Chapter 124 Lively
When this life is open until evening, the west gate is closed, and this gate only welcomes daytime visitors, unlike the east gate and south gate, which rotate at twelve hours.

After everything was arranged, everyone was busy going back to Mei's mansion to celebrate Mei Xiaozhuan. It was a long day since they returned home. Huayu was always thinking about that little guy, and she didn't know if she would be able to see her. Did she cry? For this day , Hua Yu made arrangements before, feeding him milk properly, this little guy also accepted it, gulped and drank it all, so he would never be hungry, which is why Hua Yu felt relieved to leave him at home.

But before arriving at Langyue Tower, everyone heard the baby crying "Wow...Wow!", Hua Yu left everyone, picked up her dress and ran.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the little guy's voice stopped abruptly, and when Hua Yu made a sound, the little guy started to dance and dance. Hua Yu took the little guy from Ling'er, hugging him like this for the first time, wow!so small!Soft, afraid of falling to the ground.

"Miss, do you know how to hold children?" Linger was dissatisfied.

"Isn't it just hugging the baby? Of course I can!" Hua Yu didn't care about Linger's hand that was already stretched out to hug the baby, she would learn if she couldn't hug her!

"Miss, you've had a hard day, you're tired! Come on, Ling'er, come and hug me, Miss, go and rest!" This time Ling'er successfully took Mei Xiaozhuan away from Hua Yu's hand, Hua Yu was stunned for a while. , I thought, I am too worthless!
But the little guy hasn't raised his head yet, he's soft, it takes skill to hold him, and it's normal for Linger and the others to be worried when she hugs him.

"Hey, give Aunt Xue a hug!" Bingxue and the others also arrived, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, the little guy hugged him excitedly!
"But have you noticed... why Xiao Zhuang doesn't look like a prince!" Xiao Cui's words were like thunder, causing Bingxue and the others to look at her a few times in fright.

"Xiao Cui, what nonsense are you talking about?" Hua Yu was in a hurry, if the court ministers heard this, how many troubles would be caused, Hua Yu knew their skills too well.

With this little guy, everyone seems to be pulled by his bond, just like a family has expectations, sustenance, and goals.

In fact, Hua Yu doesn't like "Full Moon Wine" or "Birthday Banquet". In her opinion, it's just mobilizing people and making a fuss!It's just that Bingxue and the others insisted on making things lively for the little guy, which meant a family gathering.

Someone knocked on the door during the dinner, Xiao Cui hurried to open it:

"Too... Your Majesty" Yun Huang waved his hand to signal her to keep quiet.

"Xiao Cui, who is it?" Hua Yu asked.

Xiao Cui didn't make a sound, Hua Yu turned her head to look, and saw a handsome man walking towards her with a smile.

"Why are you free?"

"Why am I not free? The emperor also needs to rest!" As he said that, he went to pick up Mei Xiaozhuan in Bingxue's hand, and the little guy squeaked and danced when he heard his voice.

"Hey, baby, miss me? Come on, give me a kiss...see, what gift did I bring you?" Yunhuang said as he took out a kit from his bosom, pulled the string, Emperor Yun took out a piece of pure white jade from it, and Hua Yu couldn't see its value, but well, he is the king of a country, and the treasure in his hand is priceless.

But Hua Yu noticed a problem, this Emperor Yun never called himself "Uncle", and always called "I, I" with Mei Xiaozhuan, Hua Yu didn't understand, the four beauties, Xiaocui and Tie Feng, who doesn't compete to call "Uncle or Auntie", there is nothing wrong with it, why does he have to be unique?
I don't want to, anyway, I'm too tired, maybe it's because I haven't gone out for a long time.Hua Yu ate something casually, then got up and went back to the inner room, the people and things outside were naturally taken care of, she was too lazy to worry about it, she went to sleep!

(End of this chapter)

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