Chapter 133 Dreamland
Hua Yu thought that she would never see Leng Hao again in this life, so she settled down casually and accepted the existing life. Unexpectedly, Leng Hao's appearance and the complaints of the four beauties were all talking about the same thing, telling her that after her accident, Hearing Leng Hao's various pains, Hua Yu was heartbroken and almost shed tears.

For a while, I wondered if I really did something wrong, did I really want to punish him like that?
In fact, she always knew that Leng Hao loved her, but the love she wanted was pure and unique, and she didn't want to share it.

In fact, she is also a fickle woman. She has been tempted by Yun before, and she has also been tempted by Leng Hao, but she just doesn't bother to fight for it, and protects herself tightly. In the end, she is selfish, afraid of being hurt, and would rather Abandoning that love, she is not willing to pay.

In the end, it's not that I don't love, but that I don't want to take the initiative to love, and I don't want to give my heart first.

It doesn't matter if you say she is selfish or ruthless, the love in the previous life has hurt her all over, and she doesn't want to be hurt again.

Even if you know your own heart and understand his love, so what?

Some people, some loves, are destined to be missed, and it is useless to think about it.

Suddenly, there was a cry of a baby, and Hua Yu realized that she was not the only one in this building, there was also a little one!
Picking up the Ye Mingzhu on the table, Hua Yu went downstairs by the light.

"Xiao Zhuang, don't cry...don't cry, mother is here." Hua Yu followed Xiao Cui's example and picked up the little baby on the bed.

Hearing his mother's voice, the little guy stopped crying, opened his little eyes, saw Hua Yu, and then started crying again, Hua Yu felt bewildered, never like this before, Hua Yu wondered if he was sick?

Put your hands on your forehead to test the temperature one by one, it's okay, you don't have a fever!Then check the other places of the little guy, there is nothing unusual!But Hua Yu found a problem. There were two jade pendants hanging around the little guy's neck. Hua Yu knew that the white one was sent by the cloud, but what about the green one?Hua Yu looked at Ye Mingzhu, and found that the word "Leng" was engraved on the back of it. Hua Yu had seen it before. On Leng Hao, this is a token that only the descendants of the Leng family's royal family have. This is the only copy, out of print!And it represents supreme rights, alas, if she doesn't take this child away, he will have a very noble status, and I don't know whether her previous decision was right or wrong for him?
Hua Yu thought that the little guy might be hungry, so she fed the little guy one by one, and sure enough, the little guy started sucking like a little hungry wolf.Only at this moment, Hua Yu's heart will be calm. Looking at the cute little guy, her whole heart is full and warm. It seems that all the troubles have disappeared at this moment. Hua Yu simply went to bed and stayed with the little guy like this sleep.

It was late at night, Hua Yu was drowsy, and finally couldn't resist the invasion of drowsiness, and fell into a deep sleep.

Hua Yu entered a dream. In the dream, he could vaguely see a snow mountain. With the switching of the screen, the snow mountain turned into a natural ice pool. At this time, a man was in the middle of the pool. He was naked, with black hair hanging around him. , his lips were already purple from the cold, and looking at the man's eyebrows and eyes, Hua Yu was startled, who is it if it's not Leng Hao?
After a long time, the man finally couldn't hold on, and slowly fell into the pool, and didn't get up again for a long time, Huayu ran and shouted anxiously, the person on the bed was startled, and sat up, only to realize that it was a dream, And he was already sweating profusely, the corners of his eyes were already moist, and even his heart was in pain.

(End of this chapter)

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