Chapter 158
After breakfast, Hua Yu insisted on playing with Xiao Zhuang. This little kid has ignored him since he entered the palace. No wonder, there are delicious and fun things. He has already forgotten about his mother. No, I heard Xiao Rong Zi Zi said that he was going to take him to hunt birds, the little guy's eyes suddenly became bright, and Hua Yu was speechless, you little thing, you probably don't even know what a bird is!

As soon as Xiao Zhuang left, Hua Yu was bored, picked up a book and read it for a while, but her eyelids kept twitching, so there must be nothing happening!Jumping left to make money and right to disaster, she is jumping with her left eye!Is she going to get rich?But she is a rich woman now!Hua Yu curled her lips, regardless of disaster or wealth, what should come will come naturally.

At noon, Hua Yu was so sleepy that she just wanted to take a nap on the bed when she heard someone at the door announcing that the imperial decree had arrived. Hua Yu didn't dare to neglect to go to the courtyard. Looking at Fugui who was carrying the imperial decree, Huayu also knelt down.

Fugui read a long series of words in a long voice, and Huayu heard the next few words, titled Yun Queen, Yuhua Palace.Although it is unexpected, it is not exclusive.

Emperor Yun, Empress Yun, having the same name as the ruler of a country seems to be a big taboo. Hua Yu thought that he would definitely have another bloody quarrel with the ministers in the court.

Empress Yun... Hua Yu was inexplicably familiar with and moved by this title.

On July [-]th of the first year of Yunshou, the whole world celebrates with fireworks and firecrackers. This is the first time that Che Yingguo has been so lively in many years. On this day when Cowherd and Weaver Girl meet, thousands of people in Jialan City gather on Fenghuang Street, which is lively Like the scorching sun at noon in summer, it vividly shows the enthusiasm and unrestrainedness of Che Ying's children...

In order to marry this Empress Yun, Emperor Yun withdrew a group of admonishers, including the old prime minister who supported him at the beginning. For a while, there were different opinions in the court, which also made the common people boo. This behavior made this Empress Yun even more It has become famous among the people, and at the same time, it has ignited the curiosity of the world to spy on it.

There is no Weiyang Palace in Che Ying Kingdom, and the palaces where the queens of all dynasties live are divided according to the person, and there is no fixed queen's residence. The Yuhua Palace is not far from the Yangxin Palace, and it takes less than a quarter of an hour to get there. The same is true for the Imperial Study Room.

It was a tiring thing for the ancients to get married. Although Hua Yu had experienced it once, she had just traveled through it at that time. She was curious about everything, so she didn't have much feeling for this complicated wedding procedure. Now it is different. Her The heart is on this, and this is an emperor after Nadi, the specifications and pomp are even more extraordinary.

In the middle of the night, Qin Xin and Hua Die began to dress her up. Qin Xin took two threads and rolled them into tiny slits, and then pinched her face, causing her to frown in pain. This is too primitive!
Listening to Qin Xin, this is what every newlywed has experienced. The pain is a little bit painful, but the resulting skin is tender and smooth. Eyebrows, sweeping vermilion lips lightly, Hua Yu half-closed her eyes and followed them...
Putting on the red phoenix coronet and Xiapei, a delicate and charming bride appeared in front of them, and they couldn't believe their eyes.
Hua Yu sat blankly in the Yuhua Temple, waiting for the auspicious time to come, occasionally looking up at the dark night outside...

(End of this chapter)

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