Chapter 177

It was freezing cold outside the hall, and the warm tide was like spring on the bed.

Who said that when you are with the right person, even if you don’t say a word all day long, you won’t feel embarrassed, because they have the same heart, and the other person knows what it means with just a look. It is achievable, Yunhuang enjoys this kind of atmosphere very much, it is sweet and warm.What he wants is actually that simple, to be with the person he loves quietly like this, it is enough to have him and her.

"Yun, you are too busy, you should mention one or two capable and trustworthy people to be your right-hand men." Hua Yu suddenly thought of a question.

"You have also noticed that there are many old ministers in the court, and very few young people. The late emperor is a nostalgic person, and the people who are reused by him are people who have some kind of relationship with him. Unlike other countries, Che Ying passes the scientific examination every year. For the promotion of newcomers, Che Ying is once every five years, which greatly reduces the chances of young and promising people going to court, and they all go to business development without hope, so the business of Che Ying is more developed than other countries."

"This is a bad habit! Think about it, there are only a handful of quotas once every five years, and the children of the nobles have the backing of their father and brother. Don't think about it, the final result must be the children of the aristocratic family, and the common people can't touch it. You guys are really good, I don’t know how many talents you have buried over the years.”

"Do you have an idea?"

"Resume the annual scientific and martial arts examinations. The selected talents will be graded by a representative from each of the six divisions, and the average score will be taken at the end. A trustworthy person will check the last test. Otherwise, you can go to the emperor yourself to select talents. Your Majesty, you should sacrifice yourself.”

"Our Yu'er is really a strange woman, you know all about this? Tell me about your world."

Hua Yu was stunned, what do you mean?Turning her head to look at him, Yunhuang had just finished correcting the memorial, and looked at her with a half-smile.

"You know it all? When did you know it?"

"Well, wedding night"

"Then you are not afraid of me?" Hua Yu asked anxiously, after all, in this age, ghost stories are common, and the ancients were very superstitious.

Holding Hua Yu's hand, "Even if you are a demon or a ghost, I will fix you for the rest of my life, and no one can stop you!"

"Is this a promise? I will take it seriously." Hua Yu scolded.

"En." Yun Huang nodded solemnly.

Hua Yu moved her position, knelt down in front of Emperor Yun, held up Emperor Yun's face, this handsome and gentle face was not inferior to Leng Hao's at all, they also had a pair of deep red phoenix eyes, the difference was that Leng Hao Hao's is bottomless, but Yun's she can go straight from his eyes to his heart, what is displayed in front of her is a real cloud, which she can touch and see, but Leng Hao, she will never be able to see through.

Gently pressing the lips of the man opposite, Yun Huang was stunned for a moment, but his reaction was quite quick. When she was about to withdraw, he suddenly grabbed her waist and kissed her hard. It was rare for the little thing to take the initiative, and he didn't want to miss it. this benefit.

The two parted after they were almost lingering, seeing Hua Yu's shy and flushed face, Yun Huang burst out laughing heartily, alas, why is this little thing so jerky, it doesn't even know how to breathe after a kiss.But he likes it, and the taste of the little things is so good that he doesn't want to let go after eating.

Hua Yu was also surprised by Yunhuang's laughter. Although he usually doesn't mean the expressionless kind, but if he is lively and down-to-earth, that's still the smile just now. Yes, it seems that he has improved. This is what we want together, and we can't bear everything alone in our hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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