New Wagang

Chapter 873 The Lost Emperor

Chapter 873 The Lost Emperor

Also, the emperor seems to be quite sad today, and his temper is relatively calm, not as irritable as in the past.

Seeing Yuwen Chengdu's flustered expression, Yang Guang smiled indifferently, and pointed to the chair. Yuwen Chengdu had to sit down again in trepidation. Yang Guang turned around and walked back behind Yuwen Chengdu. Sit down in your chair.

"What do you think about Daxin Guoxin Wang Yuwenba not knowing Chengdu?" Yang Guang's sudden words made Yuwen Chengdu startled again, thinking what happened to the emperor today?
He always said some confusing words, although he was puzzled in his heart, he didn't dare to hesitate, he thought for a while and said: "Then Xin Wang Yuwenba is good at buying people's hearts, whether it is a general or a general of Daxin. Quite his praise and fame, and him"

In fact, in Yuwen Chengdu's heart, Yuwenba is more respected, whether it is for Yuwenba's personal charm or Yuwenba's various policies and policies for governing the Daxin Kingdom, but Yuwencheng can't say this, and at this time, he can only derogate Yuwen Ba, but Yuwen Chengdu really couldn't find some vicious words to slander Yuwenba, so he organized his vocabulary and said one sentence, but couldn't continue.

At this time, the smile on Yang Guang's face became more apparent, giving Yu Wencheng a very weird feeling.

What happened to the emperor today?
"Bringing the generals under your command will give you meritorious salaries." Yang Guang's face suddenly turned into a cold face, and he spit out another sentence: "If you want to be praised by the people, it's not just a bribe, but it's the heart of the world. and also."

"Your Majesty!" Yu Wencheng stood up abruptly, bowed in front of Yang Guang, and said loudly, "The world of the Sui Dynasty is the right way today. Although those rebels are stirring up troubles, they will not last long. Inherited for thousands of years!"

"Chengdu." Yang Guang's tone was very flat, completely unaffected by Yuwen Chengdu's moving words, he shook his head bitterly, and said, "You have changed too."

Yu Wencheng was startled, and raised a pair of surprised eyes to look at Yang Guang, only to see Yang Guang said again: "In the past, you were my Tianbao general, but you were also one of the people around me who dared to tell the truth, hasn't it changed?"

"Your Majesty!" Yu Wencheng's tiger eyes unconsciously contained some tears.

"Get up." Yang Guang raised his hand again, and after Yu Wencheng was seated again, he said again: "I see that the king of Xin has the talent of the world, and these days I have sorted out the rest of the world." From the initial Xiaodang Mountain to the current development process step by step, I have to say that this person has taken every step very solidly, and he has a long-term vision. It is always unexpected to count the steps of his growth. , but it is reasonable to think about it, and this person seldom takes action on the siege of the city and is better at leading the army with generals. This is also the reason why he is the most powerful among the many anti-kings today. The rebellious ministers of the Li family in Taiyuan, who are known as counselors like clouds and generals full of soldiers and horses, can't match him, and I'm afraid that my country will be handed over to this person in the future."

"Your Majesty, I swear to the death to protect the great Sui Dynasty!" Yu Wencheng bowed to the ground again, tears pouring out!

"I know your loyalty." Yang Guang raised his hand, Yu Wencheng had no choice but to stand up and sit down again, only to hear Yang Guang say again: "I am the son of heaven, the son of heaven, but there is more than one emperor in this world. There is a folk song among the common people that sings well, and the emperor takes turns doing it. This year, I came to my house, but I did not expect to become an emperor who lost his country, so it is difficult to face the ancestors."

Yu Wencheng didn't know what to say, although he realized that he seemed to want to express his loyalty with a few words of relief, but it seemed that he had already expressed his loyalty several times.

"I also looked back at the so-called major events, all of which were governed for the sake of the people of the world and the longevity of the Great Sui Dynasty." Yang Guang let out a deep breath: "The purpose of my conquest is to get rid of the barbarians and purify them." The border of the Sui Dynasty gave the people a stable border and no longer be disturbed by foreign tribes. The purpose of opening the river is more for the convenience of water transportation for the people of the world and it can also dredge the blockage of the mountains to reduce the annual flood. But the people of the world are using this to attack sweat on me, maybe"

"Perhaps, what he said is correct, I may have acted too hastily." Yang Guang finally spit out the words quietly, his expression was extremely lost for a moment, and Yu Wencheng, who was watching, couldn't help being stunned.

In Yuwen Chengdu's impression, the emperor is definitely a person who does things simply and can afford to let go. Whether it is military or political, he is full of confidence and full of kingly spirit, but this time he is so frustrated.

"Chengdu." Yang Guang called softly.

"The minister is here!" Yu Wencheng was about to get up to pay respects, but was stopped by Yang Guang with a wave of his hand, only to hear Yang Guang suddenly said: "The fate of Li Yuan in Taiyuan Mansion is also expected, but among the current officials, Chengdu thinks who else will Against me?"

"Whoever dares to rebel against the emperor, Chengdu will definitely kill him!" Yuwen Chengdu's eyes were full of anger. For Li Yuan in Taiyuan Mansion, Yuwen Chengdu actually respected him, the reason was that Li Yuan was considered a loyal person when he was in the court. As a minister, when he came to Taiyuan Mansion, he also conscientiously did practical things for the people under his jurisdiction.

However, just such a person turned against the imperial court, which really made Yu Wencheng very angry, because in Yu Wencheng's view, the rebellion of the Li family in Taiyuan Mansion is very likely to be the last straw that crushes the great Sui Dynasty. Because at this time, there was nothing else in the Great Sui Dynasty except the Li family in Taiyuan, who could be called the upright officials of the Great Sui Dynasty.

But even if the last fig leaf of such a Great Sui Dynasty is turned upside down, no one in the whole world will think that the Great Sui Dynasty is reliable, or they will simply rebel one by one.

And the actual situation is indeed the same. In the past two months after Li Yuan in Taiyuan Mansion raised the flag and rebelled, people raising flags have sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain. There are more self-proclaimed kings or emperors than before. Going out several times, it can be said that almost every county in the world has a king or emperor.

The Great Sui Dynasty will never go back.

"I don't want you to kill the rebels for me." Yang Guang suddenly withdrew his indifferent gaze and turned extremely cold, and leaned closer to Yuwen Chengdu, staring at Yuwen Chengdu and said: "I only want you You swear that if you don’t die, you will protect me from death!”

"Yuwen Chengdu will definitely keep the emperor safe. Chengdu dare not let the emperor suffer any harm. If he violates this oath, he is willing to endure the pain of being torn apart!"

Yu Wencheng didn't know why the emperor forced himself to swear, but he felt a little uneasy. What the emperor said and asked today was weird.

(End of this chapter)

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