Chapter 176

How many girls' hearts were broken in a short time, Hua Yu made fun of him and it was a disaster!

Don't accept gifts, don't entertain guests, it's okay for the family to have a little celebration!Hua Yu personally cooked for Yunhuang a not-so-rich meal, and specially made him a bowl of longevity noodles with two fried eggs in it. Yunhuang was so touched that the corners of his eyes were wet. Hua Yu doesn't point out, the dignity of a man, love him well in the future, this is what she is determined to do.

Yunhuang held the bowl of longevity noodles, lowered his head, without saying a word, as if he was completely immersed in the deliciousness of the noodles, Hua Yu's heart was sour, a drop of warm stuff dripped on his arm, and the loneliness rolled all over the ground, The others also shut up in good time, the hall was silent, only the sound of eating lightly, and no one dared to disturb their god-like master.

It's just a bowl of Changshou noodles that is so ordinary that he can move him so much. One can imagine what kind of life he lived in the past, but thank God, he has lived well until now, and she was lucky enough to meet him. Well, it was preordained somewhere in the sky that if she were to save him, she would be his salvation, and she would definitely be his salvation for the rest of his life, there was no doubt about it.

The imperial garden at night has long been bitterly cold, but Huayu is used to taking a stroll after meals, so as to help digestion and not gain weight. The bright glazed palace lantern illuminates it as brightly as day, but she still can't suppress it It was dark at night, and Huayu only noticed now that the previous flowers in the garden had long since bloomed and were replaced by colorful chrysanthemums, big and small, all blooming proudly. When you smell it carefully, you can still smell a faint fragrance of flowers.

Although she was wearing fox fur, Hua Yu didn't bring a hand warmer, her small hands were stiff with cold, a gust of cold wind blew past her face, and Hua Yu was so cold that she sneezed several times, a familiar embrace came up from behind, Gently turned Hua Yu around, rubbed Hua Yu's hands gently, and took a few breaths of hot air, only then did the stiff novel feel agile, his body was so warm that Hua Yu was reluctant to leave , I just want to keep leaning in his arms like this.

"Didn't you go to the royal study?"

"Well, the matter is over. I asked Fugui to bring the memorial to Yuhua Palace to continue to approve, but I can't see you, so come out and have a look." Yunhuang said slowly, a wave of heat scratched Huayu's heart, thinking, what will happen in the future? She would be satisfied if the days were like this.

Taking advantage of Huayu's inattention, Emperor Yun immediately hugged Huayu horizontally, a standard princess hug!Regardless of Hua Yu's exclamation, Yun Huang directly hugged her to Yuhua Hall.

As soon as you enter the inner hall, a warm air blows over your face, which is very comfortable. There are charcoal stoves at the four corners of the hall, and the charcoal is the best charcoal. You can’t find any smoke in the room. The charcoal has already been burnt red. It is comfortable to wear.

Seeing this formation, Qinxin Huadie and others were all shocked from ear to ear. Is this still their Yunhuang?Think about it, they have been with their master since they were young, and they have never said that the master has a crush on any woman, let alone hugged her back from the outside, and what's more! ······ There is also personal service, alas!It seems that they are about to lose their jobs, and the master's work has been taken over by another master.

Emperor Yun carried Hua Yu directly to the bed, raised Hua Yu's pillow, and pulled the quilt up. After all this, he asked Qin Xin to bring over the memorial on the desk. He also wanted to go to bed. It was cold. , Doing things in the same bed with the person you like is really an irresistible thing.

(End of this chapter)

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