The cold king chases the escaped concubine

Chapter 119 The Four Beauties Reunited

Chapter 119 The Four Beauties Reunited
In a blink of an eye, the seven-day appointment has come, and the snow and ice on the Prince's Mansion have all melted.In the past seven days, Crown Prince Che has not stepped into Langyue Tower again, which can be said to have given her enough time to think about it again.

It is true that if a child is born without a father, he would invade the pigsty in ancient times. Although no one would drag him to invade the pigsty in the prince's mansion, there is no guarantee that he will not be calculated by others. If he becomes the prince's concubine, At that time, Yun also has a reputation to protect herself and the child. After thinking about it, Huayu decided to compromise. She must wait until the child is older before making any plans. This is not the right time. No one would know if he died on the street. If you think about it, you will feel sorry for him. The smart way is to gain a firm foothold in the Prince's Mansion first, and then make another plan when the time is right.

"Xiaocui, go and tell the prince to come over"

"Yes, miss." Xiaocui put down the baby shoes she was making and went outside.

After a while, Xiaocui came back with a very depressed expression: "Chen Butler said that the prince has not come back from the palace banquet yet, and he will inform the prince as soon as the prince returns."

"It's okay, in fact, he will come if you don't notice, I'm busy, you go to your work!"

Hua Yu didn't know whether her decision was right or wrong?The determination in the morning faded away bit by bit as the waiting time lengthened, no, she still can’t marry Yun, that face, that cold and boring face was always swaying in his mind, becoming clearer and clearer , so clear that she had to consider whether she had feelings for him?

All afternoon, Hua Yu sat in front of the window and rested her chin in thought. She thought she cared about that man, but no matter what, she couldn't accept sharing a man with other women. , They all have other women around them intentionally or unintentionally, this is something she absolutely cannot accept.

If she is destined to share a man with others, then she will never join hands with others in this life. She will treat the baby in her belly wholeheartedly, let him grow up safely, and she will teach her child that she can only treat one person in a lifetime Well, as long as one person is with me.

The snow melted, and Hua Yu was finally able to go out for a walk. She took Xiao Cui around the Prince's Mansion casually, and someone came to report that someone had come to look for him, saying that the Prince had been brought to Langyue Tower. Hua Yu was puzzled. She has no friends here!Who will come to her?

But since it was Yun Rang who met her, it must not be someone she couldn't meet. With a curious heart, Hua Yu returned to Langyue Tower.

"Miss, is that you?" Before entering the door, a magpie-like voice called out, Hua Yu took a closer look, who is it if it's not Ling'er?There are Qiushui, Qiuping and Bingxue behind her, what's more, there is Tiefeng, Huayu is so excited that she can't speak for a while.

For a long time... "How do you know I'm still alive?"

"It's Prince Che, he told us secretly, miss, you are so cruel, do you know that when you saw you like that, Bingxue Qiushui and Tie Feng ran to fight Leng Hao desperately, and were almost killed by him?" Fortunately, Leng Hao still has a little conscience, so he let them go," Linger said.

Bingxue answered: "Still talking! Qiushui and Ling'er cry every day, almost blinded by crying."

"Sorry! You guys".

"Miss, don't say sorry to us. As long as we make a decision in the future, you must tell us. The five of us have already discussed it. We will follow you for the rest of our lives. We will go wherever you go."

(End of this chapter)

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