New Wagang

Chapter 895 Reassurance

Chapter 895 Reassurance

You must know that Yuwenba is the lord of the country, in other words, the emperor of Wagang. The emperor waved to our people to salute. What kind of etiquette is this? Many who were moved cried out.

Those who cry because of Yuwenba's actions are also very touched by the fact that Yuwenba has given themselves and others a stable and prosperous life.

After everyone gradually calmed down again, Yuwenba immediately started his speech.

At this time, it was an important moment for him to vigorously promote the migration of people to the three counties, because after the news of his return from the three counties came out, Lu Mingxing once reported that the work of relocation had suddenly been cold. All the people from the three counties stopped temporarily, as if they were all concerned about Yuwenba's movements.

Of course, these are some wealthy households. Although they do not account for the majority of the migrants, they play a guiding role to some extent. Moreover, the development of a place is inseparable from these wealthy households.

The big deal for the common people is to farm or do some small business. It is very difficult to rely on the common people to make a place prosperous, and the time span will be very long. With the existence of those rich households, it will naturally attract more people. With the arrival of merchants, even many wealthy households are big merchants themselves. With these people, the business will naturally revitalize at an accelerated rate. Therefore, Yuwenba's speech is mainly to give the common people a reassurance.

Immediately, Yuwenba briefly but emphatically talked about the position of the three counties in Daxin Kingdom in the future, and Daxin Kingdom will invest heavily in and develop the three counties in the future, etc.

The people didn't understand everything, but they also understood the most obvious meaning, that is, the three counties will enjoy the same treatment as the local people in Wagang in the future, and even better in some aspects. As long as you know this, you don't have to worry about it up.

Although, it was just a saying, but it was said by the king himself, so naturally there will be no fakes, and the people cheered for a while, after all, many outsiders flocked to Wagang Jindi Under the nearby trend, the population density of the people here has been greatly overloaded. Many people still want to migrate to the three counties, and even some people who were originally in Wagang want to try the three counties. Because they heard that in addition to the usual farming, the people in the three counties can also enter various workshops, and there are even some factories. The land is no longer cultivated, and the whole family is working in that kind of factory to earn money to support their families.

Apart from the common people, Yuwenba's words sounded another way to the ears of those wealthy households, that is, there was a lot of business opportunities.

From Yuwenba's words, they heard that those various workshops and factories are currently short of some resources. Originally, doing business with officials is the last thing their businessmen want, but doing business with officials in Daxin Kingdom , that is the most secure business in the world.

Since those workshops and factories are in urgent need of raw materials, isn't that the best opportunity to make a fortune? Yearly.

In other words, you can do business for at least 15 years in the three counties.

Don't go, unless you are a fool!
After talking about this major event of migration, Yuwenba immediately told about Sheng Yan's commanding troops to conquer the Northwest, and the Wagang people cheered even more, our Daxin Kingdom is getting stronger and stronger Not only did they kill all the Turkic soldiers and horses, but they also captured so many of their tribal elders, and now they are going to conquer the entire Northwest.

"Long live King Xin!"

I don't know who suddenly yelled loudly, and everyone immediately responded. For a while, countless shouts of "Long live the king" came one after another, and in the shouts of long live, the people all knelt again On the ground, he cheered and kowtowed to Yuwen Ba in the courtesy of meeting the emperor.


Yuwenba is still in Juyi Hall.

Since he went up to the mountain, Yuwenba has not returned to his Xinwang Mansion, nor has he seen Hongfu Nu and his son Yuwenxin.

It is impossible to say that Yuwenba does not miss his wife. In this troubled world, Hongfu Nu and Yuwenxin are definitely the closest people to Yuwenba. One is the first woman after this era that he has come to and is also his current wife. , and the other is the son of his own blood inheritance.

However, his every move is under the attention of everyone, especially in the current complicated situation on the mountain, Yuwenba really dare not take a wrong step, otherwise, a lot of previous efforts will be for it. The east flow is gone.

Yuwenba was not hiding in the Juyi Hall, but was dealing with matters. During the day, Yuwenba met with Xu Shiji, Ling Jing, Wei Zheng and others, and learned more about what happened when he was not in Wagang. He also talked about his battle against Xue Huaming in Huyou County and how Master Sheng Yan went deep into the grassland alone to capture many tribal elders, and exchanged views with each other.

Several people even ate their lunch and dinner in Juyi Hall. It was not until evening that Wei Zheng went down the mountain contentedly and went back to his Juyi Mansion.

In Juyi Hall, Xu Shiji and Ling Jing glanced at each other, Xu Shiji winked, Ling Jing nodded, and said, "Brother, you should write back to Wangfu to see Xin'er."

I could feel that what Ling Jing wanted to say was to go see Hong Fu Nu, but it seemed inappropriate, after all, besides Gao Shilian and Changsun Wuji who had been waiting for nearly a month to go up the mountain earlier, there were also people who went up the mountain later As for Qi Shanxing, however, Hongfu girl definitely has a very good popularity in Wagang, including the big bosses on the mountain like Xu Shiji and Ling Jing, who also respect Hongfu girl very much.

Hongfu girl does not fight or make trouble, she lives her life in peace every day, and takes good care of Yu Wenxin. For such important ministers as Xu Shiji and Ling Jing, Hongfu girl is definitely an existence that can stabilize the harem.

Therefore, everyone is also willing to see Yuwenba's kindness to Hong Funu.

"Not to mention I don't want to go back and see Xin'er and his mother." Yu Wenba grinned bitterly at the two, and said: "At present, there are still Gao Gong and Qi Shanxing on the mountain. I want to make every move after I go up the mountain." It will make these two groups of people associate a lot, and what they did on the mountain is also quite sensitive, so I'll just keep it in the Juyi Hall for the time being."

Xu Shiji and Ling Jing looked at each other again, and immediately nodded in understanding. Just as they were about to speak again, a cow came in with a stone jar, and behind him were soldiers holding bowls and chopsticks. The three of them knew this at a glance. The one in the stone jar is eaten.

(End of this chapter)

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