New Wagang

Chapter 90

Chapter 90
"All the money and food from Jindi City have been transported to Wagang and put into storage, leaving only a small amount that is enough for Jindi sergeants to eat for a month. In addition, the transfer from Xiaodangshan is still on the way, and it will arrive in two or three days at the latest. .”

Duan Da couldn't help looking back as he spoke, there was an extra chair by the door of Juyi Hall today, a Taoist was sitting there, not talking, and his brother didn't introduce him, as if he was here to listen.

In the eyes of Yuwenba, Jindi City is now a tasteless:
There is no meat to eat, but it tastes good to discard.

If the imperial court sent troops to attack, Jindi City would not be able to defend at all. It was not that Yuwen Ba had no confidence, but Jindi City was not like Wagang, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack, or because there are not many people now. If you want to take care of both ends of the separation, I'm afraid you won't be able to take care of both ends. At that time, if someone comes to surround Wei and save Zhao, then it will make me feel uncomfortable.

So Yu Wenba just asked Ling Jing and Zhang Dabao to bring a battalion of troops to Jindi to garrison and patrol. After all, there are still people in the city, so the army must be eliminated, otherwise those bullies and thieves will take the opportunity to cause chaos and harm the people!
There are few people and little food, and it is easy to withdraw to Wagang if encountering imperial soldiers and horses.

"En." Yuwenba nodded at Duan Da, and said:

"Tell the kitchen to try to have as much food as possible for this half month. Sergeants should also be rewarded after a big battle. In addition, the training of new sergeants is also hard, so you can't eat well. There is also a wine shop... oh yes , Leader Jia and the wine shop will ask clearly first, and after taking out a few ladles of good Chinese wine that is needed, if there is more left, then they will take out a little more to reward the soldiers."

In the second half of the sentence, Yuwenba turned to Jia Xiong and Lao Li. Lao Li is now in charge of brewing wine in the winery, but the "real power" people in the cottage, which man doesn't want to drink that good man's wine? Everyone who sees Lao Li The heads are all smiling, and no one dares to offend Old Li Tou if he offends anyone, otherwise he would be in a panic if he cut off the heroic wine, hehe.

Old Li Tou and Jia Xiong listened, and they immediately got up and nodded to accept the order.

After Duan Da reported his affairs, he turned around and exchanged a glance with Jia Xiong Lao Li. The three of them looked at each other and smiled, and then sat back on their chairs.

"This time we broke Weicheng, took Jindi, and took Wagang. In total, we killed 370 people, seriously injured 180 people, and slightly injured 320 people." Ding Tianqing was in charge of the medical camp for the time being. The reserve battalion has recruited so many new troops these days, but he didn't expect his brother to look at him, so he got up and reported:

"The leader Sun... Miracle doctor Sun has not had much rest for several days. He has been rescuing the wounded all the time, and has been yelling that there are too few staff in the medical battalion. I hope my brother can add some manpower."

"Even if you don't say anything, your medical battalion will need more staff." Yuwen Balue thought for a while, and said:
"That's it, an announcement was made in the village that all sergeants who are willing to study medicine should report to Dr. Sun. The treatment of the medical camp is the same as that of the supervisory camp. In addition, a team will be allocated after the new army is drilled by Coach Luo. The men and horses are specially designed to protect the medical battalion on the battlefield in the future, Chief Ding, how about this?"

"So best!"

Ding Tianqing was very excited when he saw that Yuwenba really gave him enough face. When the three brothers returned to the mountain for the second time, they saw the scene of Xiaodang Mountain in full swing. It was the scholar Ling Jing who was the last to go up the mountain, but he also brought 1000 men and horses, 600 guan, more than [-] horses and armor to the cottage, and Jia Tou led them to bring so much food and big profits!
But my three brothers have nothing.

Even when I went to escort the little lady of the Li family for my brother, but asked about a daughter of Li Chenggong, my brother lost interest, so when the three of them went up the mountain, they each told them to work hard for the cottage, not to mention Other things, at least you have to fight for one breath, and you can't let others compare your brother like this!

At this time, his elder brother treated his medical camp like this, and he also spoke with such a gratified expression when talking to himself. Ding Tianqing understood that it all depended on the third brother's battle at the foot of the Wagang city wall!
These days, not only the elder brother has come to visit the third younger brother countless times, even the leaders on the mountain will come to ask questions almost every day. It has never happened before, even if the second brother is the leader of the visiting camp, and he is the leader of the medical camp, but the status is still different, everyone doesn't say it, I know it in my heart.

This is the light of the third brother.

Yuwenba nodded to Ding Tianqing, Ding Tianqing hurriedly returned the salute, bowed his hands to the surrounding leaders, and sat down as well.

"The pension for the fallen sergeant has been properly arranged, and other matters can be postponed, but the sooner this matter has to be done, the better." Yuwenba looked at Duan Da again, and Duan Da hurriedly stood up again and cupped his hands and said:

"Brother, don't tell me that these things should also be given top priority. Yesterday, a group of sergeants were asked to send out the pensions of the sergeants who left the address of the receiver. Also in storage."

"Fortunately, Duan is the leader." Yu Wenba signaled Duan Da to sit down, then looked at Wang Dangren, Zhou Wenju, Li Gongyi and the others, and said:
"Three chiefs, how is the matter of registering the household registration of the people under your jurisdiction and dividing the fields?"

The reason why Yuwenba asked these three people to do these things is that Zhou Wenju was originally from Weicheng, and Wang Dangren and Li Gongyi were also from Jiyang and Yongqiu. With a certain appeal, the people who voted in nearby states and counties now have a certain degree of awareness of several people.

The three of them went up the mountain together, and they had a certain tacit understanding, that is, the distribution of food and land was extremely complicated, and no one person could take care of it.

The three of them got up and greeted Yu Wenba at the same time, Zhou Wenju and Li Gongyi glanced at Wang Dangren at the same time, Wang Dangren understood that he was jointly elected as the spokesperson by the two.

"Registration is too complicated, and many people from Jindi City and even nearby counties have moved to Wagang, and the family members from Xiaodangshan have not yet arrived, so it can't be completed for a while."

When Wang Dangren took the order at that time, he thought it was an idle job, which was not very interesting, but when he saw so many people flocking to Wagang, he gradually changed his mind.

Yes, in the past I gathered Zhou Wenju and Li Gongyi to become the boss, but I also knew in my heart that it was really not that easy to achieve the present situation, and after going through three cities involved After the First World War, Wang Dangren admired Yuwenba's resourcefulness and courage even more!

I am also a conspirator, and I am well aware of the saying that those who win the hearts of the people are invincible. Seeing that these people are all coming to Wagang, isn't this winning the hearts of the people?
This is just the first step of Xiaodang Mountain, and it has already gained such a momentum. What will this cottage develop into in the future?

Wang Dangren didn't dare to think about it. He knew very well whether it would be better for him to be a copycat boss with no future, or follow a boss with unlimited possibilities for development.
The latter point is beyond doubt!
Therefore, Wang Dangren paid extra attention to the matter of registering and making books, and he also infected Zhou Wenju and Li Gongyi, so these three people also handled this matter properly.

(End of this chapter)

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