New Wagang

Chapter 896

Chapter 896
"Youniu, we just had dinner and it was less than a quarter of an hour, why did you get food?" Xu Shiji gave Youniu a look: "Quickly leave, we have something important to discuss with my brother."

"I'm reporting to the military commander, I can't get rid of this food." You Niu repeatedly bowed to Xu Shiji in a modest and smiling manner.

"Oh?" Ling Jing seemed to be interested, and couldn't help asking: "Why can't we withdraw?"

"Back to the two military advisers, and my elder brother." You Niu respectfully bowed to the three of them and then said: "This stone jar is full of dumplings, stuffed with meat and vegetables, but Princess Xin wrapped them into boiled dumplings herself. It was delivered, and it was said that my elder brother and the two military advisers did not eat well for lunch and dinner in Juyi Hall, and he also said that I would supervise the two military advisers and brothers to finish eating the dumplings in the jar."

"Did you send it in person?" Xu Shiji was surprised and asked, "Where did you send it?"

"It's just two feet in front of the door. Call me to bring it here." You Niu turned and pointed to the door.

"You idiot!" Xu Shiji stood up hastily and pointed at You Niu fiercely, "Concubine Xin is already outside the door, why don't you call her in or come in and report!"

While speaking, Xu Shiji quickly walked towards the door, Ling Jing also hurriedly chased him out, even Yu Wenba stood up and looked out.

Obviously, Hong Fu Nu deliberately did not want a few people to see her. Hong Fu Nu is definitely a smart woman, knowing that the current situation on the mountain is complicated. There are a lot of things that need to be taken into account, but because of her concern for Yuwenba, Hong Funu made dumplings by herself and delivered them.

Xu Shiji and Ling Jing went to the door and looked around but didn't see the figure of Hongfu girl, so they called a soldier outside the door to ask, and the soldier said that Princess Xin left quite quickly before, and she disappeared a while ago .

Xu Shiji and Ling Jing smiled wryly, looked at each other, and then walked back into the Juyi Hall, Ling Jing also gave You Niu a look, and You Niu pleaded proudly: "Princess Xin specifically told me to say Don't let me report to my brother and the military advisors."

"Okay, it's okay, there's a cow." Yuwenba waved his hand: "Hurry up and share the dumplings in the jar with the three of us, not to mention, I'm really not full at noon and dinner."

"Yeah!" You Niu wiped the tears that he almost shed aggrievedly, put on a smile, picked up the stone pot and took the bowl to Yuwenba, poured out a bowl full of dumplings, and then Then he turned around and distributed the dumplings in the stone jar to Xu Shiji and Ling Jing, not to mention, one stone jar just filled three bowls.

Yuwenba picked up a dumpling and put it in his mouth, his eyes filled with tears when he swallowed it.

The meaning of this dumpling is extraordinary.

"Brother." Seeing Yuwenba's tearful eyes, Xu Shiji seemed to want to say a few words of concern, but after he spoke, he saw that Yuwenba was speechless again, so he quickly lowered his head and never dared to look at Yuwenba again. It is said that there are tears in Yuwenba's eyes, even if Xu Shiji himself is a little bit unsteady, the tears are about to come out of his eyes.

"Concubine Xin is really virtuous, and the dumplings are delicious." Ling Jing interjected in a timely manner, "Jing and Elder Maogong are enjoying the feast with elder brother today."

Yuwenba looked at the two and nodded deeply.

Then, no one spoke in the Juyi Hall, only the sound of the three people eating dumplings. Although the three people had just eaten and were not hungry, they all ate deliciously. , After a while, he ate upside down, and he still seemed to have more intentions.

You Niu on the side was also relieved when he saw that the three of them had finished eating. Well, I can report to Princess Xin and have finished eating.

You Niu came forward to clean up and left the Juyi Hall.

"By the way, did Duke Gao meet Qi Shanxing?" Yu Wenba couldn't help asking.

"Never." Xu Shiji shook his head and said, "After Gao Shilian and Changsun Wuji came up the mountain first, Changsun Wuji went to Guihuitou to invite Liu Longlai back the next day. After Long walked around, he went to the school grounds to watch the training of the soldiers, and occasionally chatted with Dr. Sun. Later, when Qi Shanxing went up the mountain again, Gao Shilian and Changsun Wuji never went out of their small courtyard, and they stayed in the courtyard on weekdays Sitting around, playing chess or drinking tea, only Liu Long went to the yard to see the two of them during this period. Similarly, Qi Shanxing had been with him in the arranged yard since he went up the mountain and never stepped out of the yard. Brother Ling Xian and I went there from time to time The two walk around."

"En." Yuwenba nodded deeply.

This Gao Shilian, Changsun Wuji and Qi Shanxing are still very sensible, before he returned to the mountain, they were very good at it, and they didn't do anything without authorization.

"Besides, at the end of the day, Princess Dou went to see Qi Shanxing." Ling Jing added, "Maybe to discuss something."

"Yeah." Yu Wenba nodded again, for Dou Xianniang to go to see Qi Shanxing, Yu Wenba thought it was appropriate, after all, he came to Wagang just for Dou Xianniang to get married with him.

"Neither of his two families have come to see me today, which means they know that I will be busy when I just went up the mountain, and they will come to see me when they want to come tomorrow." Yuwenba looked at the two of them and said: "You two military advisers may as well tonight First go to each family to ask if they have any requirements, and also convey my intention to the two families, that is, if a date is set, I will marry two daughters at the same time."

"This..." Ling Jing was startled, and hurriedly looked at Xu Shiji. Xu Shiji also had a look of surprise on his face, but Yuwenba said slowly: "Changsun Fuqu is the best candidate for the mother of the country, but Xianniang has also paid too much for me, even at the same time. Life and death, I don't want to wrong Xianniang too much, even if there is only one mother of the country, I still want everyone in the world to know that Xianniang's status is not inferior to that of the mother of the country."

"Brother has a good heart and hard work." Ling Jing stared at Yuwenba deeply, and admired Yuwenba's character of emphasizing love and righteousness. Only such a person who values ​​love and righteousness can truly love the people like a son!

"It's all right to marry two people at the same time. Then on the night of the marriage," Xu Shiji asked half a sentence and then stopped. Yu Wenba understood it as soon as he heard it. Changsun's too."

When Yuwenba said this, both Xu Shiji and Ling Jing were deeply relieved. Also, this approach is currently the best.

Come to think of it, Gao Shilian and Changsun Wuji wouldn't say anything. Although they were married at the same time, the mother of the country is still his eldest grandson's family, and the bridal chamber that night is also his eldest grandson's family.

(End of this chapter)

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