Chapter 159
At this time, for some reason, Hua Yu really wanted to see Leng Hao, simply wanted to see him, it was impossible for him not to know about such a big matter, but why hasn't anyone been seen yet?Or has he given up already?Thinking of this, Hua Yu was inexplicably lost... She laughed secretly at herself, she was really flirtatious, but she couldn't help it. She counted the men she knew, Qian He first, but she had no affection for him. The only thing she had was affection like family affection, even after meeting him in the academy that day, the memory of the owner of her body slowly returned, and she deeply felt the bone-destroying feelings that Meihuayu had for him, but she It's not Plum Blossom Rain, and she doesn't feel the same way as her.

As for Leng Fu, they must be confidants!Confidante, in fact, he is the type she really likes, but they met at the wrong time, too late!At that time, her heart was already occupied by the first two men, no matter how seamless it was, if time went back and she met him first, then life would be another scene.

Now, don't mention it!
Che Quanyun······

Leng Hao······

She is about to get married, thinking so much about what to do, what she should be thinking about now is how to spend this long night, but if a person is bored in a small red and black place, it would be strange if she didn't think about it. Wearing a gold silk embroidered phoenix hijab, sitting on the bed waiting, the bedroom next door is quiet, probably Xiao Zhuang is sleeping soundly, so she will be sad, so early in the morning, is it necessary?
It is said that her daughter is married and given by her family, but when she is married, she is alone by her side, there is no one, no one... The four beauties and they don't have... It is even more impossible for the father of Tianqi Kingdom to come, It is estimated that he will be ashamed of his daughter when he hears the news. After all, Apocalypse's national style is conservative, unlike this Cheying's national style, which is open. Women can marry second and no one will criticize...
Thinking about it, she felt a little dejected, and sat on the bed in a daze. She didn't react until a voice called her several times.He suddenly wanted to lift the hijab to confirm, but was pressed down by a hand.

"Miss, once the hijab is put on, you can't take it off. You have to wait until the groom lifts it off with a scale, that's auspicious!"

It was the little girl Linger who was talking, and the rest were also arguing in her ears. Hearing the sound, all six of them had come, Hua Yu was very excited. Don't ask, it must be Yun who did it, or he knows herself best.

With a few of them by their side, Huayu was full of happiness. Although it was not the first time she got married, the girls kept chattering and explaining. Although this time was different from last time, the principle was still the same. From time to time, Mammy would accompany her to remind her that she needn't worry about anything.

When the auspicious time came, Huayu walked out of the Yuhua Palace with the support of Xiaocui and Mammy from left to right. She couldn't see the way clearly under the hijab, so Huayu had to try to walk slowly. The place that she might arrive at in a short time is enough. After walking for half an hour, Mammy whispered where she was going when she was going out, and even explained it.

This is the Imperial Ancestral Hall. After standing up, you must bring the queen to proclaim your ancestors, and the conferring ceremony is considered complete.
As soon as she stepped into the gate of the palace, even though she was wearing a red hijab, Hua Yu still clearly felt countless pairs of eyes staring at her. She was nervous, staggered, and almost fell over. At this moment, a warm body approached her , the big hand supported her body that was about to fall in time, and immediately, taking advantage of the trend, Hua Yu was hugged, and a warm current quickly spread all over her body, no need to look, it must be him, he is the only one who acts like this... ·Only he will ignore everything, only her in his heart, ignoring all rules and etiquette, you must know that although Che Yingguo's people are open, it does not mean that the imperial power is negligent, on the contrary, their palace rules are numerous, and some are harsh To the extreme, and those are all aimed at the harem, but she is the only exception...
Both sides of the steps were surrounded by ministers and their families, who were already booing. Although the ceremony and music had already started when Hua Yu stepped into the palace gate, their dissatisfaction could still be heard. She thought to herself, she might offend a lot of people this time, and she struggled to get down and leave, but she was hugged tightly, unable to resist, Hua Yu was speechless, he is the king of a country, and his appearance will be criticized by the ministers ·····

(End of this chapter)

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