Chapter 184

Qin Xin was startled, and hurriedly kowtowed, "Ma'am, I'm sorry!" Hua Die followed.

"Say, what's going on?" Hua Yu frowned, she didn't like her maid doing some shady things behind her back.

"Your Majesty, it's...that's..." Qinxin Huadie, you look at me, and I look at you.

Hua Yu was in a hurry, "You guys are talking about it!" Although Qin Xin Hua Die and the others didn't get along very long, Hua Yu knew them well, both of them were bright and upright women, no one dared to underestimate them even if they were placed in the Jianghu .As for Qiuping, although she has been with her as long as Linger, she is very quiet. She used to be a pampered young lady in her family, and she knows everything about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but sometimes she is not sure about her personality.

"Your Majesty, it's like this..." Huadie was the first to tell the story of Chunmeng Wuhen in detail.

Hua Yu froze in the wind for a long time, not silent because she was being calculated by others, but was wondering whether her love for Emperor Yun had some sequelae of aphrodisiacs, Qinxin Huadie thought she couldn't bear the blow for a while , Busy stepped forward to comfort busy apologizing.

"Yun, do you know about this?" Hua Yu wanted to ask, was it Emperor Yun's idea?When the words came to his lips, he changed another way of saying it.

Qinxin Huadie hurriedly shook her head, ", we guarantee with the head that the master never instructed, and based on what the empress knows about the emperor, is the emperor the kind of person who would do that kind of thing? Blame it on me Seeing that the master has been hurt by love for a long time, he wants to take advantage of the master's longing, so he makes a claim, please punish the master, don't doubt the master."

"Yes! Your Majesty, Your Majesty should be clearer than anyone else about how the Master has treated Your Majesty during this period of time. If Your Majesty cares about the Master for this matter, then we have to die as an apology." Qin Xin Hua Die said as she drew out her sword and was about to stab herself , Hua Yu quickly stopped.

"I don't blame you! I just found out about this suddenly, and it was difficult to accept it for a while, not to mention that your starting point is good. I won't pursue this matter again. It's just that you have to tell me about Qiuping just now. Clearly." Hua Yu looked at Qin Xin and said coldly that she didn't like people she trusted doing some shady things behind her back.

"Your Majesty just left, a new maid told the servant that the weather was too cold and asked me to send the Madam's warm handbag, but the servant didn't think too much about it. What I saw after coming here is not my Majesty. But it was Qiuping, the slaves knew they were fooled, and the next thing was the scene that the empress saw." Qin Xin gritted her teeth secretly, who is she, she has traveled all over the world with her master all these years, she has never seen anything in the world, and she fell down in the world today. The more she thought about this little girl, the more angry she became, and the relationship between the master and the empress was implicated. If the master's relationship was affected by this matter, the first thing she would deal with was that girl Qiuping.

Usually, she is not pleasing to the eye, as long as the empress is not around, she will show gallantry in front of the master, ask the cold and warm, and flirt with her head. Sima Zhaozhi can't even look down on her, but because she is the empress's servant girl, otherwise they would have dealt with her long ago.

I have seen a thick-skinned person before, but I have never seen such a thick-skinned one. The master scolded her several times and didn't need her to serve her.

"Did she say where the medicine is going to be used?"

"She didn't say this, and the servant didn't ask. If you think about it, she wouldn't say it, so she just didn't ask."

"I don't blame you for this, but the medicine came from you. You have to keep an eye on her and report to me immediately if there is any situation."

"Slave obeys orders"

(End of this chapter)

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