Chapter 120 Busy
In the evening, Langyue Tower was full of excitement and laughter. The only one who was depressed was the prince. After waiting for seven days, he still got this result. In fact, he also guessed that it would be such a result, and only this is the real result. Yu'er, but still endlessly lost!That's all, that's all, no matter whether she becomes his person or not, she is destined to touch his heartstrings in this life, let her be, seeing her happy makes him happy, loving someone doesn't have to be obtained.

In a blink of an eye, it was the end of February, the earth returned to spring, and the temperature turned warmer. Although the air was still a little bit cold, the fragrance of flowers had already begun to waft.

In the small courtyard of Langyue Building, the grass began to sprout, light yellow and light yellow, and the maple trees that were bent down by the heavy snow in winter were also covered with a layer of light green, even the birds that had been silent for a long time They are also frequently dispatched, chattering around Langyuelou, as if they are singing some joyful songs.

Everything tells people that spring is here!
Recently, the situation in the court is turbulent, the emperor is critically ill, and Prince Che is in the palace every day and rarely comes back. It is reasonable to say that this prince is the future emperor. The prince's crime came out, intending to dismiss him.And it is said that the main messenger behind this scene is actually the empress, and the empress first proposed that Prince Rui should inherit the throne.Deposing his own son as the crown prince and setting up a younger brother-in-law is probably the most reminiscent story over the years.For a while, there were different opinions and rumors were flying everywhere, but fortunately, most people supported their crown prince.

Hua Yu is also very busy recently, because she got the profits from this life and this life that Lin Niang transferred from Tianqi, Hua Yu wants to use the power of the prince to also take root in this life and this life in Che Yingguo, no, she has been planning this plan all day that's.

"Miss, you are about to take a rest too, otherwise what should you do if you are tired?" That girl Ling'er babbled like a housekeeper all day, causing Hua Yu to often cover her ears with her hands, but if there was no chattering from Ling'er, It was too quiet again.

After breakfast, Ling'er helped Hua Yu to walk slowly in the yard. Prince Che was afraid that something might happen, so he sent an imperial doctor and midwife to wait at the Prince's mansion. De Huayu rolled her eyes, slandering someone, is it necessary to mobilize people like this?
Huayu's due date is just a few days away, so Langyuelou has already made all the preparations, waiting for the baby to be born.

Huayu followed the midwife's advice and walked around more, saying that in this way the delivery would be smoother, so in the past few days, besides eating and sleeping, the only thing Huayu did was to take a walk, walking around non-stop.

"Oh..." Hua Yu bared her teeth, Linger Xiao Cui was startled, almost jumped up, and asked, "Miss, what's wrong with you? Are you going to give birth?" This scene has often happened these days This matter caused the two little girls to be serious, and they often tightened their strings, not daring to be sloppy in the slightest.

"It's okay, it's not the little guy kicking me."

"We were scared to death. We all thought that the young lady was going to give birth!"

"I'm born, what's there to be afraid of?" Hua Yu showed her trademark smile, she wished she could give birth to him quickly so that she wouldn't have to run around with the ball.

In the evening, the prince came over and sent the others away. The two of them chatted occasionally, small things and big things. The way they got along was like this - free and at ease.

Suddenly, Hua Yu felt a burst of abdominal pain and felt that something was wrong, so she hurriedly called Prince Che to call the imperial doctor and midwife.

"Are you going to give birth?"

"I'm not so sure either······"

(End of this chapter)

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