Chapter 126
In a trance, it was already dawn. The man in front of the window held the mandarin duck jade hairpin in his hand and stared in thought. He had a sleepless night. The hairpin had already soaked in his temperature and became warm and humid, unlike its own coldness and hardness.

"Yu'er, you hate me so much, you would rather leave in that way?" The man smiled wryly.

"Report to the prince!"

"Come in"

"Dong Qing sees the lord, and told the lord that our people have found the ice pond, which is on the top of the White Fox Snow Mountain in the north of Cheying Country, and there are brothers guarding there, just waiting for the lord to leave as soon as possible to get rid of the Gu worms in his body as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will be the night of the full moon in ten days, and the subordinates are worried..."

"What should I do, this king has his own discretion, you change your clothes and go out with this king." He said, got up and left the gate of the hotel.

Qiushui Bingxue always went out before Tie Feng could go out together. The business in this life is better than Tianqi's, so they are also very busy, getting up early and returning late.

"Miss, Bingxue and the others have already left the house." Ling'er, who had gone to inform Bingxue and the others to come to Langyue Tower, came back and said with a dejected expression.

"Oops..." Emperor Yun said before that Leng Hao was in Che Yingguo and told her to be careful. She originally wanted to call everyone to talk about this early in the morning, but why did they say so? It's really frustrating to leave so early.

"What's wrong, Miss? Do you want Ling'er to inform them?" The little girl asked anxiously.

"No, Ling'er, Leng Hao has come to Che Yingguo, and he is currently in Jialan City, you must not leave the residence, lest he find out," Hua Yu said calmly.

"Ling'er listens to Miss"

No, she has to change her face and put on a veil, so that even if Leng Hao finds her along Bingxue's route, he won't think it's her!

"Miss, you forgot, didn't brother Tiefeng give you a renpi mask? Linger put it away for you, and now you can take it, no one will recognize it." After finishing speaking, the little girl disappeared in a blink of an eye. up.

"This girl..." Hua Yu smiled and shook her head.

In Jialan City, the ice, snow and autumn water flow directly towards this life as in the past.

Jialan City is a big city. Compared with the prosperity and grandeur of the capital city of Tianqi Kingdom, this place is much rougher, but it is still prosperous!The folk customs are also quite open. When they first came, they were often confessed by others on the street. From now on, Bingxue must carry a sword when going out. If any man dares to "lie" any more, she will raise the sword in her hand, scaring those men to turn their heads. Just run, my life is important!
Suddenly, Bingxue's eyes froze, and she hurriedly pulled Qiushui's sleeve, "Qiu... Qiushui..."

"What's the matter? You made a big fuss, do you need to do this?" Qiu Shui was puzzled, and even despised Bingxue for a while, but seeing Bingxue's ghost-like expression suddenly felt something was wrong, following Bingxue's eyes, Qiu Shui's expression changed instantly.


At the table by the window on the second floor of the restaurant not far away, their prince Leng Hao was sitting.

Bingxue Qiushui, who had calmed down, quickly dodged behind a small booth and became invisible. No, they had to go back to the house immediately to inform the young lady that the young lady had cheated Leng Hao. Based on their many years of experience in the palace, once Leng Hao found out and caught them, they would be killed. It would be an ugly death, Leng Hao would not let Miss go, it would definitely be the cruelest torture, anyone who had cheated the prince in the past, who was not quartered and executed at the earliest time, is an extreme torture, it is scary to think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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