New Wagang

Chapter 872 Storm Center

Chapter 872 Storm Center
Therefore, Yu Wenhuaji advised the emperor every three days that he hoped to return to Chang'an as soon as possible. First, he could form a pincer attack on the Taiyuan Mansion soldiers and Laihuer soldiers and horses, which would be beneficial to the battle situation. It also followed the meaning of the soldiers in the army returning home to remember their relatives.

But the emperor Yang Guang just refused and didn't give a reason. He even reprimanded Yu Wenhuaji every time, but every time Yu Wenhuaji had to bite the bullet and remonstrate with extremely grandiose reasons, so that Emperor Yang Guang Guang also can only be angry but without hatred!
As Yu Wenhua's prestige spread rapidly in the army, and many generals took the initiative to kneel down to pay respects to Yu Wenhua and his loyal ministers who were not afraid of offending Long Yan, Yu Wenhua and Take the opportunity to test these people, and if they see some opportunities, they will directly speak out to recruit them for their own use. So far, the power of the Yuwen family in the court has once again become much stronger.

At present, Emperor Yang Guang is surrounded by his son Yuwen Chengdu as his confidant, and there is no one else besides him, and he can enter and exit the emperor's palace at any time, and he will only notify him when he enters the inner garden, that is to say, if he seizes power Words are so easy.

However, just when Yu Wenhuaji was about to finally conquer Wu Benlang General Sima Dekan and Tongyi Doctor Pei Qiantong, Sima Dekan controlled the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses garrisoned in the Xiaoguo Battalion in Jiangdu City, and Pei Qiantong recently He is summoned by the emperor to discuss affairs in the inner court every day. This person was also a person who followed the emperor in the southern and northern wars. He was capable of writing and martial arts. In the inner garden, if the inside should be combined with the outside, it will be done!

But at this moment, the emperor suddenly summoned the backer king to Jiangdu. Yu Wenhua had no choice but to suppress his frantic heart, and had to wait for the backer king to arrive, depending on the situation.

If he had acted before the backer king came, Yu Wenhuaji was really afraid that he would be overtaken by the backer king before he returned to Chang'an City, and if Lai Huer or Li Yuan took the opportunity to attack and kill him, he would die without a chance of burial. So, Yu Wenhuaji had no choice but to wait, and he could only keep the big event of treason in his heart and dare not speak it out to others for the time being!
The next day.

Yang Guang was sitting in the back garden drinking tea, it was rare that there was not a beautiful woman by his side, not even Empress Xiao was by his side, this is quite a rare situation.

There was only a newly mentioned servant who stepped forward to fill up the tea for the emperor from time to time, and then stood back cautiously.

For a while, only the chirping of birds and the sound of birds flying over hanging leaves and landing on the ground were heard in the imperial garden, everything seemed so quiet.

The emperor took another sip of tea and put it gently on the table. The servant was waiting to step forward. Yang Guang waved his hand. The servant was about to turn around when he heard Yang Guang say, "Go and call General Yuwen."

The general Yuwen mentioned by the emperor naturally meant Yuwen Chengdu, and the servant immediately bowed and stepped back for a short distance before turning around and heading for the gate of the garden.

Yang Guang had been watching the waiter completely out of the garden gate before turning his eyes away. He glanced over the teacup and his eyes fell on a small piece of paper. : Jiangdu prevents change, changes and terrorism.

This letter came very suddenly, and it was hidden in the makeup powder box that Jiangdu officials presented to Empress Xiao. When Empress Xiao found the note, she almost froze in shock, and hurriedly found the emperor to deliver the note. Yang Guang was also shocked. !
The content of the note surprised Yang Guang, and the words on the note also gave Yang Guang a feeling of deja vu, but he couldn't remember for a while that it was Xiao Hou who later recognized it as Yu Wenba's handwriting.

Yang Guang couldn't judge the authenticity of Yuwenba's note, but at this point in his Sui world, everything might happen. Yang Guang didn't dare to be careless, so he immediately sent a decree to summon the backer king to return!
And after the decree was issued, Yuwen Huizhi also inquired twice about the emperor's intention to recall the backer king, but was directly reprimanded by the emperor.

Yang Guang knew that before the King of the Mountain came, he could not show any strangeness. If he found a reason to explain it because he was worried about offending Yu Wenhuaji, it might make Yu Wenhuaji suspicious.

And after that, Yang Guang finally understood why Yu Wenhuaji kept telling himself that he wanted to go back to Chang'an, because he wanted to gain the morale of the army!
As long as you stabilize the old fox Yuwen, I will take back the morale of the soldiers!
The best way to cover up is to get angry, angry for no reason, which makes Yu Huaji feel that he has no thoughts and no defenses, that he is already a broken pot and can live a day.

Footsteps came from outside the garden, and Yang Guang stuffed the note into his mouth, chewed it, picked up the teacup and swallowed it in one gulp. Then Yuwen Chengdu appeared in front of the courtyard and bowed to ask for orders.

"Chengdu, come in quickly." Yang Guang's way of greeting is like meeting old friends. Yuwen Chengdu no longer feels weird about this, after all, the age difference between the two is not too big, and Yang Guang's battles against Yuwen Chengdu But the brothers who have been in the army for protection all the time can be said to have lived and died together.

And Yang Guang has always appreciated Yuwen Chengdu and reused it. Apart from a certain amount of friendship, it can be said that the two have a lot in common.

Yuwen Chengdu came in to pay respects to the emperor, but he did not kneel down to see him. This is the special treatment Yang Guang gave Yuwen Chengdu. In the absence of anyone, Yuwen Chengdu only needs to bow and bow his hands to greet him. .

"Sit down and talk." Yang Guang waved his hand again, and the waiter immediately came forward and moved a chair to the side of the table. took the position opposite the emperor.

Yang Guang waved his hand at the waiter, the waiter turned and went out of the yard, Yang Guang patted the armrest of the chair and stood up, Yuwen Chengdu was just about to get up, but Yang Guang took two steps and pressed him on the shoulder, which made Yuwen Chengdu feel Some are not suitable.

"Chengdu, you and I have been born and died for dozens of years. There is only you and I in the garden today. You don't need to be polite, just sit straight." Yang Guang put his hands on Yuwen Chengdu's shoulders and patted him twice, then turned around After taking two steps, looking back at Yuwen Chengdu, he said:

"Chengdu, tell me, am I a fool?"

"Your Majesty, how can you trust the common people?" Yu Wencheng quickly stood up from the chair and was about to comfort Yang Guang, but was interrupted by Yang Guang waving his hand again. Then he smiled wryly and said:
"Didn't you say it in Chengdu, it's not just a few people but the common people in the world."

"This" Yu Wencheng didn't know how to word it.

What happened to the emperor today?
Why did you suddenly ask me these words? Could it be that some disrespectful words have spread to the palace recently?

(End of this chapter)

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