New Wagang

Chapter 89 Wei Zheng

Chapter 89 Wei Zheng
Tiehuazhai is located in the northeast of Wagang, about ten miles away. There are about a hundred households in the village, which is not a small village.

Liu Zhuang is a well-known blacksmith master in the village. His craftsmanship has been passed down from three generations of his ancestors. After nearly 40 years of training, he has already become a well-known existence. Even Nawagang has sent people to invite him several times recently. He entered the city, but was rejected by him.

Ask him the reason, don't say, just shake his head.

Seeing Wagang come frequently but always being pissed off by Liu Tiejiang, even the folks in the village can't stand it anymore, thinking that Wagang helps the nearby villages like Wagang, divides the fields, and gives cattle to each village. Liu Tiejiang doesn't know what's wrong, and besides, Wagang made it clear that if you invite you to go, you will be the leader, and you will have monthly money. Even if you are old, Wagang will support you for the rest of your life. Why don't you go with no children.

"I only make iron tools that are needed in the fields, mountains and forests, and I don't make weapons for killing people."

Liu Tiejiang took a sip of the stuffy wine, let out a long breath, looked at the Taoist who was sitting across from him and kept his eyes closed all the time, and didn't care if he ignored him, because he had been drinking like this for a while. The person talked for a long time, and now he said to himself:

"Could it be that I don't know that the Wagang Army is the great benefactor of our village? Could it be that I, Liu Zhuang, is an unrighteous person who doesn't remember his kindness? Daoist, tell me, I just don't want me to fight I just want to live a stable life, am I wrong?"

Blacksmith Liu almost drank a pot of wine. He didn't know how much he said. He has always lived alone. He couldn't say anything even if he wanted to. Over time, he developed a habit of being bored. , Since Wagang changed hands, many foreigners from nearby states and counties have settled down in the surrounding area. The Wagang Army has also sent a large number of manpower to set up temporary tents in the village for these people to live temporarily. Most of the people in the village There are some people who live here, the priest and a man surnamed Pu are staying at his home.

"Ah." Blacksmith Liu had already finished drinking a pot of wine, and uttered the last word. He glanced at the Taoist who was still indifferent. He got up and was about to turn around and go back to sleep. He still got up early tomorrow, so he couldn't make it through. It was too late, but suddenly the Taoist uttered a word softly:
"Let me ask you, the hoe you hit, can't Gou Lian kill people if it's hard?"

Tiejiang Liu trembled when he heard the words, and suddenly looked at the Taoist, only to see that the Taoist's eyes finally opened slowly, with a pair of staring eyes, and Tiejiang Liu suddenly felt like this gaze shot into his heart With the feeling of going, he unconsciously lowered his head.

"Follow me." The Taoist's voice was very flat. After speaking, he got up and got off the couch and walked out of the house. As if ordered by God, Liu Tiejiang couldn't help but followed him out of the house.

"See that wild dog?" When the Taoist finished speaking, his footsteps suddenly quickened. Just as Tiejiang Liu looked at the wild dog, he saw that the Taoist had already drawn out his sword and struck the wild dog with it. Stabbed to death, the wild dog wailed in the night sky in vain, attracting many people who came out of the temporary tent to look this way.

Liu Tiejiang's heart skipped a beat, and he swallowed his saliva. The Taoist glanced at those people and said loudly:
"Come two people, take this dog and peel it to make soup for everyone to eat and drink."

As soon as the words fell, several people ran over immediately, dragged them to a tree with their dog legs upside down, hung them on the tree, and a man pulled out a knife and started to take care of it.

"The sword can also kill dogs." The Taoist looked at Liu Tiejiang from a distance, and after uttering a word, he stopped caring and looked aside. Turn on the fire, fill it with water, wait for the dog to take care of it when it boils, lift it up and throw it into the pot to scald it, a man growled softly:
"Come on, pluck the hair, hurry up, don't blame me for eating the hairy meat if it's not cold enough."

Then there was a burst of soft laughter, and a few more people gathered around, and the dog's hair was pulled out in a short while, and the cauldron had already been replaced with clean water, and the whole thing was thrown in and stewed.

After waiting for an hour, the smell of boiling meat wafted out of the pot, attracting some people. Blacksmith Liu couldn't help but look up, swallowing saliva in his throat.

"Hurry up, take it to the Taoist priest and Brother Liu first!" The man in charge shouted at the salivating crowd around the cauldron, and asked someone to bring a large basin, took out the knife and cut the meat in the cauldron. He picked up a big hind leg, scooped some dog meat soup into the basin, and brought it over.

The Taoist was not polite, took out a knife from his body, picked and scraped the meat, and ate the meat while drinking soup, his mouth was full of oil, and the sound of baji baji made Liu Tiejiang's saliva drool so temptingly.

"Just like this dog meat, if a wicked person eats it and does evil things, the dog will die, and it will be regarded as a helper for the tiger." The Taoist glanced at the people who shared the food and said:

"If these good people eat it and have the strength to go to the fields and work in the mountains, it is worth dying."

The Taoist scooped up a bowl of broth and handed it to Blacksmith Liu, saying:
"Come on, eat quickly."

Tiejiang Liu reached out his hand to take the broth, and drank it slowly in one gulp!

"Haha! Good!!" The Taoist also drank another bowl of broth, propped himself up and said:

"I'm going into the city right now, brother Liu, would you like to go with me?"

"Could it be that you are also the leader of Nawagang, Daoist?" Tiejiang Liu stared at the Taoist in surprise.

The Taoist just looked at Tiejiang Liu with a smile and said nothing, Tiejiang Liu blushed impressively, dropped a piece of meat in his hand, wiped his mouth, and said:

"Let's go, let's go into the city with you!"

The ten-mile road is really not a big deal for a person who has traveled the rivers and lakes for many years and a person who often walks on mountain roads, but when the two walked to the Wagang City Gate and knocked on the small corner gate next to the city gate, what happened What happened surprised the two of them.

The sergeant guarding the city saw the Taoist as if he had been waiting for a long time, so he hurriedly let in, glanced at Blacksmith Liu who was behind him, and let in too, and then respectfully presented a lantern and pointed to the Taoist priest. In the direction of Juyi Mansion, said:

"Go there." Then he closed the corner door and put on the bar, turned back to the entry room and went to sleep.

This official is waiting for the two of us on purpose. It seems that this Taoist is indeed the leader of Wagang!

Tiejiang Liu thought inwardly again, thinking that he was angry with the leader of Wagang before, and still helped him as always, alas, how confused!
"You're thinking wrong." Holding the lantern and walking in the direction pointed by the sergeant, the Taoist suddenly said:

"I'm not the leader of Wagang, but I just saw that my companion went to the city during the day and has not returned, so I came here to look for him."

Liu Tiejiang's heart trembled, how could this person seem to have seen through my heart!Looking at the Taoist, he saw that the Taoist had a slightly smiling face, and Liu Tiejiang became more and more confused.

Turning a corner, Juyi Mansion appeared in front of my eyes, when the two of them appeared at the intersection, the sergeant who seemed to be waiting in front of the door saw them, and went straight to greet them.

The smile on the corner of Taoist's mouth became stronger and stronger.

Interesting, usually I like to play this kind of mysterious thing the most, and now there are people who like to play more than me, and they seem to be really good at playing, quite enjoyable.

Interesting, interesting.

The two sergeants didn't say a word, they directly led the two into the mansion, and then closed the mansion door, and the sergeant on duty in the gatehouse also went to rest, it seems that they were waiting on purpose again.

Walking through the corridor, the sergeant brought the two of them to a room that was still lit and left. At this moment, a soft voice came out from the room:

"Sweeping the couch and waiting, the wine has been warming for a long time, why did the Taoist priest come so late."

When the words fell, the door was opened from the inside, and Yuwenba appeared in front of the two of them.

"Wei Zheng is abrupt. He came late at night. Please be considerate of the Wagang Lord." Wei Zheng bowed deeply to Yuwenba. He didn't call him the general or the village owner, but the Wagang Lord.

Tiejiang Liu hurriedly stood aside and bowed to Yuwenba, Yuwenba was overjoyed again, he didn't expect that he was waiting for Wei Zheng to come to the master Liu Zhuang!
Liuzhuang's name Yuwenba has long been known, and later generations even changed Tiehuazhai's name to Liuzhuangzhai after his death, and it has been used until later generations.

So Yuwenba sent people to Tiehuazhai to pay homage again and again, but he didn't expect to be rejected repeatedly. This surprised Yuwenba, because Liu Zhuang was taken over by Zhai Rang back then. Is it possible that I can't do it anymore?

Originally, after thinking about dealing with Wei Zheng's matter, he went there in person, but Wei Zheng brought him to the door unexpectedly. This kind of surprise is simply indescribable!
Liu Zhuang didn't expect that the lord of Wagang would be so enthusiastic about him, so he couldn't help being a little embarrassed. Fortunately, Wei Zheng was very generous. He took Liu Zhuang's hand and walked towards the house. Yu Wenba let them in and took a seat. Then turned around and closed the door...

(End of this chapter)

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