Chapter 128
This self-proclaimed "little pawn" is not a pawn, he is Leng Hao's new personal bodyguard Wang Fei.

During that time, King Leng sat in front of Huayu's grave all day long to drink away his sorrows. He was drunk, but he didn't allow anyone to accompany him. One day when it rained heavily, he actually knelt in front of Huayu's grave like a wooden man. His eyes stared blankly at the words on the tombstone, he didn't care about the rain pouring on his head, he seemed to lose consciousness, and finally he just passed out in front of the tombstone, fortunately he was rescued by a passing man, otherwise Leng Hao would have died No one there knew that this Jianghu man was Wang Fei.

That night, Leng Hao developed a high fever and was in a daze, but he kept calling a person's name. Wang Fei invited a doctor for him until he recovered. Bodyguard.

As night falls, the red lanterns on the gate of Meifu are particularly dazzling.

Outside the red wall not far from the gate, a man in white jumped into the inner courtyard of the Mei Mansion. Suddenly, the sound of dogs rang out in the courtyard, causing the guards in the mansion to quickly surround them. For a while, there was a fierce fight, and another man outside the wall borrowed Under the faint moonlight, he could vaguely see his handsome face that made Chang'e shy. He chose a quiet place and jumped into the mansion. The previous guards were all attracted by the noise, so the other places were empty and it was easy to sneak in.

The handsome man jumped up to the high tower in the mansion, looked down at all the buildings downstairs, eliminated them one by one, and finally selected a yard not far from the tower with his fox-like eyes. At this time, it was brightly lit, as bright as day.

Lightly peeling off the tiles, the scene inside made Leng Hao stunned on the spot, and then great ecstasy and excitement rushed into his heart...

"Hua Yu..." Leng Hao's voice was extremely hoarse.

In the study, Hua Yu, who was looking at the account book, was restless. She always felt a familiar voice calling her. Hua Yu looked around the room, but there was no one else, and she looked down at the account book one by one.

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind rushed in from the door, Hua Yu shivered, the cold was soaked in her back, and her hair was terrified, but there was a dull pain in her chest, as if she had been injured by a blunt object.

"Hua Yu..." This time, Hua Yu heard it really clearly, yes, it was that person's voice, Hua Yu's body froze, her heart trembled, and the ledger slipped from her hand on the spot.

The air stopped flowing in an instant, and it was oppressive like condensation, making it hard to breathe.

A tall figure slowly walked in from the door...

"Plum blossom rain..." A voice gnashed its teeth.

When Hua Yu heard the sound, she no longer had the fear just now, but her nose was sour, and tears rolled down.

Seeing the woman in front of him shed tears, Leng Hao, who was originally very angry, softened his heart all of a sudden, stretched out his hand to pull Hua Yu over, and hugged her tightly, it still felt that way, warm, soft, and tight With a faint fragrance, yes, it is his Huayu, the person he misses day and night.

"Flower Rain...Flower Rain..." Leng Hao called in a low voice, like an affectionate man calling for the woman he hit, pouring out his heart.

"Don't you hate me?" After a baptism of childbirth, Hua Yu finally knew that she loved the man in front of her, and understood the importance of communication, so she spoke first, no matter what, she wanted to know more ······More about the man in front of me·····

(End of this chapter)

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