Chapter 23
The uncle asked me: "Did anyone come into this room when I was not at home?"

I said, "No."

"Really? You'd better be honest with me."

"Well, there is."

"Men and women?"



"The painter."

"It really is him! I said why it feels dirty... Did you let him touch it?"


"Damn it, why did you let him touch it? Only I can touch it!"

"I also see that he really needs it, so... and he is not a bad person."

"Damn! Then why sacrifice me! Do you know how unclean she is!"


——This conversation happened when the uncle was away one day, the painter came to our room and asked if he could use the Internet for a while, and I instructed him to touch the uncle's computer, but unfortunately the uncle found out.

One day, I suddenly realized that I hadn't been to the rotten girl forum "Little Chrysanthemum Lantern" that Xiaolu loves for a long time.Although I don't have any interest in rotten things, I am interested in Xiaolu's private life!I suddenly wanted to search what posts she had posted.

So I searched for a fanart recently written by Xiao Lu called "The Old World in the Chrysanthemum".

After holding my face in silence for a long time, I went to QQ and said to Xiaolu: "My head hurts. How can I grow old in the chrysanthemum?"

"Honey, this question is not worth your headache." Deer said softly.

...Who told you that the reason for my headache is this!
Because of "Sherlock Holmes", Xiao Lu has a great affection for Guy Ritchie, and frequently expresses his admiration for him to me. "Actually, from the first time I knew there was Guy Ritchie in the world, I felt that he must be a filmmaker who exists to serve our rotten girls." Xiao Lu said.

"Why?" I, who have been in contact with Guy Ritchie since the period of "Two Smoking Barrels", really cannot accept this argument.

"Just look at Guy Rich's English name. Gay Rich, doesn't that indicate his basic attributes. He's also a wealthy one."

"..." At that moment, I deeply felt that the rotten girls not only need to urgently improve their taste, but also improve their English proficiency.

Xiaolu asked: "Do you know which Chinese festival belongs to gays?"

I said: "I don't know."

Xiao Lu said, "Of course it's Ching Ming Festival."

I said, "Why! You mean gays are all fucked?"

Xiao Lu said: "No, I just suddenly discovered that the world is full of chrysanthemums during the Ching Ming Festival."


Apologize to whoever invented Ching Ming Festival!
Every time I wash my hands where I live, I shake them vigorously twice to dry the water droplets on my hands.There is no way, because there are no public hand towels in the bathroom.Sometimes I also find it inconvenient.But that day, after washing my hands, I suddenly found a white towel hanging from a hook on the wall!Oh, who prepared this thing?This is obviously a hand towel!I happily use it and think it's nice to be able to expel water droplets without shaking my hands.

At this time, the glasses just passed by the bathroom, and he looked at me and smiled.I hurriedly asked, "Is this hand towel yours?"

The glasses said: "It is indeed my fault, but you'd better not use it to wipe your hands."

I was discouraged and said, "Sorry, I used your stuff."

The glasses pushed the glasses and said, "No, I'm not being stingy. The main thing is that that thing is not a towel, it's my underwear."

...the hand is rotten!It's rotten!
When returning to the dormitory, the painter waved to me with a painful face.I asked him what was wrong, and he said, "My stomach hurts a little. I don't know if it's a liver disease. Do you know where the human liver is?"

I thought for a while, pointed to his upper right abdomen, and said, "If I remember correctly, it should be here. Does it hurt?"

The painter said: "Oh, it doesn't hurt there. It doesn't seem to be liver disease."

I breathed a sigh of relief, we live under one roof, liver disease is really fatal.

I ran my fingers over the painter's belly, asking him exactly where it was.The painter said: "A little below, a little to the side, yes, very close..."

I followed his instructions to rest my hand on a certain part, pressed it, and asked, "Is it here? Do you feel it?"

At this time, the glasses came over and said loudly: "He won't feel it if you touch it! According to my experience, the place you should touch is..."

Before he finished speaking, I beat him back to the room angrily.

When I returned to the artist, the artist comforted me kindly and said, "Don't get angry about this kind of thing. You should know that when I asked him if he knew where the liver was, he actually pointed at my butt."

... I suddenly felt that my body was starting to feel uncomfortable.

Recently I am obsessed with cooking, and I feel that I have achieved something.When I came back from the supermarket one day, I found that I had bought too much food. I thought to myself, why not make a big table and invite my roommates to eat together.This idea immediately excited me - first, to show my generosity, second, to show off my virtuousness, and third, to ask them to appraise my cooking skills by the way.While washing the vegetables, I sent a text message to Xiaolu announcing my plan.Xiao Lu replied, "What kind of food are you cooking?"

Me: "Scrambled eggs with chives, fried oysters, steamed shrimp, fried kidneys with chives, and mussel soup with wolfberry."

Xiaolu: "...Did you do it on purpose? These dishes are all for men to invigorate the kidneys! What are you planning to feed a group of men? All night long?"

I imagined the scene of a big gay party and resolutely decided to cancel the treat plan.

People sometimes have some inexplicable impulses.

I didn't want to cook that day, I wanted to eat Jajangmyeon, and when I was about to go out, I happened to bump into my glasses.After hearing about my whereabouts, Glasses said he would go with me.

So we went downstairs together.To take a shortcut, we're going to cross an alley together.

The glasses guided me on this road, and the moment I stepped into the shadows, I suddenly had a strange feeling.Ah, there is no one here, so why did I rashly walk in with my glasses?What if, what should I do if he wants to do something irreparable to me here?no, I can not.Maybe I think too much.Although the glasses made it clear that he is gay, and he is still a ghost, but he will not make things difficult for my roommate, it is a crime after all.However, what is this feeling of rapid heartbeat?Ahhh, speaking of which, although I have known Glasses for a long time, it seems like this is the first time we have been alone together, right?What to do, I actually got nervous.Is this alley so long?Why do I feel like I have walked for a long time and have not yet come to an end?And what's the matter with this feeling of not wanting to end so soon?'s just that it's too hot outside, so I want to enjoy the coolness of this shadowy place for as long as possible.It must be so.Ah, why did the pace of the glasses slow down?Is he going to turn around?Why is his hand tilted back slightly?Is he asking me to hold his hand?Why are our hands so close together?If I just let him hold it like this... Ah, no, what am I thinking?This is not OK!This is a delusional delusion only Xiaolu can do, ah, no way...

Just when I couldn't restrain the delusions that I wanted to stick my head in the toilet and flush it over and over again, I came to the end of the alley.My glasses and I reunited, and the noodle shop was just around the corner.My youthful sprouting is over.

(End of this chapter)

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