New Wagang

Chapter 881 Northwest States

Chapter 881 Northwest States
"Xin Wang, I have a request, let Xin Wang agree." Ma Delai finally put the tea bowl that Boss Lei brought to him as if he wanted to drink it, but put it aside, and kept his eyes on Yu Wenba, still obviously A little bit of urgency surprised Yu Wenba.

"Xia Shuai is straightforward." Yuwenba originally wanted to call Ma Delai his elder brother, but Di Quxie was also at the side. Just call Xia Shuai directly, and Di Quxie is also called Bei Shuai, which is simple and convenient.

"The little bastard Luo Kuimeng has caused a disaster, and I ask Xin Wang Zhunyun to lead his troops to capture him and hand him over to Xin Wang!" Ma Delai's words stunned the people present, and then Listen to Ma Delai again:
"That bastard actually wanted to raid Weizhou City. After I inquired, I found out that he had made an alliance with the Li family of Taiyuan Prefecture to capture Weizhou. He attacked Fengxiang from the west and formed a pincer attack on the current Huizhou, forcing General Wang Junkuo to withdraw his troops. !"

"It's unreasonable!" Di Quxie shouted angrily first, and suddenly got up from his seat. After realizing that he seemed to have lost his composure, he hurriedly clasped his fists at the people present, and explained:

"Before the battle of Siming Mountain, this son has come to my Lanzhou mansion many times to say that I have many generals who intend to disturb our army's morale and want to be a lobbyist with the Li family in Taiyuan mansion. I didn't expect that this time he would really do it Such an event comes!"

Chai Shao's face turned red suddenly, and his figure moved a bit unnaturally, just happened to be caught by Yuwenba, and he fully understood in his heart at the moment, he was sure that Luo Kuimeng was the chess piece buried secretly by Chai Shao .

"Xia Shuai, how did you know about this matter?" Although Yuwenba no longer doubted the authenticity of this matter, other families knew about the news that Daxin Kingdom did not know, which made Yuwenba a little uncomfortable. Comfortable.

"At the beginning, I kept a small group of elite soldiers and horses to help him consolidate his power, but I didn't expect that this son would kill all of my elite soldiers, saying that they were my internal agents in Ningxia. Fortunately, one soldier survived I came back to report the letter, and I came to see King Xin immediately after I learned about it, and I also asked King Xin to see that Luo Kuimeng would not die after breaking Luo Kuimeng on the face of my old friend Luo Tiehan!"

"I promise you." Yuwenba patted Ma Delai's shoulder in relief, and finally understood why Ma Delai, who didn't come early or late, came here suddenly today.

First of all, Luo Kuimeng was supported by Ma Delai. I don't know if he has selfish intentions, but Yuwenba thinks that Ma Delai should be purely to help his brother Luo Tiehan.

However, now Luo Kuimeng has made the decision to go to war with Daxin, and according to Ma Delai, this is simply courting death. Therefore, Ma Delai does not want to see that happen, whether it is public or private. Now that Daxin took Luo Kuimeng and really waited until Luo Kuimeng sent Weizhou to take it, those are two completely different results.

Another point is that the reason why Ma Delai didn't send troops to take Luo Kuimeng by himself was because the two families were in love with each other and they were like a family. It was Ma Delai who was also worried that it would cause misunderstandings from the world, and maybe he would really think that the elite team he left behind was the internal support.

Therefore, it was Ma Delai who thought of letting Daxin take action, and Ma Delai wanted to keep Luo Kuimeng, so he took advantage of the situation and made this decision that should have been made long ago. The identity to beg Yuwenba's tolerance.

Yuwenba then asked some more details, and he didn't care about Chai Shao and Di Quxie beside him. Yuwenba didn't think it was inappropriate in such a calm way, but made them a little embarrassed.

"Boss Lei, go and call General Sheng and Fang Gong here!" Yuwenba turned his head and gave instructions to Boss Lei, and once again comforted Ma Delai, "Don't worry, Shuai Xia, this time the troops will only be punished for leading generals, not guilty." And soldiers."

"Thank you, King Xin!" Ma Delai's eyes were full of tears.

For Luo Kuimengma Delai, he really treated him as his own nephew, but who would have thought that his wholehearted dedication would result in betrayal and slander, and even killed a team of his elite soldiers? But Ma Delai himself valued it very much.

Seeing this, Chai Shao and Di Quxie also came forward to comfort Ma Delai. Although Ma Delai was full of melancholy, he had no choice but to force a smile to confront them. Get better.

During the tea time, Master Sheng Yan and Fang Yanzao arrived. Obviously, they were not together, because the story of Di Quxie and Ma Delai had not been widely spread yet, so Master Sheng Yanzao and Fang Yanzao arrived. Neither of them knew it yet, but Yuwenba signaled Boss Lei to tell them, and they were overjoyed, whether it was the attachment of Lanzhou Prefecture or Ningxia, it was extremely important to the current layout of Daxin Kingdom.

The attachment of Lanzhou Mansion can further block Taiyuan Mansion from Lingzhou, Huizhou, Yuanzhou, Fengxiang, forcing Taiyuan Mansion to develop in the opposite direction first, and temporarily unable to develop in the northwest.

The attachment of Ningxia is to give Daxin soldiers and horses a more active space to further encroach on those state capitals in the northwest. Any one state city Daxin soldiers and horses can send multiple troops to flank in the future, so that It will greatly shorten the time to fully unify the entire northwest direction!

After everyone calmed down, Yuwenba signaled Ma Delai to explain the situation to the two of them in detail. Sheng Yanshi and Fang Yanzao were also quite surprised. Maybe they didn't think about it, and they didn't pay much attention to it all the time. Luo Kuimeng dared to do such a thing. You must know that Luo Kuimeng's territory has formed a big horn situation with Weizhou and Fengxiang. If Daxin deliberately targets Luo Kuimeng, even though both sides The distance is a bit far, but it is not an unreachable distance.

Now that Lanzhou Prefecture is attached to Daxin again, if Daxin wants to send troops to Luo Kuimeng, it can also add three groups of troops from the direction of Lanzhou Prefecture to suppress the situation at the same time, which can scare the little bastard to death.
"The reason for calling the two of you this time is to order you to rectify your troops immediately. A few days ago, the garrison of the three counties has been gradually handed over to General Lu Mingxing. The time is just right, so you are ordered to send troops to Shatuo within three days. Luo Guo must capture Luo Kuimeng!"

"Accept the king's order!" Sheng Yan's master Fang Yanzao bowed to receive the order together.

"No hurry." Seeing that the two of them seemed to be about to leave, Yu Wenba immediately said, "You two captured Empress Luo Kuimeng, you only need to escort him to Huyou County, instead of coming back in person to give orders, you can directly The soldiers and horses go west and go north to attack Shanzhou and other places, and now I will give you the original troops and horses, will you be able to wipe out all the prefectures and cities after the three counties within three months?"

(End of this chapter)

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