Chapter 129 The Damned Woman

Who is Leng Hao? Hua Yu expected that he would find him here. Originally, she wanted to deceive him by wearing a mask, but after an afternoon of ideological struggle, she finally chose to show her true face. There was a voice in her heart encouraging her If she does this, the matter between her and Leng Hao needs to be resolved no matter what, and she doesn't want to procrastinate any longer.

And she was sure that Leng Hao would not do anything to her, this man was not as cold as he appeared on the outside.

"Yu'er..." Another affectionate call, heard in the ears, as if the whole world is full of blurred and ambiguous feelings, as if this man has loved her for a long time, for a long time, and loves her to the bone. ······, Hasn't he always loved Qian Suyao?What is the reason for her?

Hua Yu's blank mind became clearer, and she pushed away the man who hugged her tightly. She didn't want to be a substitute, and she didn't want to go back to the past. She still clearly remembered the days before, when he treated her hot and cold, She has had enough of being away, and she is very satisfied with this kind of life now, and she just wants to live like this forever. She doesn't want others to disturb her current life, especially this man.

Feeling Hua Yu's refusal, Leng Hao squeezed Hua Yu's arm that was about to break free, "Why? Hua Yu, why did you treat me so cruelly?" Leng Hao stared at Hua Yu's eyes, his voice She was gentle to the extreme, but the dangerous breath made Hua Yu shiver involuntarily.

"Why? Haha, Lord Leng knows better than anyone else!" Hua Yu sarcastically said without fear.

"I know?... Is it Qian Suyao? Yu'er, you still don't trust me..." Leng Hao smiled bitterly, and then continued: "There are some secrets in this, forgive me now I can't tell you yet, but I have kicked her out of the palace, go back with me, okay? I promise you, I will treat you well for the rest of my life, and nothing like this will ever happen again, trust me, okay? "

"Not good..." Hua Yu roared loudly, this was the first time in her life that she was rude to someone.All these changes were too fast and too sudden, she didn't expect it, and she couldn't get used to it all at once, but she knew that it was impossible to let her live the old life again.

"Why? I can give you whatever you want? Including what you said is a couple for a lifetime, I will give it to you too?" Leng Hao begged someone like this for the first time in his life.

"Just ask my lord, if someone shatters your hope of life time and time again, will you still believe that he will give you hope?" Hua Yu said calmly and forcefully, some words must be made clear, she is too lazy to waste energy with some people Go on, whether she still has feelings for that person or not.

Leng Hao was stunned... Hua Yu had changed. The Hua Yu he knew would not talk to someone so decisively, but no matter what she was, he loved her. He wanted her to change forever. no.

"In this life, you can't escape me even if you die! It's okay, let's take our time, I have plenty of time!" Leng Hao suddenly turned his face, and the previous anger and pain seemed to be swept away, replaced by his usual evil smile , It seems that he is about to take over the heroic affairs of the world.

Suddenly, there were noisy footsteps approaching the attic, Huayu's face brightened, and she shouted mischievously, "Help! We're catching the flower picker!"

"You!...Damn woman!" Leng Hao glared at Hua Yu fiercely, let go helplessly, and quickly jumped out of Langyue Tower.

(End of this chapter)

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