Chapter 146

Night, thick as ink.

The Blood Wolf Pavilion had already arranged everything in Prince Rui's Mansion, and in order to reduce the casualties of some innocent people, the people who sneaked in first set the kitchen on fire. In a short time, all the servants of the Palace were gathered to put out the fire. Leaping out, Leng Hao took Wang Fei and the others and leaped into the place where Prince Rui was having fun all the way, suddenly Dong Qing's big knife was placed on Prince Rui's neck, and Prince Rui who was seeking pleasure was startled , turned around and saw that the situation was not good.

"Prince Rui, have you ever thought that today is your day of death? The purpose of this king's coming here today is to seek justice for the sufferings that this king and concubine suffered that day." Leng Hao walked in and asked with a sullen expression on his face.

Knowing that he would definitely die today, Prince Rui turned around and pinched Qian Suyao's throat to threaten her.

What got nothing in return was Leng Hao's "hahaha..." laugh, full of contempt towards him and the woman who was threatened.

If one plan fails, another plan will be implemented.

"It turns out that Leng Wang is also a heartless and ungrateful person. Thinking back in the Qianzu tribe, if it weren't for this woman, Leng Wang, you would have been crushed and ashes. How can you stand here? So... ·The Leng family is really ruthless! Not only do you not want to repay your kindness, but now you want to take her life because of another woman, which is beyond the law of heaven!"

"Prince Rui, you're not bad either! Even though you were using Yunyu on someone just now, you are about to take someone's life in just a split second. It can be said that turning face is faster than turning a book. You are really a leader in fickleness!"

"My lord..." Wang Fei next to him intentionally reminded him that time is running out and the battle will be resolved quickly.

Leng Hao took away the Yaxing who had just watched the play, and ordered his subordinates to take Qian Suyao away. As for Prince Rui, even if he is a prince, he will let him take his life.With the knife in his hand, Prince Rui was killed on the spot. Before leaving, he took advantage of the opportunity and threw the candlestick at the side onto the gauze tent. In an instant, the Furong tent was filled with flames, and all the people in the Blood Wolf Pavilion evacuated out of Prince Rui's mansion without anyone noticing. Look, Prince Rui's Mansion has been covered by thick black smoke, it is the season of dry weather, the fire burning soaring into the sky is getting hotter and hotter, the fire is obviously beyond the control of human beings.

And Qian Suyao, who had always witnessed Prince Rui's end, was still trembling tightly wrapped in the quilt at this time, she really didn't know how Leng Hao would deal with her, at this moment she really regretted provoking Meihuayu, but still A look of unwillingness.

Blood Wolf Pavilion Base
"My lord, what should I do with this woman?" As soon as they arrived at the inner field of the Blood Wolf Pavilion, the two guards threw the woman who was carrying her to the ground, as if they were avoiding the plague.

"Heh, it's a little different this time. Brothers are also lucky, this woman will reward you, you understand!" Leng Hao raised his sharp eyes, and said in a nasty tone.

"What?" The guards raised their heads in shock, oh my god!We are not good at this, my lord, you are not a reward, you are a punishment!Helpless, everyone knows their master's temper, and no one dares to disobey.

Qian Suyao, who was lying on the side, opened her eyes wide when she heard this, but she had already been acupointed, otherwise she would bite her tongue and kill herself on the spot, Leng Hao, you are so ruthless!
There are at least a hundred people in the Blood Wolf Pavilion base here, and all of them are martial arts practitioners. When the seventh person was reached, Qian Suyao had already fainted, while Leng Hao, who was watching the play, was very indifferent. , and coldly asked the guard to untie her acupuncture points. After all, she had no strength to bite her tongue anymore, and it was also a pleasure to hear her screaming in pain. When it was almost dawn, the guard felt that the person under him was like a female corpse. Fingers to sniff, sure enough...

All the guards breathed a sigh of relief, don't offend the prince in the future, otherwise he is probably capable of doing even the most vicious things.

(End of this chapter)

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