The cold king chases the escaped concubine

Chapter 110 The Forced Wedding

Chapter 110 The Forced Wedding
The day after tomorrow is New Year's Eve, but the prince's mansion is still full of fire and autumn smoke, and everyone has no intention of celebrating this festival. According to the words of Nanjun Wang, as long as their prince marries the Lan princess, Miss Mei will return home safely, otherwise... ··

It was already late at night, in the Prince's study room, several men stood beside each other with tense faces.

"How is it? Still no news?" Prince Che asked the commander of the Forbidden Army. Originally, the Forbidden Army was only responsible for the emperor's safety, but after something like this happened, he had to mobilize the Forbidden Army against the order. But nine days have passed, and there is still no news. No, his Yu'er, he dare not imagine...

"Where are the others?" The prince turned to Wei Ping and Wei An again.

"Back to the prince, the old man of Nanjun Wang is too cunning. The intelligence organization in the mansion broke the line after chasing Jialan City. We expanded the search area, searched across the country, and secretly notified the local government office to search locally. But the feedback below has no clues so far, and the subordinates are worried that if this continues, Ms. Mei may..." Wei Ping's words are also what everyone is worried about, a pregnant woman, how can she take care of herself?

But at this time, the night sky outside was covered with large flakes of snowflakes, it was freezing cold, and even the room was terribly cold. Prince Che really did not expect what happened today. If he had known earlier, he would have died three years ago. It's time to pick out Nanjun, because he hid his selfishness and wanted Nanjun to be used by him, so what happened today, the person he loved the most was held hostage, and he had no clue so far, no way...
He can't wait, his Yu'er can't wait, it's freezing cold, if something happens to him, he will regret it for the rest of his life, he... can't afford to lose!

The more snow fell outside, the tighter his heart was. This was a merciless torment for him. He never thought that the self-confident self who had always been in the world would have a day of frustration. What his Yu'er suffered, sooner or later One day, he will return everything.

······Silence, endless silence······
After a long time, "Chen Steward, inform the King of Nanjun that the Crown Prince agrees with his proposal."

"This..." Steward Chen watched the prince grow up. This child values ​​love and righteousness. If he marries Princess Lan today, he will not be happy, but on the other side is Ms. Mei, alas, this is the only way to do it now. Putting aside feelings, marrying Princess Lan is beneficial and harmless.

"Since the prince has made a decision, the old man will go and do it for the prince"

The day after tomorrow is New Year's Eve, Nanjun King asked for a wedding tomorrow, Che Quanyun immediately agreed, thinking, of course, the sooner the wedding, the better, his Yu'er will suffer less, I hope everything is fine for her, otherwise he will definitely step on the road. Pingnan County.

Che Quanyun did not expect that the old man of the Nanjun King would prepare everything, even the guests were full. It became grand and unprecedentedly lively, but his heart was so cold that he couldn't find the source, allowing it to spread in the bottom of his heart and seep into every corner of the blood vessels.

As soon as the wedding was over, Nanjun Wang also kept his promise and informed him to send someone to the foot of the mountain to meet him.Prince Che secretly rejoiced, took the black steed brought by the guards and rode on it, he couldn't wait for a moment, he had to see his Yu'er was safe and sound before he could feel at ease, even whipping the horse, he wanted the horse to hurry up, Hurry up...
(End of this chapter)

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