Chapter 142

Huayu returned her heart like an arrow, and she only listened to Bingxue Qiushui's words along the way, and only responded with a gentle smile from time to time.

She misses her little stump. I haven't seen her for a few days. I wonder if it has grown taller again?This time, Hua Yu couldn't guess who was trying to put her to death?Thinking about it makes her feel a little scared. After the catastrophe, she feels the impermanence of life even more, and decides that she must know how to enjoy life more than before, so that she will not be in vain in this world.

Hua Yu, who returned to Mei Mansion, stayed at home every day to play with Xiao Zhuang, watching her son grow up day by day, she was very happy.They are responsible for ice and snow in this life, Hua Yu is happy to be at leisure, and the whole Mei Mansion is also filled with a strong atmosphere of celebration.

"Xiao Zhuang..." Xiao Cui and Ling'er Qiuping were playing with the little guy on the mat. Every time the little girls went out to buy, they would buy them back and play with him when they saw interesting toys. His current toys are There are a lot of them, slingshots, whistles, breaking waves... As long as they are available in the market, Linger and the others bought them all back. Tiefeng even made a wooden sword for such a small person. I was so happy to see it.

The little pile can turn over now, and it needs to be guarded at all times, otherwise, based on the little guy's hyperactive performance, he might fall to the ground in an instant.

However, to put it in Bingxue's words, a child who is active is smart, and his body must be flexible. In the future, it will not be a problem to ask him to practice swords, and he must be better than blue.So a few people would gather around there to help the little pile roll over. They were also skilled. They used force from the waist to gently turn him over. Every time the little guy would giggle, which made them very comforted.

Every time Hua Yu felt distressed, she would call them "stepmother..." and "a sadist..." but they just ignored her!well!One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer!After all, they are not on the same channel, she can't stand it, but both of them think it's fun!

He has just turned four months old and is extremely sensitive to sound. Linger shakes the rattle to get his attention, while Qiuping shakes the rattle on the other side, trying to see which one the little guy likes, but the little guy opens his eyes. A pair of big eyes, staring at the two toys, the little hand stretched out, even the little foot was raised, trying to grab it, obviously, the poor little Zhuang couldn't be caught so easily, how could Linger and Qiuping So kind, stepmother!
The little guy will also get annoyed sometimes, if he keeps trying hard but can't catch it, the little guy will cry and lie, at this time Ling'er Qiuping will quickly stuff the toy into his hands, the toy is in hand, the little guy will succeed , and immediately smiled brightly, which made Linger Qiuping gnash her teeth with hatred, and vowed never to be fooled by him again, but this thing happens countless times every day... and she sews new clothes for the little guy. Xiaocui in the clothes laughed out loud, you are so cute, little guy!

Hua Yu was too bored at the side, so she just moved a small table, brought paper, and scribbled on it. Don't tell me, this unintentional creation has designed many interesting patterns for this life, which can be used as jewelry For clothing, clothes, etc., Huayu has a new idea to set up a children's clothing section. In the past, there were children's clothing for sale, but the styles were pitiful.

(End of this chapter)

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