New Wagang

Chapter 882

Chapter 882
As soon as the words fell, Master Sheng Yan was really startled, and couldn't help but look at Fang Yanzao, Fang Yanzao was also shocked, the eyes of the two people looking at each other were full of surprise and joy!

Surprisingly, this order is simply the most pleasing voice. Now that Ningxia is attached to Daxin, the difficulty of sending troops to attack Shanzhou or Ganzhou, Suzhou, Liangzhou, Guazhou, etc. will be greatly reduced. Give the credit to the two, Xin Wang is going to fully accomplish the two of them!

Master Sheng Yanzao and Fang Yanzao's prestige has reached the pinnacle since they completed the famous battle of attacking the Western Turkic royal court in the grassland. Now, both newcomers and veterans of Daxin Kingdom are very envious of them. Many veterans also said that the elder brother was eccentric, and such a great honor was given to the two of them.

Therefore, although Sheng Yanshi and Fang Yanzao both coveted the war in the northwest, they didn't feel that Yuwenba would be handed over to them. The defense tasks in the three counties were gradually changed after Lu Mingxing gradually transported the soldiers to the three counties.

But they didn't expect to just let this matter fall to their heads again. There is no reason for the two of them to be unhappy.

"Don't worry, King Xin, if you can't capture the entire Northwest within three months, you will be punished by military law!" Master Sheng Yan immediately issued a military order.

Fang Yanzao at the side also took a quick step forward, glanced at Master Sheng Yan, and immediately agreed, and then the two looked up at Yuwenba.

"Okay!" Yuwenba also shouted immediately, looked at the two of them very satisfied, and said: "After this battle is over, I and you two should make great contributions!"

"Thank you, King!" Sheng Yanshi and Fang Yanzao said at the same time.

Then the two bowed to the crowd respectively, then turned around and left the mansion, looking at the back of the two leaving, Yu Wenba was smiling, as if the scene of victory after three months was already in front of him.

Di Quxie was nervous, but there was a little excitement, and there was a little regret in the excitement, but there was a kind of expectation in the regret, and his eyes were quite complicated.

Ma Delai was anxious and full of worries. Of course, he was not worried about Sheng Yan and Fang Yanzao's expedition, but worried about Luo Kuimeng who made him trouble.

Chai Shao looked a little indifferent at this time, with a smile on his lips, and looked back at Yuwenba. This man is decisive, and he is really extraordinary. It will be three months after the Daxin Kingdom ruled the Northwest. What kind of situation will the Li family in Taiyuan Prefecture, which is optimistic about by everyone, be like in a month's time.

"Da Lei." Yu Wenba called Boss Lei, and then ordered: "Send someone to Wagang to pass my order, let Zhang Gongjin and Du Yi come to Huyou County, Wagang has old Taoist Wei, Zhang Gongjin doesn't have to stay There it is, hehe."

Yu Wenba couldn't help curling his lips when he thought of Wei Zheng's excited face when he told him that Zhang Gongjin was a baby, and recalled the urgency of Ling Jing when he begged him for Zhang Gongjin.

Don't even think about it, you two, Zhang Gongjin is not someone I want to put in Wagang to assist someone, nor is I going to send it to you Ling Jing to work, this person is a super talent in administration, whether it is the overall situation or the subtleties The serious attitude at the end is extremely rare.

This kind of talent needs to be used alone. Just kidding, Zhang Gongjin was able to become one of the 24 heroes of Lingyan Pavilion under Li Shimin's command in the past. Could it be that in the hands of me, Yuwenba, the more he messed up, the worse he became? .

And the reason why Du Yi Yuwenba also transferred him was to arrange a handy assistant for Zhang Gongjin. Du Yi was a man with a mellow nature, he was honest and knew the generalities of people, he had no creativity but he had the ability to execute. Very strong.

If Zhang Gongjin comes up with a policy that is unfamiliar to the people in the Northwest, it will be hard for Zhang Gongjin to have a competent assistant if these people will not implement it.

However, although Zhang Gongjin is a great talent, after all, he is still a little younger, and he is afraid that his prestige is not enough and he has not shown himself. He may not be able to handle such a big Northwest by himself, so he must find another prestigious and talented person to assist him. yes.

Just like Master Sheng Yan made Fang Yanzao himself, Zhang Gongjin also had to be assigned an old man. After all, both Zhang Gongjin and Du Yi belonged to the young school.

"Wait a minute." Seeing that Boss Lei was about to go out to deliver an order, Yu Wenba hurriedly stopped, his eyebrows frowned slightly, and then said: "Send an order for Wang Cong to also come over."

Zhang Gongjin is the leader, Wang Cong is the assistant, and Du Yi is attached under the two. The iron triangle in the Northwest will be decided for the time being.

Over the years, Wang Cong's assistance to Wei Zheng in Wagang has established a relatively large prestige in Juyi Mansion, and Wang Cong himself is a full-time political talent, so he should be able to assist Zhang Gongjin very well, so that Zhang Gongjin, who is all-round in civil and military affairs, can Set aside a certain amount of time to take care of future military affairs, so that both can be taken care of.

Of course, the current Northwest Army still has to be the army of Sheng Yanshi Fang Yanzao. After the next batch of soldiers arrives, Yuwenba no longer intends to continue to send troops to the Northwest, at least until the Great Northwest Unification War After it is fully achieved, Sheng Yanshi Fang Yanzao and his troops will withdraw, otherwise, the army's food and grass alone will be enough to drink a pot.

Sheng Yanshi and Fang Yanzao had done amazing things in the hinterland of the grassland before, and their prestige was extremely high. This time, they once again lead the army to unify the entire Northwest. In the future, the prestige of the two of them will reach its peak in this Northwest. To a certain extent, it is possible to surpass Yuwenba's prestige, so it is impossible for Yuwenba to leave the entire Northwest to the two to take care of.

If the two of them disagree at that time, there will definitely be endless troubles. First of all, the soldiers and horses of this group are Sheng Yanshi. The first commander of the first brigade was Master Sheng Yan, and then experienced the Battle of the Grassland and the Battle of the Northwest. I believe that Master Sheng Yan's rule over this army has reached what he wants.

I can't take risks. After all, the Northwest is too important to the future Daxin Kingdom, and Yuwenba dare not take risks.

In the past, whether it was Xiaodang Mountain or the original Wagang Mountain, there was no need to consider these so-called political means at that time, but now I have to pay attention to these aspects. Employing people and how to employ people is already a must for me and I can't make mistakes!
"Brother Yuwen's thought of looking at the three steps in this step is really unique. It is no wonder that Daxin Kingdom is not only developing rapidly, but also so stable and solid. It can be seen from the fact that every step he takes is as stable as Mount Tai. Chai Shao was thinking secretly in his heart, but when he thought of Zhang Gongjin's existence, Chai Shao couldn't help but stare deeply at Yu Wenba again.

(End of this chapter)

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