Chapter 178

Hua Yu was surprised that in such a cold night, there were still a steady stream of people in the streets of Jialan City. The enthusiasm of the people would not be because of the bad weather and the silence at home.

The people who set up stalls on both sides greeted the coming and going guests warmly, with pleasant smiles and friendly attitudes, even Hua Yu was infected, as if he was embarrassed if he didn’t buy his things, so he picked a wooden hairpin casually. It can't be said to be high-grade, but it is also simple and generous. Emperor Yun is not interested in these things.

Hua Yu didn't mind either, as some men like to go shopping, not to mention that the stalls she went to were all women's goods stalls.Flower Rain always followed crowded places, the whole street was buzzing with people, and within a short while, he broke out in sweat, which was still cold when he first came.

It has to be said that the women in this car shadow are even more flamboyant than modern women, all of them are gorgeously dressed, with fluttering skirts, swaying waists, floating faint fragrances, and all the pearls and hairpin accessories are not falling, facing the lights Shining brightly.Most of the men in Che Ying are rough and heroic, it is rare to see someone as gentle as their emperor, and Hua Yu only sees him.They have their good looks and their good points. Compared with Jiangnan men, Hua Yu likes them more, full of masculinity.

At the lantern stand by the street, all kinds of exquisite and beautiful lanterns are eye-catching. Several couples of men and women are surrounded there. Instead of flirting, I heard from the vendor later that they were not lovers at first, it was all due to his lantern, the man was interested, and the woman was affectionate, the two saw each other, and they came together by the lantern, Huayu Tongue-smacking, Che Ying's blind date is really special, suddenly thought of a question, and turned his head to look at Yun Huang, "Didn't men and women in ancient times have their parents' orders to get married, and the matchmaker's words? They can do this too?"

"Che Ying doesn't have so many rules. Most of the men and women here see each other well, so there are fewer grievances. What about you?" Yun Huang asked curiously.

"Our place! The emphasis is on equality between men and women. Women have enjoyed the same education as men since they were young. They can be at the same table. After finishing their studies, they can freely choose jobs. Women can work with men, and their ability is not inferior to that of men. The leaders of many units are often women! Our marriages are protected by the law and monogamy is practiced. Unlike yours where polygamy is allowed, we can’t do it there, it’s against the law.”

"Oh! . . . sounds pretty good! Do you want that place?"

"Think about it! But I am a more casual and peaceful person. Now that I have worn it here, I will live my life with peace of mind. No matter how good it is there, I can only think about it, but... I miss Song Xue!" Hua Yu said with a distressed expression, and didn't notice the gloomy expression of the man beside her, what is it?She actually has someone she misses. In that world, a sour smell of overturned vinegar came to her nostrils, choking Hua Yu, who was full of aftertaste, and realized where she had offended him. I don't like salt, but I also have such a down-to-earth side, that's all, be careful of burning the palace...that...that Song Xue is my female classmate, we are good friends.

Is this an explanation?Emperor Yun understood, and then restored his original expression. Hua Yu took advantage of him to pace forward, and quickly let go of his chest, how dangerous it is!
(End of this chapter)

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