Chapter 107
In the following days, Hua Yu was placed in this attic like a canary. Even if she wanted to go out for a walk, there would be a black figure following behind her. Hua Yu didn't care, after all, there was food and shelter here. , and the grade is frighteningly high, and the scenery is so beautiful, she couldn't bear to ask her to leave!

Standing on the second floor and looking at the dense forest, you can't see how far it is at all. Huayu bets that no one will lead the way, and no one will be able to find this place at all.

The men here are all in the same attire as that night, black clothes and masks, but there are obviously more people, and Hua Yu can't see what they are doing, and no one pays attention to her. Anyway, someone will bring it to her when she is hungry. , I wanted to blow some air, so I stood by the window, but Hua Yu would be terrified, because there was a cemetery behind the attic. When the curtain was opened that day, Hua Yu was so shocked that she regarded the dead as neighbors, frightened her. De Huayu hurriedly closed the curtain, and dared not open it since then.

Anyway, the time of the day is to eat, eat, sleep, eat, sleep, and eat, nourishing like a pig.

On this day, Hua Yu was finally allowed to bask in the sun in the yard downstairs. She fell on the reclining chair. The winter sun was really comfortable on her body, making her body warm. There was no one in the yard, it was empty. Hua Yu had the illusion several times that she was in a ghost town.

After a long time, Hua Yu felt a little weird, so she shouted: "Is anyone there?" But no matter how she shouted, no one answered, and the attic seemed to be an empty building in an instant.

Hua Yu felt that something was wrong, so she hurriedly searched from building to building with her big belly, hoping to find a living creature, but unfortunately, after searching all the buildings, there was no living creature. Hua Yu felt chills on her back, unprecedented Fear gripped her heart, it was still daytime, if it was night, there would be no one to accompany her in the cemeteries, and crows would often panic in the middle of the night, thinking about it made her heart tremble, no, no matter what, she had to find a way out.

Huayu kept turning, but no matter how hard she tried, she finally returned to the attic. She finally believed what the King of Nanjun said. They had indeed set up a formation in this dense forest. Looking at her dress that was pierced by thorns all over her body, And the skin exposed outside the clothes has long been scarred, and none of them are intact.

Hua Yu also lost her fighting spirit. She was tired all day and didn't even drink her saliva, let alone eat.It doesn't matter if she doesn't eat, but the baby in her stomach wants to eat, no, I'm afraid she just woke up, stretched her waist, and her little hand is stroking Huayu's belly from side to side, the little guy is waiting to be fed !
With heavy steps, Huayu went to an attic in his previous impression. There was a big kitchen on the first floor. What was gratifying was that there was a lot of food in it, which seemed to be prepared for Huayu. No problem for a month.

Rolling up her sleeves, Huayu began to pick and wash vegetables. Since she was a child, she liked to cook with her mother, so home-cooked dishes are no problem. I haven’t made them for a long time. The movements are still smooth, and the dishes are fragrant. After a while, Huayu is cooking Four dishes were served, although there was no meat, but they were all complete in color, fragrance, and taste. I sat up on the stone table outside and ate them. I was hungry all day, Hua Yu gobbled them up, and swept them all in a short time.

In the treetops in the distance, a masked man in black clothes stayed on a big tree and watched all this. Just make sure that woman doesn't die, but he hasn't seen that woman so strong and interesting before, and he didn't think it before, but he finally found out today, and it seems that the days to come will not be boring, so he wonders how long he will guard her?
(End of this chapter)

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