Chapter 183

"Qin Xin, do you really like me?" Wu Fan suddenly turned around and asked seriously.

Qin Xin looked at her with firm eyes, knowing that she couldn't be careless, so she nodded like an honest baby, thinking, if you tell him, just tell him, there is nothing shameful about it.

Seeing Qin Xin nodding, Wu Fan heaved a sigh of relief and smirked in relief.

It turned out that he was afraid that Qin Xin would play tricks, now that it's all right, if a woman has a lover and a man is interested, he can propose marriage to the empress.

Wu Fan was proud of the spring breeze, he quickly forgot the rules, and rushed into the inner hall. Fortunately, it was Xiao Zhuang's bedroom.

He quickly knelt down to plead guilty, but unexpectedly the empress was kind-hearted, and she was as tolerant as the rumors said, Wu Fan thanked her, and hurriedly wiped the cold sweat from her forehead.

"Doctor Wu have something to do with me?"

Kneeling down again, "Your Majesty, I came here to bother you about something"

"Oh!" Hua Yu pretended to be surprised. In fact, she guessed something from the performance of Wu Taiyi when he entered the door, but there were some things that he had to ask himself. In any case, she wanted to help Qin Xin get some dignity.

"I ask the empress to show me the Qin Xin, and I will treat her well and do my best," Wu Fan begged.

This was beyond Hua Yu's expectation. Looking at Wu Fan's eyes and tone, it seemed that he would take good care of Qin Xin in this life. Pair, then she has to worry about the others.

Hua Yu suddenly felt the joy of being a matchmaker!In a good mood, he ran to the kitchen to cook a few home-cooked dishes and waited for Emperor Yun to have dinner together.

After dinner, Hua Yu went out for a stroll as usual, Yun Huang still corrected his memorial, it was winter, the weather was extremely cold, and occasionally a biting cold wind blew, Hua Die accompanied her around, the backyard It has been desolate a lot, not to mention the bare tree trunks, even the chrysanthemums I saw a while ago are all gone, leaving only some grass, and it is really monotonous without flowers and trees. Hearing a familiar voice, Hua Yu stepped lightly, followed the voice, and through the gap in the rockery, she could clearly see the two people inside, one was Qin Xin and the other was Qiu Ping.

snort!They need to go to this idle courtyard to talk about something, a bad premonition invaded their hearts, so they listened carefully.

"Don't think that no one knows what you and Hua Die did. Let me tell you, if the Empress or the Emperor Yun finds out about it, do you think you will still be alive?" Qiu Ping spoke to Hua Yu in an extremely unfamiliar tone. Hua Die said, and that expression, which Hua Yu had never seen before.

"What do you want?" Qin Xin asked impatiently.

"It's very simple! Give me a share of that medicine too, and we will owe nothing to anyone in this matter. Naturally, I won't tell you about you. I believe you won't be so stupid as to confess me, right?"

At this moment, Qiuping was decisive, capable, and ruthless. She was completely different from the graceful maid who had read poetry and books and was full of knowledge.

Qin Xin hesitated for a long time, and finally fished out a small and exquisite white jade porcelain bottle from her cuff.

A dispute ended with Qiuping's wish.

Behind the rockery, Qin Xin stood there alone in a daze. She didn't realize until Hua Yu came in front of her. She hurriedly knelt down, and even Qiu Ping beside her also knelt down. She winked and signaled to the queen It was just over the rockery, so Qin Xin and Qiuping's transaction and words just now were completely heard by Hua Yu...

(End of this chapter)

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