Chapter 108 A Life Alone

Looking at Hua Yu, Hei Hei couldn't hide a smile on the corner of his mouth...
After eating and resting enough, while there was still light, Hua Yu pulled herself together and entered the dense forest. She had to leave here, otherwise she, a pregnant woman, would have nowhere to ask for help if something happened to her here.

It was cold and damp in the dense forest, even the light was blocked by the dense branches and it was gray, making it difficult to tell the direction, and there was a dead silence inside. Following her footsteps, there were occasional frightened birds chirping, if it was a crow , Hua Yu would be so frightened that her legs and feet became weak, and she slumped on the rotten branches and leaves. It took a long time for her fear to calm down.

Measuring the time, Hua Yu gritted her teeth and stood up and continued to walk forward, not caring about the pain from scratches on her calf and arm, as the faint blood flowed down...

There was a gleam of light ahead, Hua Yu secretly rejoiced, pushed away the dead branches and thorns, and approached step by step, finally, Hua Yu held the trunk of the tree and looked forward, couldn't help taking a breath, the row of small buildings she lived in was still in front of her, and the end point was back. When she reached the starting point, she couldn't get around no matter what, Hua Yu felt an unprecedented sense of powerlessness.

Leaning against the tree trunk, Hua Yu could no longer move forward, suddenly something rolled down from the tree, and it was still rolling down Hua Yu's body slowly, Hua Yu subconsciously looked at that thing, suddenly, Hua Yu Pupils open to the limit...
It turned out to be a skull, and the dense bones looked at her ferociously. Hua Yu was so frightened that she stood up straight, and ran frantically to the attic.

Hua Yu's stomach was overwhelmed, and she vomited wildly while leaning on the railing...
"Song Xue..." Hua Yu began to regret breaking into this dense forest, thinking of her best friend, and at the same time hating Nanjun Wang, how could she be a pregnant woman, and she was left alone in this deep mountain Lao Lin, what if there are bears?
Hua Yu dragged her exhausted body to boil water to fix herself up, sat down and made a calculation alone, Hua Yu found that there was a building in this building with a flat roof, and she could go up to the roof smoothly along the corridor. Hua Yu looked around and remembered the story of "Princes of Fenghuo Opera". She can learn from King Zhou You!It's just that King Zhou You lit the beacon to win Bao Si's smile, and she came here for the plum blossom rain to save her life. She didn't believe it. She lit it every day and let the smoke rise to the sky every moment. Someone must see it!
Just do what you say, at this time the sky is already dark, everywhere is pitch black, Huayu forgets to be afraid, finds a knife and strikes at the branch, an unprecedented power erupts.After the split was almost done, I dragged it up to the roof. After all, I was a pregnant woman. It was very difficult to drag the branches up the stairs, but Huayu felt like he had been beaten with chicken blood. Maybe it was because hope was imminent, and people would burst out with energy beyond imagination. , after a while, Huayu dragged a lot, went to the kitchen to find flint and dry ingredients, after a while, sparks splashed, and a raging fire ignited, Huayu felt that it was almost done, so she went downstairs to wash and sleep .

The black color on the branch looked at this scene with great shock, "My aunt! Are you going to burn the mountain? A lot of firewood splashed wildly on the roof. Aren't you afraid that it will ignite this deep mountain and old forest while taking advantage of the east wind? I'm afraid that you yourself have become a barbecue, so why don't you go down the mountain?"

Seeing that the door of Hua Yu's room was closed, Hei He jumped up and landed beside the fire, good guy, it's warm, but if you don't deal with it, something big will happen, He Hei turns around again, and chops down a living tree with his bare hands. The tree, when the palm wind fell, the trunk was also split into countless pieces and fell on the burning flames. In an instant, the open flame turned into thick smoke, black clapped hands, that's good, that's good!

It's just that the color of the thick smoke has long been swallowed up by the night, and burning it is a waste, but he did this, and even he himself doesn't know what it is for?
(End of this chapter)

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