and horses, especially the emperor's Xiaoguo imperial guards are mostly from the northwest Guanzhong. After a long time, they will definitely miss their relatives in their hometown, and there are also many desertions due to the unaccustomed climate and disease. , the hearts and minds of the army gradually fluctuated a little.

Especially after Li Yuan sent troops to Chang'an City, everyone wanted to return!

When Yu Wenhuaji realized this, he was ecstatic. With his status as prime minister, coupled with his strong financial resources and some trusted generals in the army, he already had a lot of confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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