Chapter 141 Returning to the Palace
"Miss, the people in the mansion will feel at ease only when they see Miss, we'd better go back!" Bingxue said with concern.

"Miss, please ignore her, she is worried about someone," Qiu Shui continued.

Hua Yu suddenly remembered, doesn't Bingxue like Iron Wind?Ever since they came, she had forgotten about it, and she couldn't help but blame herself deeply, and suddenly asked: "Then how are you and Tie Feng?"

Bingxue is a bold and refreshing girl, "Miss, he has accepted me".

But when he finished speaking, his face turned red.

Some things are better told by others.

"Qiu Shui, you know about her, tell me?" Hua Yu turned to Qiu Shui, looking at her with gossiping eyes.

"Why did you involve me again, miss, you are so unkind!" Qiu Shui pouted pretending to be dissatisfied.

"If you don't say anything else, I'll marry you off," Hua Yu threatened with a smile, and it turned out that this trick really worked.As soon as Hua Yu finished speaking, Qiu Shui spoke up, "Okay, okay, I'm afraid you can't make it?"

After Qiu Shui said this, Hua Yu knew that she had unintentionally fulfilled a marriage. It was during the time when she escaped from the palace, and everyone was drowning in the abyss of pain. During that time, their hearts gradually approached. Come together at last.

"Hey! Why didn't you say it sooner? I want to give you a happy event." Hua Yu said pretending to be angry, but everyone could hear the joy and concern behind the words. It seemed that Meifu was going to be busy again.

The three of them chatted about Hua Yu's being kidnapped and rescued this time, but Hua Yu just passed it lightly, and she didn't want to recall that horrible plot again.

Hua Yu ate something again, and her physical strength was almost recovered, so she proposed to leave one by one. When she asked Leng Hao to say goodbye, she found that the iceberg had long disappeared, and left a note for the three masters and servants to leave. I learned that this courtyard a few streets away from Mei Mansion is a stronghold of Xuelang Pavilion in Che Yingguo.

Hua Yu, who was supported by Bingxue Qiushui into the carriage, suddenly felt a scorching heat on her back, as if someone was staring at her, but when she turned around to look around, there was no one there, Hua Yu shook her head, secretly laughing at her daze.

The carriage started to drive, gradually drifting away, and then a person came out from behind the shadow of the red wall.

"Why did the prince let the princess go like this?" Wang Fei who was at the side asked in confusion.

for a long time······
Hehe, letting go is just for willingness!
At first I begged to marry her, it was because of Qian Suyao, after she passed the mansion, I treated her hot and cold, and left her in the most remote Meiyuan, and many things later, which one was not me Dominant, she has no choice...

The prince wants to make the princess happy, and wants to chase the princess back to the mansion again?

"En!" Leng Hao looked at the same unruly man in front of him appreciatively, thinking to himself, he is really different, it seems that he has a good vision!

"Also... How is Chade going?" Leng Hao rolled his eyes and asked about this matter.

"Back to the lord, we have our eyes on this person." Wang Fei said, unfolding a portrait of a woman to Leng Hao's eyes.

The woman in the painting is beautiful and refined, one in a thousand, but... the cold eyes of the woman in the painting seem familiar, really familiar, he has always had a good memory, as long as he meets him once, he will remember it When he needed it, he dug it out from the memory box, but this time, no matter how much he wanted to remember it, he never kept the face in front of him. Could the only possibility be that this woman did not show her true face?

(End of this chapter)

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