Chapter 132

Hua Yu has already thought about it, no matter what she will not say that Xiao Zhuang is his son, Xiao Zhuang is the queen of the royal family, once he is told, Leng Hao will definitely snatch him away, and the Leng family will not let their grandson go If they were living outside, they would have to separate. She was unwilling to say anything, and Xiao Zhuang was her life, and no one could take it away.

"You..." Leng Hao's face turned cold for a moment, and he swallowed back when he wanted to say harsh words. After so much experience, he has learned to be good, and he will never hurt his beloved woman again, even if he says something harsh He is also reluctant.

Leng Hao sorted out his emotions, and changed into a gentle expression, "Then let's change the subject, let me ask you, Yu'er, is it Che Quanyun's idea to set the fire on fire or not, Yuer? In the end, he was the one who brought you to Che Yingguo, right?"

Hua Yu was confused for a moment, he changed his face really quickly, isn't he being fierce to himself?But she wouldn't talk about the question he asked, and she would let it rot in her stomach forever, otherwise, he would still target Yun and Che Yinguo in everything.

He showed his signature smile, "Lord Leng really knows how to make up stories, the fact is that I... Mei Huayu couldn't stand your mistreatment, so I came up with this trick. It’s okay, understand? Believe that human potential can be tapped without limit!”

"Will Yu'er protect him?"

"Where did you say that?"

"Heh... It doesn't matter if Yu'er doesn't tell the truth, I have informed the Blood Wolf Pavilion to investigate this matter." Leng Hao stared at Hua Yu with a firm expression.

"I don't know how to speak, you can never get a word from me," Hua Yu was determined.
"Forget it...forget it, this king will not force you anymore, and I don't want to pursue the past, but Yu'er, you must go back with this king." After finishing speaking, Leng Hao took a deep look at her, turned around After leaving Langyue Tower, Hua Yu was left alone, standing there blankly.

It's been a long time... I haven't come back to my senses!
Leng Hao obviously felt that Hua Yu rejected him, so don't rush, take your time, he will have the patience to melt her heart.

Hua Yu felt that Leng Hao had changed a lot, and she couldn't tell what changed. After Leng Hao left, Hua Yu didn't see him for several days.

With a bright moon hanging high, the Langyue Building was quiet and deserted. Everyone else went to the front yard to watch the performance. Hua Yu was too lazy to walk around, so she made a pot of scented tea and sat on the second floor to set up a platform to think about things.

What Leng Hao said that day kept echoing in her mind. To be honest, she was surprised and shocked!This was something she hadn't expected. In the past, he was hot and cold, far and near to her, but to be honest, Leng Hao didn't really hurt himself. In the final analysis, her departure was a kind of escape. Avoiding the people she didn't want to see, the life she didn't want to live, in the final analysis, it was her own cowardice, she was afraid of being hurt, and she didn't want to fight for it.

The first time I met Leng Hao was on the street. She still remembered that he was riding a big bay red horse. His face was so handsome that women were ashamed. Leng Hao's first impression.

The next time we met was at Prime Minister Mei's mansion, when Leng Hao came to visit, he was still an unruly man with an evil smile.

Later in the palace, their bumps and bumps, their relationship turned from cold to warm, until the appearance of Qian Suyao shattered Hua Yu's last hope.

At that point, escape is inevitable.

(End of this chapter)

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