New Wagang

Chapter 894 Talking Hearts

Chapter 894 Talking Hearts
I hold a beautiful woman in my arms, but I am talking about another woman I am about to marry. Perhaps, this kind of thing only happens in this special era. It is impossible to scold the scumbag again after a while.

Involuntarily, Yuwenba hugged Dou Xianniang in his arms even tighter.

Dou Xianniang seemed to have also sensed Yuwenba's heart, and immediately tightened her arms hugging Yuwenba's waist, and said in a low voice: "Yuwenlang, I know your heart, what mother of the country or the future? The Empress Xianniang doesn't care about anything, as long as I know the position of Xianniang in Yu Wenlang's heart."

"I want to marry both of you at the same time." The sudden words of Yuwenba made Dou Xianniang really startled, and immediately raised her head to stare at Yuwenba, only to see Yuwenba nodded heavily again, and said:
"There can be only one queen, but, Xian Niang, I can't wrong you too much."

Dou Xianniang was very moved for a while, and didn't know what to say. In this era, although Dou Xianniang has not yet married, but whether it is the education she received since she was a child or her own experience when she grew up, Dou Xianniang has already Knowing the appearance of this era very clearly, women do not have any equality in front of men.

As long as a woman marries a man, it is her own fate whether the man treats her well or not in this lifetime, and she has no reason or right to criticize or change a person other than praying to the heavens.

Yes, I can only fight for favor with all my strength, that is to say, I can give everything, and I can't demand anything from a man!
Yu Wenlang really has my Dou Xianniang in his heart.

Thinking of this, Dou Xianniang couldn't help getting wet eyes.

It is absolutely false to say that Dou Xianniang is not unhappy about Changsun's upcoming Wagang mother. Every woman has her own selfish side. some resentment.

"But if we get married at the same time, then Yuwen Lang?" Dou Xianniang asked with a blushing face but didn't know what to say, she just gently threw her head into Yuwenba's arms, and put Yuwen Pa hugged tighter.

"Xianniang doesn't have to worry about this matter, I will arrange it myself, and I will talk to Gao Gong in person, and Gao Gong will definitely agree to it." Yu Wenba patted Dou Xianniang on the shoulder lightly, and said in relief:
"Based on your status as the princess of the Great Xia Kingdom, you took the initiative to give up to your eldest grandson's queen, then Gao Gong and eldest grandson Wuji will definitely not be ignorant."

Dou Xianniang felt a little relieved when she heard this.

Dou Xianniang is really a woman who doesn't like to fight. In Dou Xianniang's mind, getting married should be simple and smooth. Of course, as a princess of the Great Xia Kingdom, it is impossible for her to be simple. It is possible, but Dou Xianniang also hopes that it will go smoothly and not have any other side issues.

After all, it is by no means a trivial matter for the king of Daxin Kingdom to get married. What's more, Yuwenba even proposed to marry two women at the same time. However, Dou Xianniang was very grateful, and there was no more words to say at the moment, and once again she tightened her arms and hugged Yuwenba even tighter.

After a while.

"Actually..." Dou Xianniang snuggled into Yuwenba's arms and suddenly spit out two words softly, but suddenly lost the words behind, causing Yuwenba to lower his head and kiss Dou Xianniang gently on the forehead, softly Said loudly:

"Xian Niang, if you have something to say, say it, you can speak freely in front of me at any time."

"I also know some stories about the Changsun family. She is indeed a woman worthy of Yu Wenlang's marriage." Although Dou Xianniang's voice was a little astringent, Yuwenba could tell that it was indeed Dou Xianniang's sincerity. The words are not false flattery.

Involuntarily, Yuwenba tightened his arms around Dou Xianniang again, and Dou Xianniang frowned suddenly, as if feeling a little pain, but there was a sense of comfort and happiness in those eyes, as if It was at this moment that Dou Xianniang enjoyed the power of this man from Yuwenba very much.

The Changsun family has not become famous so far, and it can even be said that apart from the Li family, there should be no other outsiders who know the existence of the Changsun family. Of course, it does not mean the Changsun family, but it means that it is impossible to know how the Changsun family is?
But who is Dou Xianniang?

That's the princess of the Great Xia Kingdom. If she wants to understand the Changsun family, there will be many ways for her to understand, but this is also good, Yu Wenba is also thinking, the two most important women in his life will get to know each other better in the future Some do no harm.

However, when Yuwenba suddenly thought of Changsun's death at a young age, his heart suddenly sank again, and he didn't know whether Changsun's disease was hereditary or it was only after he married Li Shimin.

'Qi disease. ' Yuwenba muttered secretly in his heart.

Walking slowly all the way, after another half a month, the group finally arrived at Wagang City.

As in the past, this time when Yuwenba's class teacher returned to the mountain, he was also welcomed by the people of the whole city. The officials and generals in the city also greeted him under the leadership of Xu Shiji, Ling Jing, and Wei Zheng, the prefect of Wagang. All the way to the streets of Juyi Mansion, the common people consciously saw Yu Wenba and his party coming and knelt down on the side of the road.

This kind of kneeling to greet the previous Yuwenba was not allowed, but later when Daxin Kingdom developed to a certain situation, Yuwenba who kneeled to greet him did not deliberately stop it.

It's not Yuwenba's heart, but Yuwenba knows that the current Daxin Kingdom is completely different from the Wagang forces in the past. He and the generals don't need to be so courteous in private, but on the bright side, there are many things about him. Can't be too hasty.

After all, this era is different, and some small aspects can be ignored by oneself, but the best way is to obey the way of this era in major aspects.

Yuwenba passed by all the way, although he accepted the kneeling greetings of the people, he also raised his hands frequently to signal everyone to get up. When Yuwenba walked to the front of Juyi Mansion, the people behind him had all stood up again. .

As in the past, the common people knew that Yuwenba would say something every time at this time, so at this moment, the entire streets of Wagang City, which was crowded with people, were completely silent.

Yuwenba glanced at the people around him, first waved to the people in his usual style, and before he could speak, the people cheered loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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