The cold king chases the escaped concubine

Chapter 125 Leng Hao Visits Che Yingguo

Chapter 125 Leng Hao Visits Che Yingguo

In a daze, Hua Yu felt someone standing beside her bed, but she was too tired to open her eyes.

"Yu'er, I know you can hear me. Listen up. To celebrate my enthronement, the neighboring countries have recently sent envoys to congratulate me. On the way, do you know who is the envoy from Tianqi Kingdom?—— Leng Hao"

"I don't want him to come, but I can't refuse. When he comes, will you go back with him? I'm afraid, I'm afraid that even looking at you from a distance will become a luxury, hehe... In fact, I know you have him in your heart, and there is still a Mei Xiaozhuan between you, I dare not ask you to enter the palace to accompany me, but I hope you are like now, very close to me, I can see it at any time You, I am satisfied"

Emperor Yun looked at the person on the bed, and couldn't help but touch her snow-white skin with his fingers. This is the person he misses day and night!

For a long time...Hua Yu felt that Emperor Yun was going out after closing the door, so she opened her eyes leisurely. In fact, when he said that Leng Hao would come to Che Yingguo, she woke up completely, "Is Leng Hao coming? Why? When she heard this name, she still trembled inexplicably, and why was he the one who visited, did he feel something?".

This night, some people are doomed to sleepless...

The carriage drove slowly, and suddenly the driver outside the door shouted loudly: "His Royal Highness King Leng of Tianqi Kingdom is here, open the inner city gate!"

In the main hall, Emperor Yun was sitting high on the dragon chair. Seeing Leng Hao, he stood up with a smile, and said in a deep voice, "What kind of virtue and ability do you have? How could you bother the famous King Leng to come to congratulate you in person? It's not thoughtful. Please also invite His Highness King Leng Haihan."

"His Majesty Yunhuang is serious." Leng Hao said with a faint smile, "You and I are old friends. Your Majesty Yun doesn't need to be polite. Leng Hao has another purpose for coming this time."

"Oh? His Royal Highness Leng, but it's okay to say it." Yun Huang's eyebrows jumped, but his face was still full of spring breeze talking and laughing.

"Looking for someone, Leng Hao just wants to find someone on the territory of your country, presumably His Majesty Yun Huang has a kind heart, such a small matter will not stop Leng Hao."

"Of course, I just don't know who the person His Royal Highness Leng is looking for is. Tell me and listen, and I can help you find it."

"Your Majesty is always busy, so Leng Hao is too embarrassed to bother His Majesty with such a trivial matter. Leng Hao will slowly search for her until he finds her," Leng Hao said with a wicked smile.

"Since the king of Leng is unwilling to come, and the widow does not force it, I will send someone to give the necessary help to His Highness Leng Wang. Today, I would like to thank His Highness Leng Wang and his daughter, Prime Minister Guo Mu, for visiting. You have been exhausted all the way, and I am really tired. Let the prime minister take you to rest first, and I will entertain the two of you later." Then he ordered the prime minister beside him like this...
In Leng Hao's dormitory:

"Your Highness, our people searched the entire palace last night, but there was no trace of the princess. The legend is true. There is only one concubine in the huge harem, that is, Princess Lan, whom Emperor Yun married a few months ago. The man who spoke is Dong Qing who has been following Leng Hao, one of the members of the blood wolf team. The current blood wolf team is under the direct management of His Royal Highness Leng Wang, and no one else has the right to give orders.

"Look outside the palace, dig three feet and find her for me." On the reclining chair, Leng Hao has a handsome face, and the evil spirit of the past has dissipated. Guang Guang said: "Hmph! This damned woman actually directed and acted the scene of burning bones, and I actually believed her completely. If he hadn't known that Si Meiren and Tie Feng had suddenly moved to Che Yingguo, which aroused his suspicion, he would still be here now." I was kept in the dark by her, hmph, it's the first time in my life that I was played around by someone, and it turned out to be this woman, see if I find you, how can I deal with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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