Chapter 145 Chapter 150 Three Chapters
summer resort
Some time ago, because Leng Hao saved Hua Yu, Emperor Yun specially allowed Leng Hao to act freely in Che Yingguo, and Che Yingguo had to ensure his safety. He was repatriated by Che Yingguo because the celebration period had passed, and he could also move out of the hotel. He lived wherever he liked, so why not do it, but this gratitude always made him a thorn in the side, his own princess Of course he has to save it, and others have no right to judge.

"My lord, what did you say? Did Qian Suyao collude with the dark forces to kidnap the princess?" Dong Qing rushed over from the corridor all of a sudden, her eyes were red with anger. You must know that the princess is the prince's life, if it wasn't for this time The prince found the concubine in time, and the concubine suffocated to death there not long ago, that woman, how dare she...?
Leng Hao frowned, his face darkened, "Why did you barge in without being notified? It's too unruly, go to the vestibule to get the stick for thirty."

"Oh, I forgot, this subordinate is going to accept the punishment now." Dong Qing immediately realized that he was too impulsive, the prince is a man of rules, he must not overstep it!
"But my lord, is this true? If so, I, Dong Qing, must find her and tear her into pieces." Dong Qing said fiercely, which puzzled Leng Hao. His right-hand man She has always been calm and capable, never acting emotionally and impulsively, but today is it for that...?

This time Leng Hao didn't let Dong Qing go down, but brought him and Wang Fei to a round table to discuss matters.

In fact, the three of them are about the same age, a 21-year-old man in his prime. Although Dong Qing has handsome features, he is not as unrestrained as Wang Fei. Compared with the former, the latter is more popular with girls.

At the same time, a man came to report that someone had followed Qian Suyao, and that woman entered Prince Rui's mansion for a few hours and never came out again.

The corner of Leng Hao's mouth twitched, watching a show, since this woman is so restless, then don't blame him for being ruthless!
"Keep watching, report immediately if there is any situation, and don't let Prince Rui find out about your whereabouts, he is an old fox!"

"Yes, my lord," the man replied simply and forcefully, and immediately jumped out of everyone's sight.

"Hmph! This king didn't want to take care of the internal disputes in Che Ying Kingdom. It's really that this Prince Rui is so bold that he dared to touch the future queen of Tianqi Kingdom. Don't blame me for being rude!" Leng Hao He crushed the teacup in his hand coldly.

Prince Rui's Mansion

"My lord, I'm afraid that Leng Hao has already found us. Shall we strike first?" A wretched-looking man made a beheading gesture in front of a noble and extraordinary middle-aged man.

Prince Rui waved his hand, "Don't worry, don't worry, he wouldn't be an enemy of this king because of a woman who abandoned him and feigned death, but how long has that woman been here?".

"Go back to the lord, Miss Qian has been here for a long time, let the slave deliver a message to you, saying that she is here to fulfill the promise"

"Oh! Why didn't you say it sooner?" After speaking, Prince Rui was fascinated, and hurried towards the front yard with a look of joy, a discerning person would know what was going on at a glance!

"Hmm...My lighten up, I'm hurting the little girl"

"It's not made by you little fairy..."

"Oh! My lord..."

In the hibiscus tent, a beautiful woman of a country is with a man..., but they don't know that their end is coming.

(End of this chapter)

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