Otaku man rotten goddess horse is the most annoying

Chapter 3 Long Live the Tsundere Rotten Girl

Chapter 3 Long Live the Tsundere Rotten Girl

Anime is my main spiritual food, but I also like watching movies, but because I spend most of my time in the 2D world, I have seen very few live-action movies, and listening to them talk when I have a party with my colleagues I feel particularly inferior, so recently I have deliberately limited the time to watch anime, and started to catch up on some long-awaited movies.

Once when I was watching the famous Maggie Cheung version of "Ruan Lingyu", Xiao Lu leaned over and asked, "What are you watching? The base film?" I said, "Go, it's a classic movie."

Then a scene of a large group of naked men talking about filming in a bathhouse appeared on the screen.

The deer shrugged at me with a smile.

Another time, I watched "Da Hong Rice Shop", because I had read Su Tong's original novel and liked it very much, so my motivation for watching this film was definitely not because it was banned.As soon as I opened the film, Xiaolu glanced over with her colored eyes that can filter all films into substrates and asked, "What are you looking at? Substrates?" I said, "Go ahead, this is a serious film."

Then a scene of two lolitas breaking into the men's bathhouse appeared on the screen.

The fawn gently patted my shoulder.

So when I was watching Zhang Yang's "Bathing" and Xiaolu came over, I resolutely turned off the player.

"Black Butler" is over. This is one of the new episodes of this season that I like very much. I originally hated the animation with the original manga adding original plot without authorization, but after Angel appeared on the stage, I sincerely sighed: the original is full!The part where the Devil Reaper teamed up with the PK Angel is too hot!The Queen of England turned into a Frankenstein is very creative. Although I have always been dissatisfied with the arrangement that the funeral room is also the god of death and Liu is the villain, overall, the animation of "Black Butler" is very appetizing to me!Even I like that ending very much, because it really carried out the dark aesthetics to the end. If Sebas-chan and Shire become the relationship between Makoto-sensei and Natsume, "you say so, but your body is very honest~" I'm the one to be bothered!Xiaolu also likes "Black Butler". Although I have already read the last chapter, I was pulled by her to watch it again.

When I saw Sebastian rowing like Yang Guo with the sleeves that had been torn off just now hanging down, I said: "Before Sebastian would recover immediately from any injury, but this time it has never healed." Said: "Don't understand? This implies that the addiction to broken sleeves will be staged next."

When Sebastian wanted to take away Ciel's soul, Ciel asked: "Will it hurt?" Sebastian said: "Ah, there is one thing, I will try my best to be gentle." Deer excitedly said: "What is gentleness, Use your strength!"

Then, Charles said: "It's okay, just hurt me to your heart's content." The little deer said, "That's right! Just do as he said!"

Then Sebastian leaned forward, and the camera turned to his and Charles' feet. At this time, the deer excitedly grabbed my arm. After Charles' blindfold was removed, the deer couldn't help shouting: "Take off the first It's over!" When Sebastian put his mouth together with a lewd smile, my arm was already bruised...

Then ED came out.Fawn looked astonished and said, "It's over?" I said, "It's over, I don't know if there will be a second season."

"Must have it! I want to see Sebastian hurt Shire!" Xiao Lu raised his head to the sky and roared.

...Next time, you must not watch a movie with her that will trigger the full power of the rotten girl!
I read the manga version of "Paradise Restaurant" and loved it.In April of that year, this work was animated as the baton of "Michiko and Ha Jin", and I happily recommended it to Xiaolu.

"What are you talking about?"

"A story about a group of old gentlemen with glasses in a restaurant. Adapted from a comic. For the record, it's not a base man."

"Your introduction is very basic! Who drew it?"

"Xiaya Xiaoye. She is an intellectual who has traveled abroad to study, not what you think."

Then there was no sound from the deer. Five minutes later, she enthusiastically sent me a bunch of pictures of "Ji": "I know this person! He was originally a man who drew Jiman! Don't think that I can't recognize it if I change my pseudonym! Look, look, This is her masterpiece..."

...I have been hurt a lot!
Speaking of the new show in April, there is a "Eden of the East" that I really want to watch, because it is the character design made by Chika Yumino, and I especially like her "Honey and Clover".I hope Xiaolu can accompany me to High, but she has never seen Honey and is not interested in SF Xiang's works, but she can't hold back my enthusiasm and finally agrees.So that night I opened the first chapter with excitement, and while listening to the OP, I told Xiao Lu how much the hero is like Morita and what a fun person Morita is, so as to lure her to become a fan of honey.

Then the naked fake Morita appeared, with mosaics on key parts, no, correction fluid.Xiaolu gently said to me who was stunned, no wonder you recommended me to watch it so hard, and decided to chase after it.

not like this!No ah ah ah ah ah!

Although most of the time with Xiaolu is quite happy, we also have cold wars from time to time.For example, recently, I have received too many manuscripts and often have to rush through the night, and I don’t have time to go shopping with Xiaolu.Even when I meet her on weekends, I'm always busy typing in my notebook, and I don't even have time to answer a word when she talks to me, Xiaolu is very upset about this.Although I felt guilty, I had no choice but to hope that she would understand under such a stressful situation.The problem is that Xiaolu is a girl after all, and girls are often unreasonable, so after talking to me for the fourth time and I replied "ah, what did you just say", she completely ignored me and slammed the door to the living room to watch TV .At that time, I was in a state of torment that I couldn't write the manuscript, so I didn't bother to coax her.

After a while, I heard the sound of "kuangkuangkuang" coming from the living room, which startled me, and ran out to see that the deer was smashing walnuts with a small hammer.We looked at each other, and seeing that her complexion was still not very good, I laughed and said, "Eat walnuts, walnuts are good, nourish your brain, let me help you." She said, "Go and write your manuscript. "

I was a little depressed, so I shrunk back and listened to her continue to "clang, clang, clang". I was inexplicably on the line, thinking that girls in the 2D world are better, and girls in 3D are too impolite, let alone rotten girls.

After a while, the "kuangkuangkuang" sound stopped, Xiaolu pushed open the door and walked in, and put a bowl full of walnut meat in front of me.

"Brain tonic, it's time for dinner, don't eat too much." After speaking, she left.

TvT thinks that I am the tallest 2D idiot! Is it possible for a 2D girl to smash walnuts for you? Long live 3D!Long live the tsundere rotten girl!

I remembered the process of becoming boyfriend and girlfriend with Xiaolu again.That was a week after I joined the company. At that time, I had already deleted all the shameful footprints left by Xiaolu on the computer, including hundreds of gigabytes of Jitujimanjijijiwen...Since there are too many, so that The computer was once called "the base" by me. Fortunately, I have finally captured the base now.I am also going to delete Xiaolu’s QQ that automatically logs in, because every time I open it, it is an overwhelming basic topic, and if I read too much, I will have deep doubts about life.Xiaolu is very popular, so even if she is invisible, people will send her messages from time to time, and the most positive one is the woman who insulted Xiao Ming, Xiao Gang and Xiao Hong, Xiao Bei.

The only time I had a chat with Xiaobei pretending to be Xiaolu, the process went like this:
Xiaobei: My dear, I got a somewhat heavy manga, which is about young people, you will definitely like it.

Me: Gay guys are the worst!I don't want to watch it!

Xiaobei: Ha, what stimulated you?Otherwise, I'll send your favorite Uncle Gong to heal you?
Me: Don't send it!Disgusting.Rotten girls are the worst.

Xiao Bei: Huh?
Me: I declare that from today onwards, I will withdraw from the world of corruption, change my mind from now on, change my past mistakes, and be a normal girl.This is our last contact, from now on I will never appear on the Internet, nor will I contact any of you, especially you, forget me!Just like that rotten girl, I never existed!In the end, I want to tell you that the Xiao Ming article you wrote really sucks!It was so disgusting that I vomited for several days thinking about it, others thought I had it!Hurry up and turn your back on the shore, the standard of a good girl should be a good wife and mother, don't make your elderly parents sad anymore!

I typed out the above paragraph in one breath, and it was as if the constipation of a week had suddenly been relieved.There was no reply for a long time. I thought those words were too personal, probably because my identity was exposed.Exposure is exposure, anyway, I don't plan to keep this QQ anymore, it is good to seize the last chance to damage this Xiaobei.

Just thinking about it, Xiaobei sent a message: What's wrong with you?Didn't you step on the 69999 points of my blog and then name me to write that article?The persona is still given by you.

I almost lost my temper, this guy named "Sakura" is the culprit.As for the fact that Xiaobei didn't see through me, it was very surprising. After thinking about it, I decided to continue playing.So I said: I just wanted to see if there was any cure for you, but unfortunately there was no conclusion.You let me down so much, if I keep messing with you like this, I'm sure I won't be able to get married!So I must change.I'm going to change I'm going to change I - I'm going to - big - change -

After typing Zhang Zhenyue's lyrics, I slapped the table and laughed wildly, thinking that Xiao Bei should have reacted, right?Without her, she would be a natural fool.As a result, Xiaobei replied quickly this time, and she said: Lu, your symptoms now are exactly the same as those two years ago.Are you in love again?

I was stunned, and suddenly felt an evil pleasure of digging out a secret, and I said: Ah, I suddenly need a photo here, do you have my photo at hand?Send one over.

Then I waited nervously for 1 minute, and QQ showed that there was a file coming, and Xiaobei said: I happen to have the best photo of you.

After receiving it, I hurriedly opened the photo, and instantly I was struck by cuteness.Ajiu, Dahe, Index... At that moment, the soul possessed me, and I stared at the girl with a clear and sweet smile and a figure like a loli in the photo for a long time.

That was the first time I saw a deer.

(End of this chapter)

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