Chapter 109

Prince's Mansion

That night, Steward Chen received a letter from a stranger, informing the prince that he was unconscious on the street.

The old butler staggered back in a hurry, and the guards guarding the door rushed to support him. After all, the old butler had experienced wind and rain with the prince, so he calmed down after a while, quickly summoned the guards of the palace, and dispatched them all, and soon he was at the corner of the street. They found their prince, brought their prince back to find a doctor, and not long after, Prince Che woke up.

Feeling that something was wrong, Prince Che quickly looked around the room, but he didn't see the person he wanted to see.Recalling what happened just now, Prince Che was in a cold sweat, and hurriedly asked, "Where is Miss Mei?"

The old butler quickly took out the letterhead and showed it to him.

After receiving the letter, Prince Che looked up and saw that his face was getting darker and darker, the hand holding the letter slowly pinched the cage, and finally he pinched it into a ball and threw it out hard.

"A group of idiots..."

"Uh..." All the guards bowed their heads, prince, prince, we would rather be beaten by you dozens of times than scolded like this, personality!The dignity of being a bodyguard!But we are really ashamed that such a big thing happened...

"Zhang Hao, inform the imperial guards that the whole city is under martial law. Later, the prince will draw the portraits of the culprits. You find someone to imitate the paintings, and you must paste them all over the streets. The prince wants the whole city and even the whole country to arrest these people. thief"

"Then...Prince, where is Miss Mei?"

"The prince has his own arrangements, you hurry up and do yours." Prince Che glanced at Zhang Hao displeased.

"Chen Steward, are all the guards of the Prince's Mansion here?" Looking at the more than 100 people in the courtyard, the Prince asked coldly.

"Go back to the prince, everything is ready"

"It's good that it's all ready. Listen carefully. The prince has more important things for you to do... Divide into four teams and search the whole city to find Miss Mei for the prince. But remember, don’t let the wind leak. Everyone will act separately and send a signal to the prince as soon as there is news.”

"Yes, this subordinate is resigning." The captain of the guard led everyone to quickly evacuate from the Prince's Mansion.

Prince Che was the last group to leave the Prince's Mansion, with only two brothers Wei Ping and Wei An by his side. According to the letter, he had to go to Kemanjiang, but the old fox of Nanjun King hijacked his Yu'er and forced him to marry his daughter as his wife. concubine.In order to achieve the goal, all such bad tricks are used, hum! ······This old man is really omnipotent.

But he had to go to see him, his Yu'er was still in his hands, he didn't want her to do anything, for her, so what if he was controlled by others, his Yu'er was the most important thing.

Prince Che pretended to be traveling casually, and when he arrived at the gate of Kemanjiang, a close friend of Nanjun King immediately welcomed him up to a private room on the second floor.

"I have met the prince, and I offended him a lot. Please don't take it to heart, my lord." Seeing the arrival of the prince, the King of Nanjun hurriedly stood up to greet him.

"Huh! It's easy to say, tell the prince not to take it to heart, King Nanjun, is it because you are too bold, or the court has spoiled you so much that you are lawless and kidnap the future princess, do you know what crime you have committed? Believe it or not, this crown prince has wiped out your whole family."

"Oh, the old man dared to do it. Of course I'm not afraid. Don't forget, the crown prince has the final say on whether the old man is guilty or not, but the current emperor has the final say. What's more, the old man didn't do anything outrageous. He is eager to love his daughter, and I believe that the prince has already met the little girl Lan Chun. That year, the king brought her to Beijing. The method has been fulfilled, and there is no other intention, the crown prince please check it out." The king of Nanjun expected that the crown prince would not give in if he came to force it, so he raised his image of a loving father and narrated a sensational story with emotion to suppress the pressure. Prince's anger.

"Hmph, let's get to the point, where is Yu'er?"

"It seems that the crown prince still doesn't understand! But the old man advises you to think about it. This is the only way you can save Miss Mei. As long as you marry the little girl, the old man will release Miss Mei immediately. Otherwise, the old man I can't guarantee that when the crown prince finds her, she will still be alive." After finishing speaking, the king of Nanjun got up and walked outside, and when he reached the door, he turned around and added:
"Time is running out, Miss Mei is pregnant, so there is no delay..."

(End of this chapter)

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