Chapter 127 The Master Like Yama
"Qiu Shui, you go back and inform the ladies that I will go to this life first, but you should be careful not to be followed by the prince's people." Bingxue calmly explained, and took out her handkerchief from her cuff and wrapped it around her face to cover her face. half face.

"Well, you have to be careful yourself!"

The two split up.

"My lord!..."

"Follow" Leng Hao ordered with a wicked smile on his face, he was sure that the woman was not dead, she must be somewhere in the world, damned woman!

After that happened, he got drunk all day long and stayed in front of the grave. No one could persuade him. After his father and queen mother found out, they came to the grave to persuade him. The queen mother accidentally saw the mandarin duck and jade hairpin. , Tell him affirmatively, "Hua Yu is not dead, this hairpin has spirituality, the hairpin is in the presence of people, the hairpin is dead and the person is dead, and the hairpin will destroy itself when people die."From then on, he began to doubt, and he also had the idea of ​​life. He sent someone to investigate, only to learn that someone bought a female corpse that night, so he had to make a bold idea, "His Yu'er did not died, but made a double and escaped."He was angry at this idea, and he was also secretly grateful for this idea, "Fortunately, fortunately, his Yu'er is still alive."

Not long ago, Bingxue and the others all moved away, and the information team of the Blood Wolf team found them. At this point, Leng Hao became more certain of his judgment, "That woman is not dead, she just left with someone else." With this understanding, Leng Hao Hao gritted his teeth in hatred.

"He must find that woman and strangle her to death himself to relieve his hatred," Leng Hao thought.

"Bingxue, what are you doing? Why are you sneaking around and wearing a veil?" In the streets and alleys, Iron Wind came out of nowhere and stood in front of Bingxue.

"Shh..." Bingxue raised her index finger to her lips, beckoning him not to speak, and told him with gestures, "Someone is following, shake them off before talking."So, by the time Bingxue and the others managed to get rid of their tails and return to this life, it was already afternoon.

As Bingxue said so, Tie Feng's face was solemn when he heard it.

"Miss, do you know?"

"Qiu Shui went back and informed"

"No, I have to go back to the mansion, and I will leave this place to you." After finishing speaking, Tie Feng jumped up and disappeared into the corridor.

Bingxue smiled wryly, "He still misses Miss, loves Miss!"

"The rice bucket, you lost me with everyone. What's the use of raising you, where is Dong Qing?" On the second floor of the restaurant, Leng Hao was still sitting there, his cup and plate had been thrown to the ground by him. The man is receiving his monstrous rage.

"Back to the lord, there is news from the captain that Qiu Shui has entered the Mei Mansion, but the Mei Mansion is heavily guarded, and even a fly cannot fly in. It is said that it was the Crown Prince's Mansion before the Emperor Yun. I don't know what it is used for now? Moreover, in the past few days, there have been successive additions of guards from the Imperial Forest Army..." The man said this, and looked up at the Yama-like master in front of him.


"The captain will guard there personally, and then sneak in to find out at night."

"Pa..." a table rang.

"This is how efficient you are? What's the use of training you? When you return to Tianqi Kingdom, you will automatically clean the palace for a year."

The man's expression was exaggerated, he heard it right! "Clean the palace for one year"?When did their princes become so benevolent? Could it be that the princess is really alive?If this is the case, that would be great, the princess is really the reincarnation of the Bodhisattva who saves the suffering, and came to rescue these little pawns who almost lost their lives.

(End of this chapter)

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